General research question: any insights on ship manifests from the 1880s?

+2 votes
I have found an ancestor's immigration to the United States in 1883, I believe. Here is my question: If mom and kids were travelling without dad, would they still list mom as 'wife'? There is a male travelling with them but he has a different last name and another companion also listed as 'wife' with his last name. I am not sure what to do. :/ Any insights you could offer would be greatly appreciated
in Genealogy Help by Anita Turner-Ayres G2G4 (4.9k points)
Give me his Full name ,date birth ,where born.any other you may have.
This is the ancestor for whom I possibly found an immigration and it shows her travelling with what I assume is her mother and siblings with no mention, that I could see, of her father. This immigration report shows her coming into Baltimore, MD from England and I found it on My Heritage.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Anita, i need Dads full name date birth,wifes name,wherl;ived and  died USa,
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

Wayne, unfortunately I do not have the answer to any questions about her father because Mathilde is the last ancestor going back that I know on that side of my husband's family. I do not even know her father's or mother's name. (Whoever added her to Wiki Tree apparently didn't know them either, the profile was orphaned when I found it earlier this month as adding my husband's family to the tree.) It was while I was searching for her parents that I found the undated immigration record of a Mathilda Borowski at age five travelling with several other Borowski children and Victoria Borowski who was listed as 'wife', however there is no mention of an adult male Borowski on that manifest, that I could see. 

This is all I know: The 1900 US Census, which I have seen, shows Mathilda, at age 17, in the household of her sister and brother-in-law in Port Huron, Michigan. Also, in census records, I have seen her parents' places of birth listed as Germany.

My question is generally this: in the 1800's, would they have listed a woman (Victoria) as 'wife' if there was no 'husband/head of house' with them?  Just in case it matters, they were in steerage aboard the ship. I am just trying to determine if I should follow the "Victoria" rabbit trail in my research. :) Thank you for any insight you may have.

+1 vote
If her husband served in Civil War  1860-1865.A possibility,
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

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