"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! May 3rd - 5th, 2024 [closed]

+26 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Until the weekend, be well and safe!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard
Massholes- yes, Pip - You can imagine what we do with the towns of Athol, Scituate (the c is silent), and Hull... Buzzard's Bay sounds worse than it is. Masshole is usually reserved for sports commentary, how we drive, and the attitude, "If you need to ask, you shouldn't be here."
Back pain is the worst! Sympathy for you and your daughter.
Huh. Sounds like you'll need to take it in Good luck!

Your daughter is in my prayers. That is very sad she was mistreated. Horrible.

I'm in pain like you. I barely got out of bed. More to tell in my post.
Take it easy, Pip. Don't strain yourself.
I am really sorry about your daughter's accident. It is so scary for us parents to hear about events like this. I hope she recovers soon and gets justice in the long run!
Pip, the accident sounds terrifying.  I hope your daughter makes a full recovery.  The rest of the process (legal) will also be painful.  And then YOU.  I have finally realized that all the outdoor work I used to love to do might be behind me.  Oh, I can carry a bucket of rocks or shovel a bit of dirt, but not 14 piles!  Definitely not the 20 tons of 1/4 minus I plan to order for the front yard. . . .
So very sorry to hear about your daughter, hope she has a smooth and speedy recovery. Have been missing the weekend chat, was hoping to come home to GOOD news...geez. Take care of yourselves! Hope you feel better soon. Sending gentle hugs.
Uninstall McAfee just make sure you have some kind of virus protection first. sorry about your pain. I have a grade 2 stenosis in my lower back and when it acts up I find warm water therapy works. Prayers for  you. Carol.
Pip I keep your family in my prayers. /i am normaly not one to say get a personal injury lawyer but with a T-bone there can be issues that show up years later. There is normally no cost to your daughter. If they get her a settlement they take a portion of that for their fee.

You need to take time to heal. We all get that urge to get back to what we think of as normal but pushing to much to fast can have long term consequences.  My mobility issues are an example of not taking time to heal properly. You need to learn to say no to your urges to get things done. If the chore is not going to cause someone bodily harm you say no i have to heal or I will never be able to do important things My bad decisions have affected my whole family as I need help to just get around. If I had prioritized my healing i would not be this needy now.

What a time you've had!  So sorry about your daughter.  I will just say that I hope her lawyer is a shark. laugh

As for you -- take care of yourself!!

32 Answers

+18 votes

laugh This Week: Enjoy a "Blast From The Past" Parody from Album 2 devil

Sung to the tune of: Mercury Blues (originally Mercury Boogie)

  • Written by K. C. Douglas and Robert Geddins in 1948.
  • Recorded by Alan Jackson, American Country Music Artist
  • Considered a “B” grade song that became a big hit!
  • Ford Motor Co. purchased the rights; changed it to “Ford Truck”
  • Unauthorized Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the music:  1993 You Tube Alan Jackson Cover

WikiTree Boogie

  • Well, If I had time,
  • I’d tell you what I’d do
  • I’d go on WikiTree;
  • Add a movie star or two
  • Crazy ‘bout the WikiTree
  • Lord, I’m crazy ‘bout the WikiTree
  • I’m going on the Weekend Chat
  • And tell ‘em what I’m gonna do
  • Well, the girl I love
  • She joined the WikiTree
  • She found out
  • She’s a cousin to me
  • She’s crazy ‘bout the WikiTree
  • Well, then she said goodbye to me
  • And she’s going on the G2G
  • And tell ‘em what she’s gonna do
  • Oh’ let’s climb! ( guitar solo music)
  • Hey now mama,
  • Your profiles look so fine
  • Actually they’re lookin’
  • Better than mine!
  • Crazy ‘bout Wikitree
  • Lord, we’re crazy ‘bout the WikiTree
  • We’re going on the Weekend Chat
  • And tell ‘em what we’re gonna do
  • Climb that tree now! (violin solo music)
  • Well, my baby went out
  • She didn’t stay long
  • Got her friends to join,
  • And now they’re having fun
  • They’re crazy ‘bout the WikiTree
  • Yeah, they’re crazy ‘bout the WikiTree
  • They’re going on the G2G
  • And tell ‘em what they’re gonna do
  • Oh, keep climbing! (piano solo music)
  • Well, If I had time,
  • I’d tell you what I’d do
  • Go on WikiTree
  • Maybe add my family too!
  • Crazy ‘bout the WikiTree
  • Lord, I’m crazy ‘bout the WikiTree
  • I’m going on the Weekend Chat
  • And tell ‘em what I’m gonna do
  • I’m going on the G2G
  • And tell ‘em what I’m gonna do
  • Yeah, I’m going on the Weekend Chat
  • And tell "Pip" what I’m gonna do
  • Oh, let's climb! (guitar solo outro music)

devilMore Weekend Chat Parodies Here!devil

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
  • Well, If I had time,
  • I’d tell you what I’d do
  • Go on WikiTree
  • Maybe add my family too!

This is so me, David! Trying to find the time these days is difficult. So much to do, so little time, it seems! Another good one!

