What is FSFTID and RECORD ID NUMBER in a biography text box?

+10 votes

When editing a text box on a profile, what is to be done with FSFTID and with RECORD ID NUMBER?

If these are computer generated from a GEDCOM and not part of the reference and source output, could they please be added to the list of what can be removed from a profile?

(Edited Oct 17 to correct typos in question

WikiTree profile: John Culpepper
in Policy and Style by April Dauenhauer G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
edited by April Dauenhauer

Hoping only to be helpful, the nomenclature FSFTID (not "FSTID") found on John Culpepper's WikiTree profile was almost certainly at one time an active FamilySearch Family Tree PID ("Personal Identification Number"). 

I queried Family Tree for "KT32-82G" using that site's "find" option. This query returned now "Combined Profile" (or incorrectly combined, as the case may be), "John Harlow Culpepper" LZ15-Q2V.

At this writing, John Harlow Culpepper (LZ15-Q2V) has, give or take, a dozen different wives--one of whom (LCRT-RJR) is also there linked as his mother. 

Hope this helps.--GeneJ

Thanks GeneJ X! I fixed the typos in my question - just noticed that doing so removed this thread from the rest of the Commnents and Answers. Oops.
"...removed this thread ..."

That is good to know, and so sorry.
Oh dear - It looks like the problem isn't with the thread - it me.  I'm not reading far enough down the page. I don't think I need new glasses, just a better attention span:(

2 Answers

+8 votes
Here's the answer for the FSTID: http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/GEDCOM-created_biographies#LDS_Information

I'm not sure about the Record ID Number but it looks like it might be the My Heritage ID associated with that person.
by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
Thank you so much Eowyn! FSTID is right there on the page but I missed it because it wasn't in the Table of Contents.

If the Record ID Number is from My Heritage, is there anyway that can be confirmed, and then should we relabel it My Heritage Record ID Number and stick it in "Sources"?
I just went and looked at MyHeritage and I don't see a way to confirm anything without being a member of the site.

Still - it would be helpful info to people who do have an account there so I'd say leave it in the sources like with the FSTID.
That is a Family Search Family Tree ID number. Family Search is a free membership web site so you could look the ID up for free if you register first.
Of course, in the cosmic scheme of things any source is better than none, but it is REALLY REALLY helpful when sources can contain a link to the originating site.  Often when I can go to the originating site, I find information or insights about the person who is profiled that I might otherwise have missed, which can also provide clues for where additional information might be.
+7 votes
I have an account at MyHeritage.

I will attest that the short "Record ID Number" and long "User ID" generated in MyHeritage Gedcoms have no information value for WikiTree users.
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

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