Have you registered for the 2020 Spring Clean-a-Thon yet? [closed]

+91 votes

Registration is now closed for our 2020 Spring Clean-a-Thon

This is our fourth (!) annual Clean-a-Thon. The mission is to clear out as many database suggestions as possible over the 72 hours. 

The cleaning will start on Friday, April 24, at 8 AM (EDT) and run until Monday, April 27, at 8 AM (EDT).

Will you join us?

To register, just click the ANSWER button and say "Sign me up!" or whatever and include a few words about your location and/or genealogical interests. This will help us assign you to a team. If you already know what team you'd like to be on, say that. The current teams are listed here. More may be added.  Please double-check and make sure the team you are interested in is participating.

Happy Cleaning!

closed with the note: Registration is closed.
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
closed by Eowyn Walker
Thanks so much! ❤️
Can't get the tracker to register.
Hi, Roy ... can you tell us more?

Have you entered your Profile ID in the box underneath where it says "Update Status:" and the "Your WikiTreeID:" ?

If you have a screenshot of what's going on, that will also be helpful.
it is working fine now. I thought I had to register each update, but it is doing it automatically, no need to click extra boxes.

Glad you got squared away, Roy!
Why do you guys close the registration before the event is over?

Life is hectic and internet access unpredicitble so never know if I can join in these kinds of things so pre-registration is not a good idea for me. But I do have time and access this weekend so I would have like to join in.
I'm sorry you didn't get registered in time, Jennifer. We have to have time to get the teams organized and communicate with the team captains in time for them to prepare, as well.

In the future, you can always register, and if life gets in the way, it's not a problem if you end up not being able to participate. We all understand how things can go sometimes.

Watch for the Connect-a-thon this summer. It should be sometime in July.
Wow, I surely thought I'd signed up, but it doesn't appear that I have. I guess I didn't do it right. Disappointing, when you try to follow instructions but don't succeed. :-(
I amcocaptainofsouthern supersweepers
Hi, Laura! The new post is over here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1199618

Glad you can join in this year!!

457 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer
Registration is now closed!
by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
I am so disappointed, as I desperately wanted to participate in this one this year.  I guess I misread, as I thought it said I had to pre register before Friday 24th. I must be more careful in the future. I wanted to join in with Team England. If there is any chance I can still get in please let me know. I totally understand there are rules for good reasons though.

Enjoy every, and hope everyone has fantastic Spring Cleaning!
+52 votes
I'm in and will be co-captaining the Tree Nuts!
by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)

Hey!!! Me, too! Nice to meet you. laugh

Me, too.   I intend to work on 823, 822, 811,  824, and 825 errors in that order.  I will concentrate on profiles by the profile managers who have the greatest number of suggestions, since that is low hanging fruit.
I caparticipatethisyear coaptainof southern supersweepers
+50 votes
I'm in and co-captaining Team Cornbread Catchers.
by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (409k points)
Thanks, Debi!
I signed up for Team Cornbread, received an email asking for confirmation but the email had a No Reply function. Would someone from the team please contact me via my Profile or so I can communicate?

Thanks so much.
Look for a private message from me, Theresa.
+49 votes
Team Missouri captain checking in! Sign me up for my favorite event!
by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (153k points)

Colleen here would like to join your team again this year, have just answered to join the clean-a-thon.
I want to join Team Missouri!
I got both you ladies added to the team page!
My first time -- new to WikiTree.
Thanks, Lori!
Please sign me up again for team Missouri
Cheryle, you may want to post an answer on the main feed so it can be recorded. They may not see this one as a reply to my answer.And make sure you're logged in when you do. I can't add you because it just shows an IP address
Thank you for adding me to team Missouri
Sign me up for Team Missouri.

Edit: Just saw I'm already on Team.
Count me in please for team Missouri !  I also answered the post ...
Everyone, please make sure to add a separate answer stating that you're signing up and with Team Missouri. You will not be counted in with just a comment on my answer. Thanks!
Yes was seeing that done!  Thanks Lori
Lori- want to sign up for Team Missouri again.
I've got you added Donna!!
+45 votes

Woow that's quick, time really flies eeh, count me in and co-captain (with Astrid) of team Flying Dutchmen..and for everyone looking for a fun team just hop on the boat ! (click image to go the our team page, and just add your name (WT ID) to the participants 2020 (if you don't know how just ask and one of us will add you there smiley) And here's the team chat 

by Bea Wijma G2G6 Pilot (314k points)
edited by Bea Wijma
Bea, de linkjes in je bericht werken bij mij niet. Zowel de image als de participants 2020 link.

Bedoel je de links in dit berichtje ? Hmm..weet niet wat er mis gaat, bij mij werken ze wel ? Maar voor de zekerheid, hier directe link naar hoofdstukje/content deelnemers participants 2020 (waar iedereen zijn naam (WT Id kan toevoegen) en hier de link naar onze free space pagina (met uitleg over de Clean-a-thon ook in het Nederlands en hier de link naar de chat. Hoop dat het allemaal werkt en super dat je ook van de partij bent natuurlijk heart

En voor iedereen die op zoek is naar een leuke challenge tot de clean-a-thon begint, doe gezellig mee met onze Dom-a-thon !

And for everyone that's looking for a fun challenge until the Clean-a-thon starts, come join us at our Dom-a-thon !

+44 votes

I'm in - captaining the Virginia Spring Cleaners! I'm very excited...

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
edited by Mindy Silva
I'm your huckleberry. Sign me up, Mindy.
I'm signing up too... Bill, I think you have to post a separate answer (rather than a comment) to officially register.