Hi David, Alan Jakson is one of my favorite singers. Another great  song. Keep up the great work.
+23 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's been happening? Our weather is improving, it isn’t hot but warm enough at about 15 C, to turn off the furnace, if it’s chilly we can turn on the gas fireplace. Lots of daffodils and tulips are in bloom. The star magnolia in my front garden is about finished blooming, which delights my odd neighbour, as she blows the petals off the tree and then onto my driveway. 

WikiTree and family history: I have been updating profiles last edited in May 2021, and then fell down a rabbit hole! May 2021 was when I was just getting started with what became the Alton Cemetery project. Now I realize that some of those old profiles are of people who were buried at Alton, and I can just improve the profiles and add them to the cemetery category, which is wonderful, what is more wonderful is that many of those profiles are connected or can be connected to most of the people already in the category.

And I finally figured out Robbie’s connection to the Huston (sometimes historically spelled Houston) family, that is the family which includes Walter Thomas Huston, Huston won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, directed by his son John Huston. He is the patriarch of the four generations of the Huston acting family, including his son John, grandchildren Anjelica Huston and Danny Huston, as well as great-grandchild Jack Huston. The Huston family originally settled in the village of Melville, which is about 4 kilometres from the centre of Alton. Melville includes Melville White Church and its’ historic very small cemetery, where many of Robbie’s other ancestors and connections are buried. 

So, Robbie is 4th cousin to James Cameron yes the filmmaker and will have a connection to the Huston family, when I get all the other profiles created. Maybe he is also 4th cousin to Anjelica Huston, but I suspect the connection is more complicated.  

What else: Just about everything has been planned for our East Coast trip in June/July. We have 2 nights booked in the old town section of Québec city. And then will be driving west along the north shore of the St Lawrence river, we hadn’t made any plans for places to visit before we arrive in Kingston, Ontario to spend 1 night with my brother before the last leg of the trip to home. 

Then I realised we will be driving through/ past Trois-Rivières, the second oldest settlement in Québec, it has wonderful old buildings including a convent and a forge, so now I am planning a part day exploration of Trois-Rivières. Then we will have to visit the small town of Yamachiche which was the location of a United Empire Loyalist refugee camp in the 1780s.

In 1783 Robbie’s 5 x GGF, William McClellan, his wife Jane Unknown and at least one child are listed on the camp roster, as receiving food rations. Then we will drive to visit my brother, stay overnight and come home the next day.

That’s my story for today! I'm going to be running around like a mad person for much of the weekend, working on Horticultural Society Plant Sale preparations. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (759k points)
M, our double-blooming irises are out and look beautiful. I'm glad spring is here. Time for us to put some bloomers into the planters we have out front, all eight of them.
Hi M, your work on Robbie's family is really commendable. Great detective work. Your trip is enviable. It is so hard to believe that your visit to the Old Pueblo has come and gone and now you are headed to Quebec in JUNE already!
Carol, the trip in total from home to Nova Scotia thru  Québec, and New Brunswick, then around the Gaspe peninsula part of Québec, then back thru the old city of Québec, and home again will be about 6000 kilometres probably more.

Just a short 26 day trip.
I'd send you a mental "Hello" while you are in Kingston.  I can't drive across the T.I. bridge and know you have planned almost every moment of your time.  I'm afraid of heights and my driving abilities now wouldn't let me drive that far any more.  Enjoy your trip and I look forward to the VV.
The 1000 islands bridge for some reason doesn't bother me but the Mackinac bridge between the Upper and Lower peninsulas of Michigan, terrifies me .
+19 votes
So sorry to hear about the accidents and your back. I tried to pick up my work out routine and of course my back went out.  So I am hobbling around as well. I have found that even though it hurts that walking is the best.  The more I walk the better I feel.  

I can’t but comment on the topic that the EMS did not use a gurney.  I find it personally insulting that they would not use my namesake.

On genealogy, I plan to take a few days to work on the current Kentucky Derby challenge. I was raised in the horse racing business and my family had a couple horses race in the Preakness and the Belmont. No winners but I swear I have some photos of the jockeys being connected with some of our winners in other races. Of course we will also have a family day for the big race!
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (476k points)
I'm doing the same, Gurney, walking aro8und the house (as it's now raining I cannot get outside). It does seem to help, but getting out of chairs is still difficult.

The Kentucky Derby was a big deal with my wife's family, they all being from that state. Dress up time, etc. I've only been by Churchill Downs, but my wife was a regular attendee back in the day.
J Hal Woodford-1625. While flipping stones looking for info, I found a tid bit more on my 5c5r. I knew he was a horse breeder and once owned Pink Star, the Winner of the 1907 Derby. J Hal aka Joseph Hallock Woodford. Woodford Ky named after his great grand dad William Woodford.

