"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! April 26th - 28th, 2024 [closed]

+26 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Until next weekend, adios!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

Welcome to the Weekend Chat, my dear ones! And greetings from Cathey’s Creek where we’ve had very little rain this past week and temps creeping up into the low 7-0sF.  I am posting this Chat much earlier than usual as I will be delivering the family I’ve been helping to a court hearing in a neighboring town. I have no idea how long this is going to take.

On the Home Front: It’s been a busy week with lots of time spent in the car. I am learning the value of saying, “no,” which relieves some of the stress I have been under. I just cannot be there every single day. My wife is beginning to think she’s lost me. I took her on a date Wednesday night to see a movie, The Long Game, which is showing now at our local theater. Not a great movie, but one still worth seeing.

I’m not going to go into all the details for privacy concerns, but the needs in that family are greater than I can possibly meet, financially or time wise. But, for the sake of my mentee, I do what I can, including picking him up tonight from work so he can get a shower here to look presentable in case he is called as a witness.

Physical therapy continues apace. I don’t know how much longer I will be there, but they are really pushing me lately which is a good thing. I am making great progress.

On the Genealogy Front: I did do a little work on that Underwood-McKee family, and I mean a little. Most of the rest of my time online with WikiTree has been greeting (as usual, but with help from my fellow Greeters when I could not be there for my shift). I have had, recently, a lot more requests for help from new members.

The therapist who I was working with on Wednesday asked me what I do with my time, and of course I mentioned genealogy. He asked for a couple of stories.

One was where one of my ancestors and one of my wife’s were one above the other on a ship list coming for what is now Germany. Small world that it is, about 250 years after they arrived, my wife and I married.

The other story was about my ancestor William Lawing, twice caught stealing watches in London in the 1740s. He was convicted on the second charge and at the age of 14, the youngest age at which a convict could be transported, was sentence to a little vacation to the Colony of Virginia. He ended up marrying a daughter of the ancestor who was on the ship list I mentioned above. Yeah, it’s a small world.

My wife has a better story about a rogue of a cousin from Kentucky. Maybe I’ll remember to share it with you some day. I think you’ll get as much of a kick out of that one as we do in the telling.

I broke 200,000 total contributions during the last thon.

For an anniversary this week, I offer my parents wedding on 28 April 1951.

Be blessed, dear ones, every one of you.

Enjoy the Chat!

Hi Pip, I am glad to hear that the therapy continues well, and enjoyed the story about your watch-stealing ancestor landing in Virginia. There are no coincidences. I applaud you for all that you are doing for the family of your mentee. I do wish there was a social services group/program as I think you and Mrs. Pip do need respite. It is good to know that you and she got out for a while for a 'movie date.'
A rogue of a cousin from Kentucky, huh? Well, ain't that just crazier than a toothless alligator at a dental convention. Yes. You must tell this story. The people demand it now that it's out there in the universe.

Stealing watches at 14? Well, good luck trying to do that now!! (No one wears watches anymore.)

Oh, you got some good stories that I could riff on. Thanks for hosting, Pip! =D

@ Carol: I wonder if he was on time for his arraignment. ;)
Other than my 2 x GU, who ran away to sea and then later in life became a Methodist minister in northern Ontario, I can't think of anyone who was unusual. They were all pillars of the community and mostly very proper.
200,000? Wow I am impressed Congrats Pip. I told me therapist about Wikitree too, she is interested but she is young yet and likes to spend time at home with her newborn baby. Some of my older friends are interested but they just don't get it or why it excites me. Good story about your ancestor by the way. Have a great week!
Hi Pip Congratualtions on the 200,000 contributions that's massively well done. I'd love to hear about the '''rogue cousin''' too. I don't have any cool stories like you have.

36 Answers

+26 votes

Thanks Pip for starting up the Weekend Chat yet again!

We have had some unusually cold weather here in my part of Sweden. The thick gloves are needed when riding my bike to work. 

This week I found a local history book that mentioned a relative who lived in the city of Halmstad at the turn of the 1800-1900 century. He was said to have loved German grammatics so much that he spent both work and free time thinking about it. laugh

I wish all of you a good and hopefully restful weekend!

by Maria Lundholm G2G6 Pilot (232k points)

Sweden! Well, that is interesting, because you are my 26th cousin!surprise

Hi Maria, The week started out cold here with Freeze warnings out and everything. Then today we  are expected to get to a high of 70-degree Fahrenheit or 21 for you Celsius folks.

It looks like you are my you are my 27th? cousin once removed? Nice to meet you,
What a nice tidbit to find. And it was cold here too in the last few weeks. We got all the cold that came from Scandinavia. Now the situation changes and we get the temperatures and the sand from the Sahara again.

