Help us find and improve this week's Connection Finder profiles: The Emmys [closed]

+12 votes

The Emmys were recently held so we're  featuring nominees and winners in the Connection Finder next week.

We've scoped out who we could find on WikiTree that are connected, and now we need your help making those connections tighter. Or maybe you can add connections for the unconnected and add them to this list.

Here's who we've got so far:

Can you help with these profiles, or expand their families? Adding relatives in any direction helps with connections. Every missing relative you add will make our connections to them closer.

Who else should we feature? Do they need a profile?

All profiles we feature need a good biography and a connection to the big tree. We also want each one to have an image, and the image needs to have proper source attribution explaining why it's in the public domain or why we have the right to display it.

We can't feature everyone mentioned (we only have room for eleven per week), but if we don't feature a profile you work on, we may use it sometime in the future. And, of course, all contributions help improve our shared tree.

We'll make a final decision on which ones to feature early next week.

Please reply here with what you're working on so that we don't duplicate our efforts. Thank you!

To help us plan future themes, see the 2021 Example Profile Plans post here.

closed with the note: Feature has run:
in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (752k points)
closed by Abby Glann
Does it matter if they are Primetime, or Daytime?
As long as they all came from the recent awards show, nope, doesn't matter. I admit to being very out of the loop on awards shows of any kind. I don't watch much TV!
Recent?  So you don't want dead people?
No, we're specifically featuring those from the show held last weekend. We're less concerned with bio updates (though they are absolutely welcomed) and instead are featuring on connecting or making better connections for those who were nominated/won.
Longer thread below, but potential adds for consideration:

Dolly Parton

Stephen Colbert

Davis Guggenheim

The rest would require privacy opening and/or connections.
Don't worry about privacy; we can notch it down in order to feature them.
Gillian Anderson will be connected tonight when the links update.

5 Answers

+6 votes
I started working on finding a connection for Jason Sudiekis last night via his grandmother's side, if anyone wants to take a stab (I didn't get very far before needing to shift to something else).
by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (752k points)
I just found a connection through his grandmother's side!
+4 votes
I added some relatives and some sources, but went down a rabbit hole. I came back here to get my bearings.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (849k points)
+6 votes

I've been working on finding the lineage for http://[[Lithgow-57|John Lithgow]]   I believe I have his mother and the line to William Bradford profiled.  Here is the link to his mother's profile.  Someone from is needed to check and attach his mother's profile.  Thanks. 

by Faylene Bailey G2G6 Mach 1 (11.8k points)
edited by Faylene Bailey
John Lithgow's profile has been attached to his mother's profile.  Thank you Scott Fulkerson!
+6 votes
In 2019 to mark the 80th anniversary of the start of WWII, Britain's Channel 4, produced a program called 'My Grandparents War'.

One of the subjects was Helena Bonham Carter and the program followed the amazing story of her maternal grandfather Eduardo Propper de Callejon who helped Jews escape the Holocaust.

It also explored the work of her paternal grandmother Lady Violet Bonham Carter in London. A wonderful program that I would recommend to anyone interested in this period of history.
by Anonymous Webster G2G6 (7.2k points)
+4 votes

There is a profile for Dave Chapelle, but it is currently unconnected. Quite a few ancestors have been added to his paternal side, but only his mother on his maternal.

by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

I believe this is a profile for Maya Rudolph, but it is currently private and not available for viewing or edit.

I believe this is a profile for Olivia Colman, but it is currently restricted and unavailable for viewing.

Actress Gillian Anderson does have a profile, but currently has no family at all.

Actor Courtney B. Vance also has a profile, but no family has been added.

Dolly Parton, as Executive Producer for Dolly Parton's Christmas on the Square was a winner. She is connected.

Ewan MacGregor has a profile, has some family added, but is currently not connected.

I believe that this profile is for the actor known as RuPaul (real name, RuPaul Charles), but it is currently restricted.

Stephen Colbert has a profile, it is connected, and he won an Emmy for Outstanding Variety Special for his Election Night special.

John Oliver, the British comedian, has a profile, but no family. He did win an Emmy for Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series.

James Cameron, Executive Producer, won an Emmy for Outstanding Documentary. He has a profile but it has no family.

Davis Guggenheim, Executive Producer, won an Emmy, has a profile, and it is connected.

Stanley Tucci has a profile, won an emmy, and is connected.

I'm looking over Dave Chapelle's family tree and there are a lot of half-truths, partial research, and misinformation to sift through. I've already disproved the name of a maternal grandmother in just getting started, but even so, there's no evidence of the father (his great-grandfather) as we're traversing into the British West Indies, Barbados, and Grenada for which there tends to be less thorough records to research. I'll see what I can do there, but I don't want to perpetuate someone else's partial research if I can make it more accurate. If something doesn't break through pretty quickly, I'll set him aside for now and work on someone else.
Much of the line for Ewan McGregor is still restricted (still living) so moving to the next one while I wait for TL requests. I'll take a look at Courtney Vance.
Courtney Vance's family was on WikiTree, but not connected. I'm working on getting them connected to his profile. However, the chain is not connected to the global tree. But, there's still a chance of connecting him through his wife, Angela Bassett. It would be nice if I can manage to get either of them connected to the global tree, even if it's not for this challenge. I just finished watching Courtney's Finding Your Roots episode and it was a tear jerker. Courtney really didn't know any of his family prior to the show, and left with a good sized listing of a family tree. So many sad stories in his family line, but a few surprisingly wonderful ones too. It would be nice to capture those if I can manage to somehow get them down in profiles.

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