On the jockey Lester Piggott, I have a probable connection thru Ethel Piggott Hurt. If my failing memory serves me, there was a horse breeding tie to someone else in the horse racing world in Northern Missouri where she is from.
+20 votes

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

I hope everyone is doing well! On the genealogy front, I posted a blog about an anniversary party that was adults only: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2024/05/52-ancestors-week-18-love-and-marriage.html

I also might have rickrolled everyone. It was either that or do the Married with Children theme. So many options for songs this week...

I built my tree down on Ancestry to some Capobianco cousins who lived in Ohio. What happened was I found a 100 cM match for my dad and looked at his tree. It goes back to a Maria Saveria Capobianco who lived in Frigento. I asked my cousin Rose who has a HUGE tree on Ancestry about her. She gave me a link to her birth on Antenati and I confirmed the connection. I'll be adding Maria Saveria and her brothers and sisters next thon. Here's her father:


They descend from my 4th great-grandparents, Giuseppe Capobianco and Maria Saveria Famiglietti.

Shouldn't be too hard to connect 'em. I'll save it for the next thon. =D

In other news, I recorded a thing for Azure for the cemetery spotlight. I focused on Saint Patrick's in Haverhill. It was nice filming again. Then I decided to do some long overdue cleaning of video files on my comp. I never got rid of the raw footage for my videos (I still have them on my camera). So, I decided to get rid of them and free up some space on my hard drive.

In non genealogy news, today's my dad's birthday and yesterday I got him his card. Some stuff for him is coming in the mail. Should be a good day!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Thanks for hosting, Pip!

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (784k points)
Another great blog, Chris! (WRITE THAT BOOK!!) My g-grandparents Shepherd had a big anniversary celebration back in the 40s, too. My grandparents 50th passed with nary a word.

Can't wait to see the video you did for Azure. Let us know when it's going to show!
Thanks, Pip! I will some day!

I was tempted to write about this 25th wedding anniversary photo from the Italians in Haverhill book: https://www.wikitree.com/photo/png/Coppola-197

But, I can do that another time. I know family members are in it like my 2nd great-grandmother Caterina's sister. But, I can do that some other time, ya know? =D

The video should be good albeit brief. It was like a minute long. Now it's being edited by Azure. =D
Ciao Cousin Chris, I enjoyed your blog, as ever. My sincere best wishes on your dad's birthday. Where would you (and we) be without him?! I will be on the lookout for your (and Azure's) cemetery spotlight. Sending hugs...
Thanks, Carol! Glad you liked the blog. The cemetery spotlight should be up next week provided how long it takes Az to edit. I trust her skills.

Should be a good day today!
Hey, Pip! Here's my post!

+18 votes

Checking in from Bloomington, Illinois, USA! 62F (16.666667C)

Home Front: Headed for that great big city north of me this weekend! laugh 

Genealogy Front:  98 contributions this month! Hmmmm, I'm going to make two more edits before I leave today! Got to get that badge!surprise

The Book:  I have sailed to the halfway point with ease this week!  37,283 words (goal 75,000) and an estimated page count so far: 87 pages, 8 chapters.

The rest of the book should be easier to write. Once I get the hero of the book moved to Iowa, then it will be smooth sailing as that part of the book is already well researched and included in the WikiTree profie: Ira Dillingham Draper.

Currently, in the book, I am in the year 1838, in Cloverdale, Indiana.  The hero of the book and her husband get stuck in Cloverdale for a few days on their way west to Iowa. It is there they are introduced to the activities of the Underground Railroad and have a nasty encounter with slave catchers! I researched the cemeteries in Cloverdale to find candidates that lived in the area when my hero was also there. They got written into the book as well. I created WikiTree profiles for them, added parents and grandparents and connected them to the Big Tree. Made some change to an existing profile and got a prompt reply from the profile manager! I added Family Search sources that were WRONG according to the profile manager!  OOPS!  Lessons learned: Double and triple check sources on Family Search! MY BAD...and I think the profile manager is my cousin!surprise We had some good email chat between us, thankfully!laugh

Thanks, Pip, for hosting the Weekend Chat and all the good work you do!  Have a great weekend Wikipeeps!heart

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
I'm not far ahead of you this month, David. I have 107 contributions so far, every one of them from my Greeter duties. It's not like I don't actually have family to work on!
Big city northwards, is that Chicago?

Chicago, Chicago that toddling town!wink

Silly David! From the outside looking in, "Who is not your cousin?". Asking for a friend. LOL! TTFN - Ta-ta for now! I have Obituaries to transcribe. [deep sigh - W's here I come!]

Sunday: Back from Chicago! Safe! Lot of traffic!laugh

+20 votes

Howdy folks! Greetings from a cloudy, sometimes rainy, central Oklahoma! We are in the middle of storm season here in Tornado Alley, and Ma Nature has been off her meds a bit. South of us, the really awesome town of Sulphur was just about wiped off the face of the earth. The beautiful downtown was flattened, and there was damage to the natural springs as well. Natives have used the spring's water as good medicine for years, and it is a big draw for the town. Now they are beginning the long trek of clean up and recovery. Keep them, and any others, in your thoughts during this trying time.

