What Should I do? [closed]

+3 votes

It seems someone has been editing on extended family and ancestors of my Janse van Rensburg line. I didn't note the profiles they created, I haven't really got there yet. I was contacted about a merge. All their profile had as a source was a FamilySearch Family Tree (Well-Sourced). The Tree has sources that could be used to source the profiles. (Now, that I've checked and seen the extent of the profiles. They added people that have at least 17 people connected to them, also made by them. I even just looked at someone with 21 siblings, parents, a spouse and 9 children all made with only the FamilySearch tree source.) Upon the merge, I asked them to add a source and they did, I then asked of them that they rather use the sources on the FamilySearch tree instead of the tree itself. They are still adding more profiles, with filled out dates, a FamilySearch tree as the source and no biography/christening date in biography only.
closed with the note: Thanks Ian!
in WikiTree Help by Anonymous Anonymous G2G6 Mach 7 (70.8k points)
closed by Anonymous Anonymous

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer

Hi Francis,

I recommend you go through the process laid out here:

https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Problems_with_Members .

Good luck!

Edited to add: I think you know a mentor, don't you?  Why don't you ask her for advice?

by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
selected by Anonymous Anonymous
Thanks, Ian!

Already tried the process. Will try my mentor friend.
Thanks for the star, Francis.  Good luck!

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