Can someone tell me where Pifzno, Gallicia might be? I think Spain?

+9 votes
I have found a death record for a Henry BATEMAN in an Irish newspaper, the Dublin morning register 6 MArch 1838.  It reads:  At Pifzno, Gallicia, Henry Bateman Esq, second son of the later John Bateman esq of Ballyleken King's county.

I am thinking this is Galicia in Spain, but cannot find any reference to Pifzno on google maps.  Can anyone help?  Any ideas or possible resource avenues.

Wondering if this could possibly be my missing ancestor!
WikiTree profile: Henry Bateman
in Genealogy Help by Veronica Williams G2G6 Pilot (217k points)
retagged by Veronica Williams

Hi Veronica,

If Galicia is spelled with one L ( try Spain) however the area is quite a wide area to search in historically ( see

All the best 


Thanks Billy, I did actually look at wikipedia.  The news article has it spelled with 2l's, but it could be an error.  I found Galicia but couldn't find a reference to Pifzno or anything vaguely like that!

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
I couldn't find a Pifzno, Gallicia in Spain but there is a Pilzno that was part of Galicia in Poland.  Could Pifzno possibly be Pilzno?
by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
selected by Regis Giampersa
Thanks Eowyn, that sounds possible.  I don't really know. I'm looking for my Henry Bateman and when I found this reference this morning was hopeful that it would be Spain.  My missing Henry was a sea captain and his wife was from Spain.  Their daughter emigrated aged abt 19 to Australia in 1841 with another family named Kennedy, presumably had been taken in, so perhaps her parents had both died by then?  I don't actually know anything about this Henry, except that it is the first death record I have been able to find for anyone by that name in Ireland and  was hoping it was the same person as Galicia in Spain has a number of ports, which seemed a likely place for him to be if my Henry was a sea captain.  I will need to find out more about resources in both these places and see if I can find any more info at their end?  Any ideas?
+5 votes
I think what you are looking for is Pilzno in Galizia, now Poland, not in Spain. Kind regards Anne
by Anne Cullmann G2G1 (1.3k points)
+6 votes

Sort of looks like Pilzno, which is a village in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, Austria.

Given his ethnicity, it would be strange (but not unheard of) that he would be in this region. (Present day southern Poland)

by Skye Sonczalla G2G6 Pilot (106k points)

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