Well, I did it. I finished the OKC Run to Remember half marathon in 3 hrs and 28 min. I averaged 15:56 per mile, which is almost a minute slower than my usual pace, but for my first half, I'm happy with it. The whole course was awesome with starting at the OKC Bombing Memorial, went through downtown, and up by the capitol. When we started through all of the neighborhoods is when it started getting fun. The race had hydration stations every mile with water and Gatorade. The neighborhoods had adult hydration stations with memosas, beers, fireball shots, etc... and these folks were having a great time! Meanwhile, (I did enjoy a few libations. Why not??) the rest of us were putting in work. laugh I was met at the finish line by Brook, my sister and niece, and, surprise, my daughter, son in law and grandgirl! It was an awesome day, and I look forward to the next one!

This weekend is the Festival of the Arts in Edmond, OK, and Brook has to work in the emergency command center. That means John is going to be unsupervised for the day at the festival. The possibilities are endless!

Thanks Pip for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time.....


by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (224k points)

Glad to hear that you are safe, John. I saw the news about all those storms out your say. I'm really sad about the folks that were directly affected.

If I ever get back into running, then I want to go through the neighborhoods like yours serving "memosas, beers, fireball shots"

Hey John The news about the storm reached us here in AU. It was devastating to see but I'm glad you and you family are all safe. I can't help but feel for the people involved.

Sounds like you enjoyed your run. Well done

The festival: Why do I want to say "John behave" lol
That is a great time! WTG on completing the race. I need to get back to swimming again myself. Maybe after this weekend is over and things settle down a bit.
+20 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7am and 64F (17.8C) with an expected high of 87F (30.6C) and sunny skies.

 My colleague and I finally sent the book chapter from hell to the editors. This has been an insane journey. Iris and I completed and sent it last June and heard nothing until I sent an email query in February. We got a new editor and spent weeks making demanding and intensive changes. If there is ever a fourth edition, I will not participate. Plus, I will probably be an ancestor by then. We could still get requests for more changes; however, we made it clear that if they or we cut any further, the reader will not have any frame of reference. Multiple chemical sensitivity is a complex syndrome that requires details along with an understanding of the skepticism surrounding the disorder. It also encompasses Gulf War and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes. These issues take more than a paragraph.

 After waiting for a week to hear from the neurologist/pain specialist regarding going off Plavix so that I could get a cortisone shot in the lumbar spine. I called on Monday and got a return call just this past Tuesday from the assistant letting me know that the neurologist approved going off Plavix for a week and taking a baby aspirin in the interim. So, I have an appointment scheduled for May 14th. This is nearly a month since I was last seen and nearly two months since the last treatment. I am seriously considering moving to one of the ten states that have End-of-Life options.

 My brother is doing OK from his heart surgery. They implanted the pacemaker and did several ablations. Now he is working on ridding himself from water weight and getting some physical activity given that he can breathe without getting short of breath after 2 minutes. My grand niece (his granddaughter) graduates from high school on June 7th and will leave shortly after for the U.S. Air Force Academy. My cousin Bob’s granddaughter has also been accepted into the Academy, so the two young women are hoping to be roommates.

Bob is the ‘surprise’ cousin that I met through Ancestry about 10 years ago. He contacted me to ask if I knew any Baldwins in Wisconsin. It turns out that a younger brother of my dad’s was Bob’s biological father; however, Bob did not find out until he was in his early 60’s. His mom left this information in a letter to Bob on her death. Now we are one big happy family and Bob, his wife Sandy attend all family functions and we attend theirs. It is almost surreal that the two young women from our respective families will now be going through the Academy together. I contacted Bob earlier this week to see if he would be willing to have his Y700 DNA done and he wrote back with a resounding ‘YES.’ I am quite excited to see if Bob’s will be a direct match with my brother’s Y700. It should. We have a WikiTree member who has the same Y700 haplogroup as my brother’s. I hope to help my brother join WikiTree so that we can upload his Y700.

 And speaking of DNA, I added the URL for the Baldwin Y DNA group to the Baldwin One Name Study (ONS) on WikiTree. I am doing this in preparation for the Guild of One Name Studies. Last week, I submitted the application for “Baldwin” to become a formal study with the Guild. I heard on Monday that the application has been approved, which is very exciting. Now, I need to add this information to the Baldwin ONS on WikiTree and prepare information for the website for the formal study with the Guild. Adding the URL from the FTDNA Baldwin site will be featured on both WikiTree and the formal study with the Guild.

 In other WikiTree and genealogy news, I was using a NEGHS source by A. Vere Woodman (1959) who found some further information about early Baldwins of Buckinghamshire. I noticed that one of his sources reported early information was deposited with the Bucks Archeology Society in Aylesbury. So, I took a chance, surfed the web and sent an email to this group asking about obtaining the records that Woodman used. I received a very nice email from David Noy, who is a librarian and archivist with the Society on Beltane (May 1). He will not only scan Woodman’s notes and send them to me, but he is also sending notes on the Baldwins of Chesham from another Antiquarian! He mentioned that they only check emails on Wednesdays; however, I already received an email from him later in the day on Beltane with further information. Now I can hack away with sources for some of these early Baldwin profiles.

