problems with contributions and family tree widgets

+6 votes
I am probably missing something really simple but I have gone through the outlined procedure several times and cannot see what I am doing wrong. I am trying to get both widgets to work on a new WordPress blog. I can get the border and WikiTree logo and link to come up and work, but none of the information that would be derived from my tree shows up. For instance in the contributions widget it shows where it is supposed to, says WikiTree, but my name nor none of my contributions show up. Same thing with the tree the "generic" Wikitree stuff appears but none of my stuff shows up. I looked for a permission check box or something on WordPress and found nothing but may have overlooked it. Any thoughts?
in Genealogy Help by Living Chelton G2G6 (8.7k points)
Hey Brian. E-mail me about this and include the URL of the page(s) on your blog so I can take a look. Hopefully we can piece this together. If not I will try asking WikiTreer Martyn Grifhorst. I know he's good with WordPress. Chris
I know I'm a year late here! I don't really want to move my blog to the self-hosted WordPress to show the widgets, but is it OK to link to WikiTree using the logo (such as is shown towards the bottom of the "About" page?

Hi Dianne. I know I'm a week late replying! :-) Of course it's OK to link to WikiTree using the logo, or any other way you like. Please do, and let us know if you need help! (There are a couple images on you might find useful.) Thanks, Chris

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
Brian and I e-mailed about this.

For future reference: This problem can't be solved. :-(, on their free hosted blogs, isn't allowing "iframes" at all. This means any widget that uses iframes to dynamically display content, like ours, won't work.

At some point we could think about developing widgets that use rss to display a feed. This would work for contributions widgets and we could do other neat things with G2G feeds and surname activity, e.g. there could be a widget that displays all Chelton activity on WikiTree. I can't think of a way to do the family tree widgets though.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Living Chelton

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