Can we add a Cornish Ancestors sticker?

+5 votes

I would very much like to have a Cornish Ancestors sticker, similar to the {{Wales Roots}}, {{English Ancestor Sticker}},{{Scottish Ancestor Sticker}}, and {{Irish Clans}}.

Cornwall is a very distinct part of the United Kingdom, recognized as a Ceremonial County, and home to the Cornish people. [[,homeland%20of%20the%20Cornish%20people. Wikipedia link to Cornwall]]

Anyone willing to join me with this request?

in Policy and Style by Jennifer Jordan G2G6 Mach 1 (15.8k points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
If you put {{England Sticker|Cornwall}} on the profile, the sticker will say ... was born in Cornwall, England.

I think Roots stickers tend to be focused on countries.  Yes, I know that many people still regard Cornwall as a country, but actually it hasn't been, since about the Iron Age.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
It was still the iron age in 838? date of the last battle with Wessex, the Cornish were allied with Vikings.
But Cornwall was not a country.
A independent kingdom is not a country?, it was conquered post 924 by Athelstan as part of the expansion of his conquest of the surrounding kingdoms.
+6 votes
I copied this off a profile and use it a lot, sorry for the delay in posting, the computer I keep this on threw a wobbly and required reboot.

{{Religion|image=Flags-30.png|text=has Cornish ancestors}}
by Gary Burgess G2G6 Mach 9 (90.8k points)
I believe use of the religion template for this purpose is now frowned upon.  Recommended template (per Steven Harris) is the non-migrating ancestor.
Thank you for understanding I didn’t need a history lesson about the end of Cornwall as a country (thanks Great-g, g,…Uncle Athelstan). I just wanted to indicate and honor ancestors and descendants, that had distinct Cornish ancestry, using a sticker.

You can also use the Heritage Sticker. From the Relationship Stickers page:

A "Heritage Sticker" is available if there's not a dedicated sticker for your ancestors, roots, or heritage.

Using the image file name that Gary used in his example...

{{Heritage Sticker|ancestors=Cornish|image=Flags-30.png|imagetext=Cornwall, England flag}}

{{Heritage Sticker|roots=Cornish|image=Flags-30.png|imagetext=Cornwall, England flag}}

Cornwall, England flag
... has Cornish ancestors.
Cornwall, England flag
... has Cornish roots.


Note the "..." - the Heritage Sticker uses only the "Preferred Name", as does the Religion sticker that Gary's example is based on. 

also from the Relationship Stickers page...

For locations without a Roots sticker, there's the Heritage Sticker. For locations without a born in or lived in sticker, the Templates Project recommends using the Nonmigrating Ancestor sticker.

Thanks Liz!

This is awesome.
Thanks, I'll change the sticker I'm using to the Cornish ancestors one you have given us the code for.
Can you have more than one image in one of those stickers, I'm thinking of my ONS Heritage stickers which currently just have the tree silhouette.
Just one image. You can choose any image you want for the Heritage Sticker, using the image= parameter.

You can change the image for your ONS Sticker, but not with a parameter. See

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