 Pip, as always, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. I hope you and Mrs. Pip are doing well. I wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great FIRST weekend of May 2024 AND today is WikiTree Bingo Day!


by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Carol Baldwin
Ahh, editing woes. It's a good idea to keep things simple and to the point and not derail topics that would be best left to another book. It'd be like if I was writing about Marvel comics and suddenly start talking about Star Trek. Keep it simple and on ONE TOPIC!  That's how you keep readers interested. You can reference it, sure. But, don't go on and on about it.

Congrats on getting the sources for the Baldwins! =D
Hi Cousin Chris, we edited as best we could. It's not about going on and on. It is about explaining concepts like 'neural sensitization' and 'mast cell activation' and the role of genetics and what other countries have done and are doing to explore/explain the disorder and interventions for such. It is not a simple topic and we try to keep the writing to a minimum. Trying to explain an 'unexplained disorder' is wordy yet word-worthy. We did our best.
I'm sure you did! Trying to explain something like that would take some time. Good job! =D
Carol, thanks for fighting a good fight over this book! I have had one of those Chronic Fatigue diseases for going on 50 years. It seems to change character every several years, but keeps the core symptoms. That's on top of having a rare 1st and 2nd branchial arch syndrome that extends down my spine as well as affecting just about everything from my shoulders up-it's been even more socially complicated than physical. If only all people could be as nice as you are!
Hi Anon, very sorry to hear of these health issues. Too bad traditional (Western medicine) providers don't take these seriously. They just want to medicate or, in particular with women, refer to psychiatry! It's been a battle trying to get the updated information (and now research being done globally) into this limited space (like trying to pack 10 pounds into a 5 pound bag).

87” in Tucson would be a perfect temperature for me to visit out there, Carol. If it wasn't for me dang shoulders I'd have been there already. sad I can actually handle the heat, so maybe I can plan a trip instead of waiting for the fall. It's been too long not seeing your happy face.

Speaking of finding a cousin late in life, I didn't know until a few years ago that my dad had a half brother, so there are some cousins out there who I have not found yet.

Carol, I learnt about 'mast cell activation' when my youngest was continually in and out of hospital with breathing problems, asthma attacks, and finally subcutaneous emphysema and 10 days in hospital caused by cleaning products used in her classroom.

The final straw was her teacher who said after my daughter went back to school, with various inhalers.

That child will not be playing with those things in my classroom, that's when I contacted the board of education.

Pip, Carol does have a happy, smiley face! smiley like this one. 

Hi Pip! It would be great to see you!!!smileysmiley If you do decide to visit the Old Pueblo, please work around May 22 - 25th. I will be in Mexico teaching during that time. The saguaros whisper your name (and M's and Robb's)...

Hi M, many people across the globe just do not take chemical sensitivity seriously. We are learning more and more about the disorder and its complex symptomatology. I am sorry to hear of the insensitive remark made by a teacher!
IHi Carol, I think you have something there. My Chiropractor would probably be interested in your findings.

Good thing I'm away from those protests at the U of A. I need some peace and quiet. If I could, I would go to the Seven Falls at Sabino Canyon. 

The city of Rochester will be interrupted by a protest tomorrow...some nurses who want a union. I have a PT appointment and they want to do this during nurses' week?  frown 

Anyway, happy nurses' week coming up!

+20 votes
Hello from Interlaken,

The weather is just dull. No sun, no rain, grey clouds, no frost.

After the last weekend with visits and eating too much because of my birthday and the Dutch national Koningsdag (Kings Day) on the 27th everything is getting normal again.

Tonight we will visit our Bach Organ Concert nr. 6 (of 18 in total). Most pieces are from Bach's Orgelbüchlein. Next week we are at the International Bachfest in Schaffhausen from wednesday till sunday with 10-12 concerts mostly instrumental and vocal. The event is organized as a 2 years cycle and it's like being in another world.

In April I made over 2000 contributions, but in May I don't expect that much. As from the 30th of April, as soon as I made 2 edits I got an Error 2562. The reason seams to be clear, but I am still not trying to make a lot of edits. As was announced the policy for living profiles will be pushed: so I have to anonymize quite a few first and second cousins, because anyway they are too young or I don't have any way of contacting them. It was my mistake to enter these data, but well now I have a special job to look after. The reason that I got this error 2562 was: after anonymizing 2 profiles this error will occur. So I will stop with this and concentrate on other themes.

I wish a wonderfull weekend to all
by Klaas Jansen G2G6 Mach 5 (50.4k points)
edited by Klaas Jansen

Hi Klaas, you are really going to a lot of concerts! I enjoyed seeing some of Schaffhausen in about 1987. It was my first time in Switzerland. It was high summer, clear blue skies and very hot. 

My son would probably love to join you to the Bach concerts laugh but he will have to stay at home and play Bach himself on the piano.

I have also added some living persons, some by mistake. I am too needing to do something about them. What are you doing to anonymize the ones you added?

