Do you have Spring Clean-a-Thon questions?

+20 votes

Our Spring Clean-a-Thon will go from 8 AM (EDT) Friday, April 23rd to 8 AM (EDT) Monday, April 26th.  

If you have general questions about the Clean-a-Thon please ask them here.

Here are some helpful links:

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
I don't see any entries on the Video chat Google Calendar. Have they been entered yet?
No but they will be today or tomorrow.

I see them. yes

Source-A-Thon has not started yet, so confused how some people have 4000+ already
Hi Lisa, it is still showing the 2020 stats. It'll update once the Clean-a-thon starts.
thank you

18 Answers

+14 votes
I have a question please: Is there a way to finish one suggestion, update status, and then get another status displayed without needing to close the screen and enter again?

I have never been able to figure out a way to continue without closing the window completely and opening a new window. TIA
by Sherrie Mitchell G2G6 Mach 5 (53.1k points)
If you use Google Chrome you can have multiple tabs. It should open the suggestion/profile on a new tab. After updating status, you delete the tab and you will be taken back to the other tab. Then repeat.

Hope this helps,

Thank you Francis, I don't use Chrome, but it just occurred to me that a quicker way might be to simply "refresh" the page, would save one step in the process. I'm going to try this.
A Simple refresh does not work. Status still does not move on to be able to continue working on others...
Francis, You don't have to remove the tab after the update.  When you select the next suggestion, it will just load into that same tab again.

Sherrie, try right clicking on the Suggestion button to get the link and pasting it into another window.
Thanks for your comment Linda, but it doesn't work  for me. I have a Mac and we don't have the "right click" thing on mouse.

This early morning was incredibly slow on update load! I did some errands, and then noon -1 pm EDT I was able to operate with reasonable speed. I was able to get back to "status" to do followup on earlier correction of same profile, but, I continue to have to close window and start anew to do another. I don't pretend to know why... and have decided not to worry about it.
+14 votes
I'm getting several long waits after hitting the status button.  Sometimes it simply times out and I have to start all over again.  Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
by Bertram Sluys G2G6 Mach 3 (38.7k points)
Same it is very annoying and making me not want to take part.
Yes, same problem.
same :( but understandable everyone is on
Yes, when I hit the status button, the screen goes black. I am making a list of profiles done and will track them later when the tracker is working.
yes same problem with very long wait times for page load :(
9:15-9:30 EDT, same problem.  I'll be back later.  Apparently not just a problem on my end.  JSC
Unfortunately, the Suggestion list also won't show because of the problem.
Yes, just had my hubby working on my computer a half hour thought it was my antivirus.... is anybody fixing this ? Please, please :)
It seems to have been fixed, at least for me.  Thank you to whoever worked on it.  The last several times the status button has moved me very quickly to the page.
Yes last 2 have clicked over quick..... looks like a few of mine ended up recording twice as I was refreshing trying to get them to load , so I guess they will get reduced back out eventually.

Edit:  However, Several should record twice as 2 errors in the profile were fixed :)
As of 620 pm Central time edit page will not open
+11 votes
I'm lost with the tracking system, maybe a language problem of mine. Did I understand the help page correctly, that we only need to set the suggestion status, but not hit any challenge trackers, as we need in the montly challenges?
by I. Caruso G2G6 Mach 9 (95.7k points)
yes, with Clean a Thon, just update the Suggestions, IF it will load and update. Very slow,
Okay, thank you!
Linda, this does not work for me, so I've had to select what is available on initial correction, and I've entered "Scourceror's challenge" because if I don't check a category it doesn't go through. But I think maybe some of my changes have transferred, but not all...

You have some that counted for Team Virginia.  As long as you Get the Suggestion status page, update the Status, it counts.
+12 votes
I have been trying to record the data suggestions I have fixed but not one of them has been accepted by the system because the tracker will not load. Can this be fixed soon ? Thanks
by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (300k points)
+8 votes

How do we record the suggestions fixed.
by Anonymous Anonymous G2G6 Mach 7 (70.8k points)
You need to follow the link on the top, Challenge tracker

It is very slow at this moment.
if you select the Status button on the Suggestion page, that brings up the page where you enter the comment, select correct and then update.  They will update the counts automatically, unfortunately, it is really not working today

Haven't been able to get any updates in all morning
Status Button?
Found and it is working.
+8 votes

I started at 7 am and did over 150 corrections and none of them counted.

