Cindy Cooper is a Wonderful WikiTreer! And so say I

+19 votes
Less than a month ago, the profile for Guillaume Capela (b.1672) was about 20 lines long, including mostly references to about six sources. (He is my 7th GGF)

Cindy Bourque agreed with me that this man and his family needed to be straightened out, and that the process was likely to be fraught with controversy due to a lack of worthy sources, and a plethora of unsubstantiated opinion. Frankly, I wasn't even certain of his name when I created the profile, and neither was White.

In those few weeks, Cindy has guided me through WikiTree process, how to find stuff, how to use citations, and how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Marc-Andre Comeau's Percheur Normand, Famille Metisse arrived at my door just in time. He is cited liberally, as are Mallet, Jean, Mimeault. And Cindy was always encouraging more citations to support any statements of fact. This hasn't been my writing milieu until now, but I'm getting the hang of it, if Cindy is any judge.   

We found citations for his birth record, his parents wedding record, his uncle's wedding record, his signature on multiple documents, a hospital stay during the Siege of Quebec, ... In fact, we've gathered so much information that it is starting to overflow some of the adjunct pages associated with the family, with mtDNA test result analysis. and even the historical context of the times in which they lived; the Seigneuries of the French Regime.  

Yesterday, she was telling me that someone had congratulated her on the work that we had done, and what a service we had performed for this family. And Cindy said that she had responded that it was all me; that she had done so little.

She's too modest.

I'm here to set the record straight. Cindy has been fantastic. She knows how to cut through to the heart of genealogical analysis, she relies upon the evidence, and knows how to cite and who to cite. She has helped me to protect profiles that were subject to radical revision and rumor-spreading, and she has settled editorial disputes. And she just gets stuff done that a newbie like me wouldn't even try, like change the LNAB.

Now, I am a retired author/editor. I'm accustomed to having and/or being the editor. This time, Cindy was my editor and she rode herd like an editor should. But she really stepped up when she constructed this marvelous passage, citing White, four others, and the birth record; it captures the genealogical essence of the family in a very concise statement. We were able to re-use for each of their four daughters. It was really a brilliant piece of craftsmanship because we could hang citations for all of the key authors onto White's original words, because they had all cited White. It helps setup a nice footnote section. (I've grown to appreciate footnote sections.)

Today, here is what that 20-line profile has become:

On behalf of all descendants of Guillaume Capela, thank you Cindy Bourque, you let his light shine through.

I enjoy working with you. You are a Wonderful WikiTreer

-- Maloney-2332
WikiTree profile: Cindy Cooper
in Appreciation by Murray Maloney G2G6 Mach 4 (41.5k points)
Congratulations Cindy for the well-deserved and admirably written appreciation for your work and collaboration!
This superb example of cooperation is one of the things that makes WikiTree such an inspiration and pleasure. Thanks to both of you!
Thank you Murray for honouring Cindy in such a beautiful way. She truly is a pleasure to work with, and very competent. Congratulations to both of you for the excellent work on the Capela family profiles.
What a lovely and well-deserved tribute! Thanks to you both, and welcome to WikiTree!

4 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
Thank you Cindy for all you do on WikiTree. You are a real treasure.

Thank you Murray for recognizing Cindy as a Wonderful WikiTreer.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
selected by Jacqueline Girouard
+10 votes
Congratulations Cindy! You really are wonderful!
by Julie Marcoux G2G6 (6.4k points)
+9 votes
Thank you Cindy for everything you do to help other WikiTree members! Brava!
by Joyce Rivette G2G6 Pilot (182k points)
+5 votes
That profile is *stunning*. Congrats to you both!
by Kate Schmidt G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
Thank you. You are too kind.

I had to check... If I counted right, you are my 23rd cousin 1x removed. Through the Weston family.

It's just so cool that WikiTree can tell me that in an instant.
It is extremely cool, cousin!

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