Clicking on your link I get error 404, must be the season for error codes, they're popping up like autumn mushrooms
Hi Klaas like you I have family that will be effected by the new policy too. Mine were added as profiles by mistake via a gedcom many years ago, thankfully I always protected the next generation of our family by not including them on any computerised tree.
Gary: it is not a link, I think the system expected a profile with LNAB Error. So I removed the binding between error and 2562.
Klaas, I too added some cousins early in my WikITree career that I shouldn't be here now. I just leave them sitting there, anonymized, Until I can figure out what to do with them.

That Bach series you keep mentioning... oh how I wish I could be there for each and every one of them!
Pip, it seems only Bach, but we also visit summer music-weeks in Wengen and Meiringen, which are not far from Interlaken where we will enjoy a nice variety of classical chamber music (mostly not Bach). We are very focussed on classical music anyway.
Same here, Klaas. Classical all the way (which is why I never recognize pop stars).
Pip, I never recognise any celebrities of any variety, I know almost nothing at all about actors, actresses, movie stars, people who are in any kind of sport and or entertainment business.

Though I did know the wives of several Toronto Maple Leaf players back in the late 1970s.
+21 votes

Virtual Vacation!

Today we are going to the beach, this beach is on the British Columbia, Sunshine Coast, which is an island just off the mainland coast, accessible only by ferry, aircraft or personal boat. 

It is a wonderful place to visit, lots of ocean front views, massive trees, lots of beaches, many pebble beaches but some are sandy.

On our way north along the Pacific Coast we needed a break, though you can drive top to bottom of the island in about 2-3 hours, and found this small beach. 


With houses like these, directly across the road from the beach. I could live there! We talked to an older gentleman walking his dog, he asked if we were looking for a house to buy, of Course the prices start at about $ 5 million!



These trees are between the narrow road and the sea.


There is space to store your boat, put out your chairs, and watch the sunset over the ocean with a glass of single malt scotch made in British Columbia, but you can't call it single malt because it isn't made in Scotland.


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (759k points)

Thankyou, M, for the wonderful photos of the Sunshine Coast and Vancouver Island......my shared home and stomping grounds from bottom to top. smiley

I love that little house set back from the road and nestled in all those trees. Charming, M.
Oh, how I love these photos! $5 million? I'll take it out of petty cash (Elon Musk's or Jeff Bezos' petty cash). As I view that first photo, I can almost hear the water lapping over the stones!
Thanks for another beautiful vacation. I just loved the pictures.
Thank you for the virtual vacation.

Beautiful place there. In ten years I think I got enought safing money. Than I think I could buy a small doghouse there.

Im going to paint the house of the first picture. Im a amateur painter. good practice.
Thanks Richard,

If you want to see a bigger version of the picture it's here

Thanks for the lovely photos.  The Sunshine Coast is SO beautiful.
+17 votes
As I travel along a 'connection path' I sometimes come across an interesting name and proceed to follow the many paths in search of interesting results......just this last week, following a branch line, with several profiles available for adoption, I, surprisingly, came across a profile with my name as manager, a cousin I had adopted, not knowing where the rest of the lines went......had this sudden feeling I was related to myself.
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (363k points)

Funny thing that winkangel

You are related to yourself, John. it's the nature of the WikiTree beast.
+18 votes
Top of the morning from Little Dixie. Things are quite busy with Dr appointments. So many names and schedules to keep up with. My wife has been undergoing tests to determine her condition. Good news /bad news: lung cancer, stage three contained to one lung at present. Meeting with radiologist Wednesday to devise treatment plan.

Needless to say, I have suspended my involvement at the museum. I have added a couple more connections to Quantrill and his men. Just this morning, added Warren Washington Welch-14703 who married a Harris girl. Welch fought at Independence and Lawrence and surrendered 17 May 1865 at Lexington. Welch is said to have attended Jesse James' second burial in 1902. His brother-in-law, Reuben A Harris was known to affiliate and aid Quantrill, however, seldom rode with Quantrill.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)
I wish the best for your wife through all of this, K. (And you, of course.)
Best Wishes to you and yours, Cousin K......it seems, after retirement, life only gets busier, what with appointments, chores, etc..........
More to do, less time to get 'r done. Thank both of you for the thoughts and well wishes.
K, I am so sorry to hear the news. Please know that my wife and I, plus St. Patrick's, will be praying for both of you.
I like to think prayers are answered daily and that is why this was caught at stage three- now hopefully, remission. My friend Pat is an eternal optimist and encourages PMA. I have nothing to lose and can't fight what I can't see. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
I'll offer up my prayers for your wife.
Thank you Eileen.
I am sorry to hear about the news. I will be praying for a speedy recovery.
KL, I wish your wife and you a lot of strength.

You re both the centre of our prayers today and the coming days.

God bless you!
Thank you, Chris and Richard. I hope Hector is recovering nicely.
Sorry to hear about your wife.  I'll be wishing the best for you both.
Thank you, Brenda.
+19 votes

Hello again fellow Treevians!  Is it just me or do the weeks feel shorter as we get older?