Super Sweeper Team

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
It looks like our team has been blocked. I can't even get past 23.
it didn't start counting until 8 AM USA Eastern when Clean a Thon started, but since Suggestion lists won't load and Suggestions can't update, people can't get much done.  This happens frequently during a Thon unfortunately,
8 am eastern, 7 am central

Ok, I found out they had me with the "Tree Nuts"... I have been with Super sweepers for 5 years now, what the heck... any way, Alex moved me to super sweepers but I only got 45 credits. Oh well, it is better then nothing. Will try to move forward .... Just know that I tried really hard since 7 am. 

It was just a typo, Dorothy.
+10 votes

I can't get the status button to open  I get this error

This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (844k points)
Same often here, UGH!
I had a lot of time outs too, almost gave up... very frustrating !
+7 votes
Part of my team has red links on the tracker and although the tracker is counting, they can not see it or that it is counting up. Is there some way that issue can be corrected? Thank you so much
by Lisa Murphy G2G6 Pilot (345k points)
+7 votes
Well it looks like I am my own Grandpa!  I just took a break to look at the stats and wondered why my name didn't appear on the list, since I knew I'd completed several tasks.  Then I discovered I was using my grandfather's ID instead of my own!  I was working on his profile earlier this morning.  Is there any way to change Kline-962's contributions to Kline-958's?  Or possibly make Grandpa an honorary (late) member of the Mid-Atlantic Team?  I'll try to stick to only one personality for the rest of the Challenge!
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (730k points)
Bottom line is that you should never be using someone else's ID.  That is a violation.
Yes, I understand, and I certainly agree with the rules of the challenge.  Please know that it was a mistake and I did not intentionally violate the rules.  I'm not really concerned about getting credit for those tasks - they all go to the ultimate goal of improving our One Family Tree.  If anyone checks after the challenge closes and notices that someone who has been deceased for 93 years made a few contributions early this morning, at least they'll know to blame his half-asleep granddaughter!
+7 votes
I seem to be having a problem with getting credit for an update.

In some cases it asks if I am part of a team, but doesn't list the 2021 clean-a-thon.

Am I doing something wrong?

I've used some of the suggestions lists - but when I update there is no place to get credit.
by Marilyn Kenyon G2G6 Mach 3 (30.6k points)
credit will go automatically to the team you were added to when the suggestion is updated.  You are on Team Massachusetts.
yes, there really should be the option there for Spring Cleanathon. I had to check "sorcerers" in order to get some entered, so I'm not sure they even did... Anything I entered that went into sorcerer's today and in next 2 days should be transferred to Virginia Spring Cleaners 2021. Thanks!
+7 votes
It was slow at first, but then started working brilliantly, but I moved to a new page and now none of the Status buttons load the page for recording the corrections I have made.  If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate it.

by Wendy Taylor G2G6 Pilot (141k points)
+6 votes
I'm not seeing a tracker and I can't get in t the group chat.
by Pam Fraley G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
You are on Team Virginia.  When you update a Suggestion, it is automatically tracking. You can select the Correct a Thon n the Header
+5 votes
I'm encountering a location abbreviation error - U.S.A. - that says to replace it with United States. Personally, I prefer USA or United States of America. Will replacing U.S.A. with USA clear the error, or is USA not excepted (it is an abbreviation, just without the points/periods).

by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (643k points)
I don't think the periods are valid, it should be USA  or fully spelled out
+5 votes
Where to find the list of prize winners............ Thank you!
by Astrid Spaargaren G2G6 Pilot (289k points)
+4 votes
Once agin edit will not open for me.  Anyone else stuck?
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (844k points)
It's working fine for me Laura. It may not hurt to close your browser and reopen it or restart your computer.
It seems to be working now.  Thank you.
+5 votes

What does this mean? Trying to merge two profiles and this is the error I get:

Error: Invalid data. The following must be corrected:

  1. Permission Denied
by Debra Pate G2G6 Mach 2 (25.4k points)
I manage one profile and someone else manages the other. They are they same person and would be easy to merge keeping all information from both profiles.
+4 votes
Where is the list that shows how many we have done.  It is not there now.
by Martha Garrett G2G6 Mach 3 (31.4k points)
+4 votes
Where is the Challenge Tracker, the Cemetery one is new.
Integrators Challenge (1 Apr-1 May) Scores
Sourcerers Challenge (1 Apr-1 May) Scores
by Martha Garrett G2G6 Mach 3 (31.4k points)

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