I want to create a free space profile from a spreadsheet that on my PC

+8 votes
I have a spreadsheet of US Civil War nurses on my computer that I want to place into a free space profile. Not all the people on the spreadsheet have wikitree profiles; most do not; and that's the point. WikiTree members could reference the list, see if WT profile exits, and if not then generate a WT profile based on information in the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has 9 columns and about 300 rows; one row per person.

Is it possible to upload the spreadsheet into a table on a free space page? I have seen tables used on other wikitree pages, but I thought that editing information in a table was a bit too complicated, and actually prefer to avoid the table format. On the other hand, placing a text list of 300 people and their associated data on a free space page is just seems to be asking for trouble with names and data becoming scattered too easily. Is there an alternative to using a table for something like this?
in The Tree House by Warren Kuntz G2G6 Mach 2 (21.2k points)
edited by Warren Kuntz
Great job! Now all you have to do is advertise in G2G for help creating profiles. I didn't notice if it was all women, but Women's History month is coming up in March.

There are ways to make the table prettier if that is what you want, but I am at work and don't have access to my table-making spreadsheet right now. I think you can center your text and I know you can assign the width of each column so there is less emphasis on the last column (just my opinion).
Thanks for your comment. I'll see what I can do. Navigating the WT help files isn't always a straight path. I want to convert the FAG and FS text profiles into links. There must be a way of doing that other than one at a time.
I don't have help to offer, but I commend your effort to include this resource on wikitree.

Thank you, Warren

2 Answers

+5 votes
I have numerous pages that that tables in them, since I transcribe census. I like inline tables. But I stole the code from a War Dead memorial page.  Editing is easy, with a find function to link those already in wikitree.   One of my open pages. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:1790_Census_Edgefield_County_South_Carolina
by Lynette Jester G2G6 Mach 8 (85.9k points)

Thanks for the answer. Does data in the table have to be entered one cell at a time or is the spreadsheet uploaded wholesale into the table?

Knowing from past experience, I'll manage to get the entire spreadsheet into one cell on the table.crying

If you look at the code, each cell is preceded with a | and the line is separated with a |-

I do not use the || cell ||  || cell ||  || cell || schema as it can become to wide. We still only have so many spaces across the page.

Its not going to be a magic cut and paste, and Voila. Its going to take work, no matter which form you use.
This is a multiple column census, I couldn't have made it with the ||cell|| It had to be inline.

I looked at your table, there isn't anything wrong with it. And here comes the BUT... Instead of having a WT column, This is where the real edit comes in... At the name, you can link the nurse to the profile with [[wt-id|name]]  Such as on Maria Young Abbey... is Abbey Young Maria you would use in the maiden name column and add [[Young-123|Young]]
Thanks for the reply. Adding the WT link at the maiden name is not a bad idea, but I think the WT column also highlights the presence or absence of a WT profile.
The maiden name you attach the profile link to, would be highlighted.
+4 votes

Once a table is created, editing it is really not that difficult. WikiTree has a link to a table creator here. All you have to do is copy and paste your file into the table creator. I used it to create the table on this page. I modified it a little after creation (added a background color, for example) by using tips from Mindy's Table Help page. My biggest concern is that your table will have nine columns which may not fit well on the page. But, give it a go. Sounds like an interesting project.

by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (569k points)
Thanks for the answer. I'll give it a go and see what happens.

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