This week I have been getting delightfully sidetracked by the Eurovision Featured Connection suggestions, which ties in to what I've been doing with the UK number 1 singles.  By the way, performers are all there up to 1980 and writers up to 1970, so that one is close to "completion" as far as the framework goes, still far too many names to be connected up of course.

The associated Bandspace (it seems to have evolved that branding from my lazy edit notes) now has all the bands that appear on Wikipedia's page of top selling artists of all time.  I don't know how up to date it is, there are still a lot of very well known bands not there.  It seems a bit pointless putting post-millennial bands like Coldplay and Imagine Dragons on a genealogy index, but I can't just arbitrarily miss them out either.  Anyway, it's there for everyone to add their favourite bands, it's not just on me!

I've been dipping into the football managers index less frequently but I'm delighted to see other members taking up the slack and there now seem to be more connected pre-war English managers than not.  The experienced David Moss in particular is moving through the index like a machine!

This week's interesting individuals, aside from the Eurovisions, there was Eddie Braben who wrote the jokes for Morecambe and Wise.  There was Edward Madden who wrote By The Light Of The Silvery MoonArtie Glenn who wrote a song for his son's high school band, as you do, that ended up being a global hit for Elvis Presley.  And self-proclaimed raspberry ripple and menace with a rhythm stick, Ian Dury.  I'm not sure if Americans and other non-British readers will be familiar with his oeuvre, so here is his magnum opus on Youtube (due credit of course to the Blockheads too).

Have a great weekend everyone!

by Stephen Corkey G2G6 Mach 3 (31.9k points)
Hi Stephen if you ever have any Aussies you want connected I'd be happy to have a look. What you're doing is fantastic
There are a couple of Australian bands in Bandspace, I found 3 members of AC/DC with profiles but none of The Seekers - Keith Potger is all ready to connect but he's still living.  Maybe you can find out more?

Treevians: I love this new name. How perfect.

Hi again Stephen I can't find a profile for Keith Potger. Did you say his profile was already created? I'm not sure how much can be done to connect him although looking at his marriages there are possiblities there. He was born in Ceylon so will need a bit more work to find connections. If a profile already exists the Australia Project could open it as a living notable as co-PM. He certainly qualifies.

This is Judith Durham's profile https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Cock-2200

I think I could probably connect Athol Guy if his profile was created.

Bruce Woodley I haven't found names for his parents so not sure about him

No I haven't created Keith Potger, he's living so I would have to leave that to Notables or Australia project.  I got as far as his great uncle before I remembered this!

If we can get to a deceased relative of Athol Guy (or anyone else) then I can mark them as Connectable with a hyperlink to the relative, it's a way around the issue with living people.

I added Alice Cooper to Bandspace.  I didn't know they were a band, I thought they were just a person, but they were a band.  All their fans thought it was the name of their lead singer and kept calling him that until he decided to legally change his name.  Then when the band broke up he carried on recording and touring as Alice Cooper, so I think this is a forgivable misunderstanding!

Anyone can still create a living Notable as long as they qualify. Then an appropiate project can be approached to co-PM the profile and open it up. If you want to create Athol I can get him opened up with the Australia Project
I've no wish to get involved in creating or managing profiles for individuals who are still alive.  I'll index them, and leave a note of their connections, but I will only build profiles for the deceased.  I've been told off just for putting the names of possibly-living wives, siblings and children in profiles, so I'm certainly not going to push my luck.
I've worked on a few too where others have removed stuff I've put in too. Now I add the source or what ever it is and put ''Name Redacted'' for the name because of Aussie privacy laws. AP will take resposiblity for a living notable profile if required
+18 votes
Hi Pip, I do hope you and your daughter get to feeling better soon, It is not fun getting into an auto accident. Get feeling better.
by Chris Wine G2G6 Mach 5 (54.7k points)
Thanks so much, Chris. We are both on the mend and expect to be back in full swing shortly.
+18 votes

Hello Cousins!
Just a few days 'til biopsy Wednesday, then results on May 22nd. Prayers for stage I or none appreciated. 
I'm still slogging along on Bruce and Hurd famlies tracking down and accounting for as many descendants of my 3rd great grandparents as possible. I'm up to 4 pages of Hurd descendants from Smith Hurd and five pages of descendants of Timothy Wheeler Bruce . Both are descendants of Mayflower passengers. I think there's only one more generation back to reach those in the Silver Books. 

My tops from last month:
Hurd (16) #2; Bruce (13) #5; Nichols (8) #9; Greenwood (4) #5; Stafford (3) #10; Bean (3) #8; Blodgett (2) #3: Bourgois (2) #10; Camp (2) #7; Parker (2).

Thanks for hosting, Pip.

by Anonymous Reed G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
Hi Anon. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you and keep you in my prayers.
Praying for Stage None, A!

Funny how sometimes we can work on just a couple of profiles and still rank in the Top 10.
Fingers cross for Stage NONE.
+17 votes
Just a brief note to let you all know that I can't be sitting here for long. I thought I had strained my back from passionate WikiTreeing on Tuesday, and I HAD, but that's not the real problem. I have kidney stones again, in both kidneys, and I will go to bed after this and take ibuprofen and sleep before I make dinner.

