100 Days of Appalachia - Week of Monday, May 20th, 2024

+8 votes

Week of Monday, May 20th, 2024 quests:

NOTE:  Starting this week, we are swapping the Monday and Wednesday quests.  From this point on, Mondays will be Notable Mondays and Wednesdays will be Wednesday Quests.

Monday, May 20th - Notables - Connect and Increase their CC7 - Eula Riley Hall Activist and Healthcare Pioneer  (connected, CC7 273)  AND Maud Miller Dressler  Appalachia Poet (unconnected, CC7 5) 

Tuesday, May 21st - Show & Tell - Share the profile you love, worked really hard on, or need help with sources, formatting, transcribing.

Wednesday, May 22nd - Quick Tasks - Clean up abbreviations and profiles in Pennsylvania - Fix data errors for location abbreviations, source, removed gedcom junk, etc.

Thursday, May 23rd - Photo theme day - Your Graduation picture - Show us your graduation picture.  It can be your Kindergarten, Middle School, High School, College, Military Boot Camp Photo, etc.

Friday through Sunday - Brick Wall Weekends - No Brick Walls this week.  Instead we are helping out a fellow Appalachian with a special Project:  USS Arizona Pop Up

The 100 Days of Appalachia is a goal to focus on Genealogy and the Appalachia Project on WikiTree. There will be Mini Challenges, Quick Tasks, Show and Tell, Brick Wall Weekends, Notables Improvement and more. Every Day will be something to work on that is related to Appalachia or to help out other Appalachians.

The Challenge Starts on May 1st and ends on August 9th, 2024.

Join the fun as we kick off a Special Summer 2024 Project:  Visit this event page for all of the details: 100 Days of Appalachia!

We have a weekly calendar (updated every Sunday) that lists the Challenges for the day. Take a sneak peek but please do not work ahead!

Do as little or as much as your wish. Each day will be a different Appalachia-centric mini quest.

Share your stories, interesting finds, and photos on this
 G2G Post and/or Join us on Discord!

Want more information on the the Appalachia Project?  Click Here.  You do not have to be a member of the Project to Participate.

Original G2G Post: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1735058/100-days-of-appalachia-2024 

WikiTree profile: Space:100_Days_of_Appalachia
in The Tree House by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (246k points)

5 Answers

+10 votes
So excited for Notable Mondays! Any day is a good day to give them love but I think it'll give a nice start to the week.
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
+8 votes

This week, my Show and Tell Profile is Mordecai Sheftall.  A fascinating Revolutionary War officer that was a lot of fun researching for the Southern Colonies Project.

by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (246k points)
+8 votes
I am 18 degrees and 19 degrees from both ladies through my paternal side.

I will look at both but starting with Maude Muriel Miller Dressler
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (251k points)
edited by Alice Thomsen
+9 votes

This 100 days has been great!  I had a breach made in two Appalachian brick walls.  One, because it got listed as a brick wall and one because I went back and looked for records one more time.

On this day to celebrate maternal lines of Appalachia...well, I'm looking forward to seeing some of those lines. For me, though, my mom's stayed on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico for generations.  Mom and grandma in NW Florida, Great-grandma moved from St. Mary's Parrish in Louisiana, and her maternal line was in Louisianna since the early 1800s.  We think my forth great-grandmother's https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Openhaiser-1 mom came from Als Ae-Lorraine, France

by Doug McCown G2G6 Mach 1 (16.1k points)
I was cheering while I watched those brick walls losing a couple of bricks.  Thanks so much for participating in the 100 Days of Appalachia.
+6 votes

I love show and tell. There are so many options available but I am going with Joseph Ellis Trevor. I found out he was at Cornell and wrote The General Theory of Thermodynamics: an Introduction to the Study of Thermodynamics. This doesn't show on his profile and I just haven't had the time to add more to his profile. If anyone would like to add to his biography please do. 

by Kathy Nava G2G6 Pilot (324k points)
Wow, what an interesting person.  I can't wait to read more about Joseph as you add more to his profile.

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