Thomas Wilcox-1226 should probably be disconnected from Israel Wilcox

+5 votes

On 30 Mar 2018 Tracy Hayden wrote on Wilcox-1226:

How did Thomas emigrate from England when his parents and siblings are all from Connecticut? Also, I have a family tree with Willcox being spelled with two LL's up to 1869. Why would Thomas's father and siblings spell their name with one L? Usually, names get more simplified over time, not more complex. I don't think Isreal is Thomas's father. Also, there is no Stephan Willcox on my family tree document. James M Willcox only listed the following: John Ann James Elizabeth Mary Deborah Thomas Thomas Marx (not Mark) Margaret

I noticed this comment after receiving a comment on the other Thomas Wilcox son of Israel Wilcox. Could someone in the project please take a look at this?  I think there may be another question posted by Jesse Heeks, but it's hidden.

WikiTree profile: Thomas Wilcox
in Genealogy Help by s Davenport G2G6 Mach 6 (67.2k points)
retagged by SJ Baty

3 Answers

+6 votes

Israel had only one son Thomas, born 5 July 1687 (Middletown town records), verified by Israel's 1689 probate which lists only one Thomas, 3 years of age (actually only 2, but in his 3rd year). I would feel very comfortable disconnecting Thomas Wilcox-1226 from Israel and Sarah as parents.

by Jim Parish G2G6 Pilot (176k points)
Can you make the change? - I am not a project member


+7 votes


Thomas belongs to Israel and Sarah

by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (708k points)
Agree - we are removing wilcox-1226 who was born in England, not the one born to Israel in Connecticut.

It's Project Protected. To detach him, you need the approval of the Project Managers. Have you emailed the Project about it ? Not individual PMs. The Project. cool

Hi S., thanks for the heads up.  I'm looking at the profiles now and it appears that the birth record for Conneticut Thomas was conflated to England Thomas.  I'll have a thorough look at the profiles tomorrow or later this week.

The whole reason for profile protection is so that arbitrary changes are not made before everyone can get their say in.  Even if this wasn't a PPP profile or even a Project Managed profile, there is no hurry to make changes like this in hours or even in days.  Best to make a post and let others offer their opinions and if after a little time has passed and no one objects, then make the change.

Also, it is a good idea to post a comment on the other affected profiles.  In this case, the alleged mother and father (Israel and Sarah) and the "other" Thomas from Conneticut.  This way others who may have some connection or knowledge can offer their .02 cents.

Thanks for bringing this up to the top of the "to do" list.
+6 votes

I added a research notes section to the profile:

Research Notes

Based on the G2G thread:

And a review of the profile, the Penn Project agrees that the incorrect parents are attached. If no objections, I will detach them in the coming week(s). Other errors have been noted and will be copied to the G2G thread. Here is a "to do" list for this profile:

  1. Disconnect father Israel
  2. Disconnect mother Sarah
  3. Change first paragraph of the bio
  4. Re-source the birth, is there any evidence he was born on this date and in England? None of the sources have any info on the birth year and location. Albertson's publication shows him as the son of Israel and Sarah leaving her book suspect.
  5. Migration from England in 1726 disqualifies this profile from Penn Project membership. Perhaps Pennsylvania Project can take the lead?
  6. The 'section' Will is not applicable to this profile - it is information about his daughter Mary and should be removed from this profile.
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
The parents have been disconnected and notes left on all 3 profiles.

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