About three weekends ago, I noticed blood in the urine, and I should have had it checked then. The blood is still there, just not visible to me.

Went to the walk-in clinic this morning, had a back x-ray, in which a stone was found, so I rushed down to the ultrasound appt about 30 minutes away after drinking 4 little water bottles.

I will have a CT scan next Wednesday and I have a med to take to try to flush the system. Left ureter is backed up with fluid.

So, limited time sitting here working on WikiTree. Doctor said, "sitting is the new smoking."

I've been through a similar experience about 10 yrs ago.

You all take care.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
Ouch! Best of luck to you Margaret!
Sorry your not well Margaret. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh, Margaret, I am so sorry. Seems like several of us are dealing with health issues. You will certainly be in my prayers.
Yikes! That's no fun. Get better soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Get well soon Margaret. Sending payers as well.
+19 votes

On this day:

1494: Christopher Columbus discovers Jamaica

1808: The Dos de Mayo Uprising ends

1933: The American musician James Brown is born

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
The Dos de Mayo Uprising was a fascinating read, Professor. Great background to other things I've learned along the way about the French occupation of Spain. Thanks!

"Mama's" got a brand new bag! I'll go with the Godfather of Soul, James Brown. He was a major influence on The Beatles and several other groups.

+20 votes
Hi from cold old Melbourne, Australia top temp today is suppose to be 17C (62.6F)

Home front: we're all sniffing and sneezing. The night's are getting colder. My niece decided it would be a good idea to put 4 hens in Nana's backyard for fresh eggs. Problem was my mother forgot she had said yes and wasn't listening when my niece said they had arrived. The carer went into the backyard on Tuesday and said "I didn't know you had chickens". Mum's reply "I didn't either". So I got a number of phone calls that day. Mum got hearing aids just before christmas but refuses to wear them. So she only has to admit to what she wants to hear. Not much else is happening.

WT: New challenge was out on Tuesday and is more than half are now connected so not sure if it will get to g2g or not on Monday. I got stuck into the Data Doctor errors over the last couple of days and finished 4 missions for the 16 so I've posted for my 48 (assuming I've done the DDs correctly - it's been a while). I started sourcing this morning and have done a whole 1 lol.

I got up at 2am today, so I've attended 2 bingo seesions and my "first date night" which was really interesting. I got to "meet" some people from this chat. I'll have to see how cold it is when the next ones come around or invest in a new heater where the desktop is. The last couple of years I could just "rug up" but I think this year is going to be chilly.

Thank you Pip for hosting another great Weekend Chat. It's great hearing what others are up to.

Hope everyone has a great weekend

Bye for now
by Amanda Myers G2G6 Mach 6 (60.7k points)
Amanda, my grandfather often wouldn't wear his hearing aids, and my mother-in-law never would. Made for lots of shouting when they were around.

62.6F is the temp we dreamed about all winter long.
Yes Pip there is a lot of shouting lol (The Irish blood doesn't help)
+17 votes
Hello Wikitreers!

Coming from partly cloudy Rochester, Minnesota, USA!

Current Temp: 66°F (19°C)

After three days of rain, my bottom and upper legs hurt like the Dickens. I don't know if I got a muscle spasm after stretching way too much. I went to see a NP and was given an antispasmodic drug and was scheduled for PT starting on Monday.

For a few days, I'll be doing less on my feet.

I could splurge my time on Ancestry.
by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (208k points)
edited by Eileen Robinson
Hi Eileen hope you're feeling better soon. I can sympathize I'm a bit sore today too. For me it's the cold

Eileen, my flexibility is like zero and I need to start some stretching exercises (I found a nice little program online). But... if I am going to get spasms. surprise

Hope you feel better very soon!

Don't get them. They are horrible.
+15 votes
How is it the weekend again? Just plugging away on things for Wikitree and slowly tidying up profiles from Connectathons and old watchlist profiles and dabbling in connecting and sourcing along the way.

My daughter had her birthday on Monday which was also the first day back at school after a two week holiday. She also got to spend money sent down from my mum and brother so she chose her own presents in a way.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (458k points)
Hi Darren the weeks do go by quick don't they.

Happy Birthday to your daughter
Darren, you can't miss with money instead of actual presents. Our daughters ask for that so they can pick what they actually want!
+14 votes

On this day:

1675: King Charles II. commissions the construction of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich

1938: The Nobel Laureate Carl von Ossietzky dies

1980: The Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito dies

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
A few months after Tito my uncle died. I asked mum if his burial will be on TV. "No, why that?" "Well, Tito's burial was on TV, then the one of my uncle could be too."
Just finished reading up on Tito (without clicking links or I'd have been sitting here for hours). A truly fascinating man. Thanks for the trip through history, Professor!
I'll go with the Royal Observatory given that I have been there several times in order to set my watch to Greenwich Mean Time, and its role in the history of astronomy (I'm a star gazer) and navigation (loved to sail in my younger years).

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