Cheers, Liz
Thanks, Mindy!
Just to clarify, I am signed up now. - Bill
I hope so Bill, I put you on the team page a while back lol
Just requested to sign up (clicked "answer").  I'll dig in on West Virginia cleaning.
+43 votes


SA Springboks please.

Free Space page


by Louis Heyman G2G6 Mach 9 (96.7k points)
edited by Louis Heyman
Dankie Louis
Thanks, Louis!
+43 votes
As usual, I'll be on Team Massachusetts.
by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (885k points)
Thanks, Chris. I know you'll keep a good eye out for PGM-era profiles.
Thanks, Chris!
+45 votes

Hi, will be there, as co- captain with the Southern Super Sweepers again!! Our team chat page: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1007875/southern-super-sweepers-g2g-2020-clean-a-thon-team-chat-page


by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

I'll be right by your side. :)

~ Go Southern Super Sweepers ~

Always appreciated your help Loretta; glad to co- captain with you again!!yes

Love working with the BEST!

Thanks, Dorothy!
+42 votes
Count me in with team Flying Dutchmen.
by Melissa McKay G2G6 Mach 3 (38.4k points)
woohoo Melissa so great to see you girl and so fast ! Hope you are doing ok ? (scary times with the virus everywhere so stay safe and at home girl xx)

Hey you, tis great to hear from you, it has been a while.

I am doing ok now that the weather is warmer.  Hope all is well there and I bet pumpkin is growing like a weed wink

Stay safe and healthy. I'll send you an email soon. 

Wonderful Melissa!

I do not want you to miss the boat. wink

Here it is so you can sail to our Team page (if you click the image). laugh

Thanks, Melissa!
+41 votes
I'm in, sign me up.
by Alex Stronach G2G6 Pilot (372k points)
Hi Alex, which team would you like to be on? (Link to teams list above)

I've always been on Team Roses, so I'll stick with them. Thanks for reminding me.

Awesome to see you, Alex! I'll get you added to the team roster as soon as I get the page update for this year.


Go Roses! heart

Thanks, Alex!
+40 votes
I'd like to join in with Eowyn and Julie again on the Tree Nuts team. Looking forward to it. Thanks!
by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

Yay, Robin!!

I have you on the list! :-)

We'll use the same Discord server. Are you already on there??

And, of course, our team page is still Tree Nuts.

Thanks, Julie! Yes I'm still on the Discord server. Looking forward to it.
Thanks, Robin!
+41 votes
I’m in, and Captain for Team Massachusetts.
by Bob Keniston G2G6 Pilot (269k points)
Thanks, Bob!
+40 votes
I'm in! With, as always, the Southern Super Sweepers.
by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (387k points)

Awesome!!! Glad you're back!!!

~ Go Southern Super Sweepers ~

Thanks, Nan!
+37 votes
I'd like to join the Tree Nuts team for the 2020 Spring Clean-a-Thon.
by Greg Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (375k points)

Yay, Greg!! Glad to have you aboard!

Our free space page is here.

Here's our G2G thread.

And send me a PM if you'd like to join our Discord server (if you're not already there).

Thanks, Greg!
+40 votes
Well I would like to join up with my Dutch Roots team members, so I will join the Flying Dutchmen
by Margreet Beers G2G6 Pilot (157k points)

Super Margreet en weer een aantal nieuwe suggesties zag ik, dus we hoeven ons niet te vervelen he wink

En voor iedereen die op zoek is naar een leuke challenge tot de clean-a-thon begint, doe gezellig mee met onze Dom-a-thon !

And for everyone that's looking for a fun challenge until the Clean-a-thon starts, come join us at our Dom-a-thon !

Welcome Margreet smiley

Ha Margreet!

Ik wil ook niet dat jij de boot mist! Hier is tie. Spring aan boord en zeil naar onze Team page. laugh

My internet was down since Thursday........ sad But I am back!

Thanks, Margreet!
+38 votes
Please add me to Virginia Spring Cleaners
by Bill Vincent G2G6 Pilot (175k points)

WooHoo Bill! Glad to see you joining in the fun with Team Virginia again! This Thon's team page is here: 

Thanks, Bill!
+39 votes
Musty Dusty (Pre-1500) will be up and running again. Please consider joining us if you have the Pre-1500 badge.
by Marty Acks G2G6 Pilot (157k points)
Add me to Musty Dusty!  I can smell the mold already!
Add me to the Musty Dusties, please
I can help with the pre-1500 musty dusty team. Sign me up!
Please add me to the Virginia Spring Cleaners 2020. I submitted my answer to show this was the area I wanted to be in due to my genealogical background being from this area. Thank you.
Be sure you also post an answer, if you haven't yet. Replying to Marty's post won't count. Thanks!
Sorry, my email directed me to the wrong thread. Didn't intend to reply here.
+37 votes
Sign me up again...Go Team Cornbread Catchers....
by Dean Anderson G2G6 Pilot (797k points)
Welcome again to the Cornbread Catchers Dean! :)
Thanks, Dean!
+39 votes
Please add me to a team.  If there is a Canadian one, that would suit me best
by Wendy Taylor G2G6 Pilot (141k points)

Gotcha Wendy! You're on the Canada Cleanup Crew!

Hi, I would like to join the Nova Scotia Canada team
Hi Hope! That's awesome!!

You just need to post an ANSWER to this thread (look up at the top of the page under Eowyn's name) and then I can add you to the Canada Cleanup Crew! :)
Hi Christine - please add me to the Canadian crew as well (if you still have room!)  Thanks :)
Thanks, Wendy!

Jill, please be sure to post an answer if you haven't yet. Thanks!

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