Cheryl Hess is a Wonderful WikiTreer

+13 votes
Thank you!] Cheryl for your kind concern about my experience with the website.

  Your suggestions helped me learn where to find some things.

Keep up the good work
WikiTree profile: Cheryl Hess
in Appreciation by Clifford Carter G2G6 Mach 2 (24.8k points)

5 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
Congratulations, Cheryl!! Thank you for always being there for all of us, and especially, in this case, for Clifford.

Thank you, Clifford, for sharing what Cheryl has done for you with all of us.  And welcome to WikiTree -- it's nice to meet you.
by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
I would like to second the Congratulations to Cheryl!  And second the warm welcome to Clifford!
Thank you, Susan my friend, for the star!
Thank you Robin, so sweet of you to say such nice things.
Loretta, you are so sweet. Thank you.
+11 votes
Congratulations, Cheryl, you are certainly a Wonderful WikiTreer! You definently deserve this recognition.

Welcome to WikiTree and thank you, Clifford for honoring Cheryl and sharing how wonderful she is.
by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (434k points)
Laura, thank you, my friend, for saying such nice things about me. I appreciate you so much.
+9 votes
Keep up your good work
by David Hughey G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Thank you David.
+11 votes

Congratulations sweet Cheryl you are a wonderful friend and a treasure for wikitree.

We are so lucky to have you on wikitree

Thank you Clifford for sharing this

by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
Thank you, my dear friend Susan, for saying such nice things about me. I appreciate you so much.
+8 votes
Clifford, I am so glad that my suggestion helped you. You know how to reach me now, and I encourage you to reach out to me if you have any other questions.

Thank you for this honor.  It is really unexpected.

Welcome to WikiTree again, Clifford.
by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)

Congratulations Cheryl - you are simply the best laugh

Thank you so much Mindy - so glad I get to work with you. I am having a great time.

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