Musty Dusty 2021 Clean-a-Thon Team Chat

+9 votes

Welcome fellow Musty Dusties It's time again to get all those old musty sources again 

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If you have any questions or want to tell us what you're working on feel free to ask

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G2G do-you-have-spring-clean-a-thon-questions


in The Tree House by Richard Devlin G2G6 Pilot (511k points)
edited by Richard Devlin
Sorry for no periods or commas my cat spilled coffee on my key board this morning and those two don't work now

8 Answers

+8 votes
I'll be working on the Ireland problem profiles

I get it down to under 10 every year but the next year it's over 100 again Grrrrrrr
by Richard Devlin G2G6 Pilot (511k points)
+10 votes
I am doing some of the too old errors by simply removing or correcting dates when it is clear they were just GedCom imports with guessed dates, but leaving a birth or death date that works so that at least the profile has a date.  Also adding "unsourced" to profiles and those connected to it which were imported etc.
by Chris Gilbert G2G6 Mach 3 (34.9k points)
Thanks Chris, - all those unsourced templates will be something to work on with the next Source-a-thon.
+7 votes
Thanks Rich

I've had a busy day today and have only managed to do a few here and there and mostly easy ones. Unfortunately tomorrow is going to be much the same, but because of the time difference, 8am Monday EDT, is about 9.30pm on Monday here, and so far I have nothing on that day, and should be able to get more suggestions fixed.
by John Atkinson G2G6 Pilot (631k points)
+7 votes
I'll be working on Scotland, my Ancestors and FindAGrave. Just to be clear, I suspect most of the FindAGrave for these much older profiles are not useful hints. No blind acceptance of what they suggest.
by Marty Acks G2G6 Pilot (157k points)
Oops. Just found out I did not get tagged to the team. My changes went into the Other bucket.
+6 votes
Yesterday I mostly worked on PPPs with no project and/or box, suffix issues, and mothers with conflicting dates (such as dying before marriage or children).  Not sure how much time I'll have the rest of the weekend.  I may work on fathers with conflicting dates.  Keep up the good work, team!!
by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (551k points)
+8 votes
Sorry if I bump into others....I am taking a different approach this time and working some "orphaned" lineages....lots of errors with each profile I correct, it is kind of fun!
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (877k points)
+6 votes
I heard Janet Gunn (a Musty Dusty) won a tee shirt

Is this true?
by Richard Devlin G2G6 Pilot (511k points)
I don't know.

Where would I find out?
on the video chat at noon today I thought it was you
If it was you Eowyn will get in touch with you

Yes, I DID win a Tee shirt.  I got an email from Eowyn today.

Thanks for letting me know.
WOOT WOOT!! Congrats
+5 votes
Thanks to everyone that participated and helped clean up the pre-1500 profiles.  It's much appreciated!
by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (551k points)

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