Meet our Members: Andrew Simpier

+29 votes

Hi everyone!

500px-Meet_our_Members_Photos-22.jpgIt's time to meet another of our wonderful WikiTreers. This week's member is Andrew Simpier.

Andrew became a Wiki Genealogist in March of 2018.  He's very active in our US Civil War Project as well as the Holocaust, Italy, and Global Cemeteries projects.

What are some of the surnames you are researching? 

Simpier, Gibbs, Barrett, DiStefano, Seckla, Nissen, Trombly, Green, Borrie, Wiltse, Ronger/Ranger

What are some of the locations you are researching? 

Franklin and St. Lawrence County in New York State, Quebec, and lower Canada 

When and how did you get interested in genealogy and family history? 

Since about 2017 as I wanted to know my roots and family history. The simple answer is basically I wanted to know "Where did I come from?"
Who's your favorite ancestor and why? 

Pvt. John C. Gibbs my 3rd great grandfather on my maternal side who was in the 106th N.Y. Co. H. He was wounded at the Battle of Monocacy. While the civil war raged he was married to his older brother's widow who was pregnant with Ell B. Gibbs (my 2nd great grandfather). A true story of survival in his time. I have many favorites and couldn’t list them all as I have 3 direct grandfathers who served in the civil war. 
Tell us about a brick wall you hope to bust through. 

Jeremiah Gibbs has been the family brick wall for generations. I hope someday to know who his parents are and where they lived and died. 
If you could pick one person in history to be related to, who would it be and why? 

Rev. Billy Graham because he was such a devout man of faith. 
What are some of your interests outside of genealogy? 

I enjoy reading especially 19th century history. 

How long have you been on WikiTree and what do you spend the most time doing? 

Since March 2018.  I am part of the US Civil War Project focusing on improving any civil war veteran's profile and helping in others' civil war history and research. In particular the New York Regiments. 

What brought you to WikiTree?

To help in a collaborative effort and to be a part of a community of others helping in one shared family tree. I really just liked the concept of WikiTree.
What is your favorite thing about WikiTree?

The G2G forum.

If you could improve one thing about WikiTree, what would it be? 

I think it’s a great resource of collaboration and can’t think of anything at the moment to improve. It’s a vast resource.

What is an example of how WikiTree has helped you with your genealogy or how you’ve helped  genealogy with WikiTree? 

So many times others have helped me improve my wiki skills too many to mention!  I enjoy helping others connect and source their lineage to our shared family tree.
Any tips for someone just starting out on WikiTree? 

I recommend to take it slow. All the answers don’t come in a day and if you need help just ask.

WikiTree profile: Andrew Simpier
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)

Thank you Eowyn smiley

Here is a page I created that I have failed to follow up with.  If you or anyone else would like to adopt it and include it in your project you are welcome to have it.
It is doing little sitting out there all by itself.

I like the free space page you have and would be willing to help time permitting. Many Gettysburg soldiers. Is there links to their profiles on the page? Really good work started here yes

Look for private message--too much to say to add here.
Thanks, I even have a short video of that gravesite.  I don't see a way to upload a video here.

5 Answers

+13 votes
Best answer
Great interview, Andrew, and very nice to get to know you more than just the G2G posts! Thank you for your efforts on the Civil War profiles - such a worthy project.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Andrew Simpier

Thank yousmiley

I love the civil war project one of my favorites! 

Thanks so much, Andrew, for the answer star! I appreciate it.
+11 votes
Thanks for interviewing Andrew and giving us a glimpse into his genealogical interests. It's nice to hear more about those that make WikiTree a collaboration warehouse.
by S Leeland G2G6 Mach 6 (66.6k points)

I enjoy helping others source and connect smiley

Oftentimes i find they are a cousin laugh

+8 votes
Thanks for the interview Andrew!  You're certainly a valued addition to WikiTree.

I too enjoy my ancestor's Civil War stories.    My parents grew up on a   "border state",  and most my ancestors lived there  (Arkansas) during the Civil War.    So I have ancestors who served on both sides.   Actually,  more of them were killed by  bushwackers and ruffians, than those that served in the military.   I have two great great grandfathers die while in service,  one in Alton POW prison  (CSA)  and one of disease  (Union).
by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (475k points)

Thank you 

I help where I can with what tools and abilities I bring. 

Civil War heritage preservation is really important to me. smiley

What is amazing to me is the trauma of it all and how it changed the course of many family’s history. 

+8 votes

Thanks for all that you do at WikiTree, Andrew! You are certainly an asset here. Great Interview, it is nice to get to know more about you.smiley

by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (435k points)

Thank you Laura smiley it’s been so much fun and many have helped me along the way close and distant cousins and many Wikitree leaders. I’m still learning!

+6 votes
Great interview Andrew.  I enjoyed reading about your vast Civil War connections.  I was also intrigued to read of your Wiltsie ancestors; I also have Wiltsie relatives in Canada, by marriage to my sister.  Keep up the good work!
by Brad Cunningham G2G6 Pilot (193k points)

My Wiltse lineage begins with my 2nd great grandmother Mary Elizabeth Wiltse (1858 - 1919 who passed away due to the “Spanish Flu” 

I haven’t worked on the Wiltse genealogy in a while and would like to learn more of the surname roots smiley

I do have another civil war grandfather Abraham Wiltse (1836 - 1901) my 3rd gg. This is Mary (Wiltse) Nissen’s father

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