National Library of Scotland, American Civil War Exhibition

+7 votes

The National Library of Scotland is holding an exhibition on the American Civil War. Echoes of Union and Confederate voices resonate in a National Library of Scotland display commemorating the end of the American Civil War. Yankee cries and Rebel yells' presents items from the Library's collections that draw our attention to the conflict and its extraordinary legacy, which divides people even today and alongside American voices are those of Scots who were involved in both sides of the fight.

The following URL describes the exhibition & the page contains links to more resources available at the library on slavery, Scotland & the slave trade & resources at the NLS.

All the best


in The Tree House by Billy Wallace G2G6 Pilot (235k points)
So glad to see you are able to type again Billy!  This looks good.  Mags

Hi Mags,

Thanks, but its still one handed pecking & will be so for a whilefrown

All the best


1 Answer

0 votes
Pulitzer Prize winning author Douglas Southall Freeman states the Army of Northern Virginia was the greatest Anglo Saxon army to ever walk the face of the earth. Probably a point worth consideration, imho. Regards
by Living Stringfellow G2G1 (1.7k points)

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