can I add a living person into a bio such as children

+10 votes
I was wondering about the set of rules last month about living people.  In my biography i add a children’s list to their parents. Can I add living children to this list or parents of living children. The parents are dead. tyvm
in The Tree House by Anne Fiordalisi G2G6 Mach 6 (68.8k points)
In keeping with Wikitree's privacy rules I usually do not name anyone's living children in a biography.  I would just say something like "they were the parents of two sons and daughter."
This is an interesting question, I will follow the discussion.

I am sure many living children show in the bioʻs of their parents. When a census for 1940 or 1950 is shown in a table the children are shown and many of them are living.
As a general rule, I assume anyone born after about 1920 is alive unless I have a death record, so don’t put their names in their parent’s profile.
for the later census from 1930 on, if I include a family list, I normally only put initials for name, unless they have a profile showing they are deceased on WT.

1 Answer

+10 votes
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Hi Anne,

Generally speaking, no, information on living people should not be shared. According our Privacy Policy:

  • You must not share information or create a profile for a living person without that person's explicit, prior permission, unless you are inviting them or in the very limited cases described on Help:Living_People.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Diane Darcy
Thats what i thought. thanks

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