@David, well, when I am 26th cousins with someone on wikitree I usually don't trust that, because many of the connections are probably incorrect. laugh

@Chris, what large changes in temperature you have in short time!

@Jelena yes, my relative was a teacher in German and Latin it seems. The author that wrote about him said that they did not learn to use the German language in speech but they could tackle any German grammatics rule!

Well, that's cool, finding a relative in a history book, Maria! So, he actually learned German?
@Pip, for sure, he studied German at the University and was a college teacher. He and his wife took in a brother of my great grandfather after their father died.
+25 votes

Welcome to the weekend one and all. It's getting chilly here in Melbourne, Victoria tonight. At last check, overnight minimum wil get as low as 1C degree (33.8F). Hope everyone is cosy and relaxed as I am. Enjoy. laugh

by William Maher G2G6 Pilot (645k points)

Australia winter approaches! Summer is coming to Illinois USA! laughSorry, 15th cousin, I will NOT be coming for a visit!heart

Guess I am copying you cousin Draper Will you are my Cousin you are my  15th cousin. Enjoy your winter and I will enjoy my summer.

Warming up here, getting cooler down there. I'll take the warmer part, William. laugh

+27 votes
Morning from the country farm side of Payette, Idaho. Weather has been above normal, today mid 60's with possibility of rain later today. I've been busy with purchase of a 1969 farm home on 1 acre. Playing with my 3 German Shorthaired Pointers.

Lately I have been missing my gma, she would have been 103. She started me on this family journey 25 years ago. I do as much as I can every week on my family tree and I started my best friends family tree with lots of new mysteries. I've been able to connect his tree to mine. I have a couple dead end members that we have not been able to find since doing my researching. Hiram Barnes-19737 and Jacob Elliot-15693

Have a great day everyone.
by April Dennis G2G6 (6.5k points)

Hi Cousin! Big trials going on in Idaho!  We watch Court TV everyday!  16th cousin!heart

Hey there Cousin (18th 3 times removed). When you get a chance you will have to share pictures of your furbabies. With working on your family tree, do what you can do. Lately I have been hitting many brick walls. So, I have been going back and cleaning the profiles.
Would love to post Furbabies to this post but not sure how.
An older farmhouse, April? How cool. We almost checked a farmhouse out in a neighboring county when we retired, but it was a bit far from everything, including relates.

My grandma (and grandpa, too) also got me started in genealogy. I have a million questions I'd love to ask them, but I learned which questions too late. I know the feeling about missing past relatives.
+24 votes
Tax season is over and I think I might have caught up on my sleep. It has been very nice here in the Denver area.  My peaches are in bloom thus making me hopeful for a great harvest this fall. The hummingbirds have shown up. And two baby owls (Great Horned Owls) have been cruising the roofs in the area and making a lovely racket each night.  I love spring!!!!

So why do I spend my time on cemeteries.  It seems to be such an opposite to the weather outside. But I think it is the discoveries I find - sort of like the blooming flowers. It creates seeds that grow into trees.  I crossed the 5000 level on my CC7 which was a goal I have been working on since CC7 was first introduced. And I continue to make a lot of progress doing other profiles within the cemeteries I find as I am working my CC7 profiles.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (476k points)

Hey cousin! (8th)heart My aunt and uncle had a creamery in Colorado, Springs. We went there almost every summer. The sun coming up in the cool mornings, lighting up the mountains is a treasure I will never forget!wink

Hey Gurney, You are my cousin as well, (12th Cousin, 1 removed) Sounds like you are further into spring then we are, but we are getting there, The only downside is that we need someone to cut our lawn and that gets to be expensive.
Good peaches are hard to come by in KY.  If you get too many, you can share!
I forgot about you and tax season, Gurney. Now you get a break. We have year-round hoot owls here that sing to us at night, at least we'd like to think they are singing to us.
Hi Gursey Wow 5000 on your CC7 well done. You must have a lot of big families groups over the years. I think I broke 1000 last year.
+22 votes

laugh Enjoy a NEW Parody For this Weekend Chat, April 26th! devil

Top of the Tree

Sung to the tune of 'Top of the World by The Carpenters

Here is the music: YouTube: Top of the World

  • Click on the link and the music should play, then come back here and try to sing along
    • Or, open the link in a new window
  • Top of the Tree
  • Such a feelin's comin' over me
  • Since I found and joined up with WikiTree
  • Every Source that I find, puts a gleam in my eyes
  • Findin' my family is a dream
  • Everything genealogy should be
  • Is found right here in profiles on WikiTree
  • And the reason is clear, because Wikipeeps are here
  • You're the nearest thing to family that I've seen
  • I'm on the top of the "Big Tree," lookin' down on creation
  • And the only explanation I can find
  • Is the love that I've found, ever since I've been around
  • Your love's put me at the top of the "Tree"
  • Distant cousins taught me 'bout my name
  • And they're telling me we're family just the same
  • In the leaves on the tree, are my family and me
  • It's a pleasing sense of happiness for me
  • There is only one wish on my mind
  • That our heritage my fam-i-ly will find
  • That my grandkids will see, that they came from you and me
  • All I need is to help them find us here
  • I'm on the top of the "Big Tree", lookin' down on creation
  • And the only explanation I can find
  • Is the love that I've found, ever since I've been around
  • Your love's put me at the top of the "Tree"
  • I'm on the top of the "Big Tree", lookin' down on creation
  • And the only explanation I can find
  • Is the love that I've found, ever since I've been around
  • Your love's put me at the top of the "Tree"

devilMore Weekend Chat Parodies HERE!devil

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Hey Cousin. Hope all is well, another great song. Have you eve done "On top of old Smokie." hat song popped in my head when I saw this song. Dont know why.
That's a great one, David.  Thanks, cousin.
excellent work love ur parodies. Keep them coning

This was a really good one, David. Probably one of my favorites!

Sung it in my head the whole way through the first read.  Love that song!   Now I have an earworm for the day.  smileyheart

@Chris Wine: Sung to the Tune of Old Smokie:

On top of ole Smokie, There stands a "Tree"

Where me and my cousins, study genealogy!

devilThat's all I got, cousin Chris!wink

keep going Chris
Love it David. Well done
+23 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's been happening? Weather has been mostly quite yucky, rain, drizzle, clouds, with occasional outbreaks of brilliant sun, almost but not quite warm enough to sit outside on the patio, unless you are wearing a winter coat and hat. 

I like interesting words and this week I found this one ‘absquatulating’. 

WikiTree and family history: this week I added some profiles that I had intended to add during the Connectathon, my CC7 has gone up by 13. Though to be honest, the new connections are all thru Robbie’s family. I would need to add some very distant cousins to my family to add connections on my side of the family. And at some indefinite time in the future I will! 

What else: I finished rereading the latest book, the 9th book in the Outlander series now I have to wait until probably fall of 2025 for the ‘last book’ in the series to be published. When all I hope will be revealed about how Jamie as described in the first book could have been in Inverness in 1946.

Sam Heughan who plays the role of Jamie in the television drama says he knows how the story ends. Diana Gabaldon says ‘it will have a happy ending in 1800 for our beloved Scot and Sassenach’. 

I’m now reading Citizens of London which is about ‘the Americans who stood with Britain in its darkest, finest hour’. The Americans are Edward R Murrow, Averell Harriman and John Gilbert Winant, it’s quite fascinating. And it is one of several books given to me by our dear Carol Baldwin on our recent visit to Tucson. 

A question: I have hundreds of downloaded census records, most of which I downloaded very early in my family history research. Is there any reason to keep them all? Deleting most of them would free up a lot of memory space. Yes I know I could upload them to the 'cloud' but I haven't looked at most of them in years. 

That’s my story for today!

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (760k points)

Hi M, first the census records. Could you purchase an external thumb drive (or two for backup) and load those records on the the drives? Or, invest in an external drive with so many terabytes and save them? I think 'backup' is essential, whether research or...genealogical records.

Your weather sounds so not like my 'cuppa.' Our temperatures are fluctuating. Earlier in the week, it was 94F (34.4). Today, the high will be 71F (21.7C). I prefer warmer, the older I get. I think since it's so cold today, I will work in the garage cleaning up the storage area.

I am so glad to know you are enjoying Citizens of London. I have always admired Edward R. Murrow. He really helped to end Jo McCarthy's communist witch hunt in America. Hmmmm...history repeating itself. Anyway, if you get the chance, there was a wonderful movie directed by George Clooney a few years back called Good Night and Good Luck (which was the catchphrase Morrow used to end his shows). If you ever get the chance to see it (likely on TV) do so. It is a wonderful movie about Morrow and his TV show during the McCarthy era. I was all of ten when my dad had me watch the actual Morrow show about McCarthy. My dad told I would be watching 'history in the making.' I didn't quite understand then, but I do now. My dad was anti-McCarthy and lost a lot of friends with this division. Interestingly, 'tail gunner' Joe McCarthy was from my home state of Wisconsin. All his writings are held at Marquette University.

Carol, now that I thought more about the censuses, most of them are probably already backed up on an external drive.

But my guess is that many of them have the original file  names from Ancestry like 1871 Census of Canada # 12345678 which in a perfect world I would rename to include the name of person or persons on the census that I was researching.

That sounds a lot of work.

Our weather will change dramatically on Sunday with a high of 25C or 77F. Tomorrow is all day rain which will be good for the garden.

Out west in British Columbia and Alberta the wildfire season started early with evacuations already happening, some of the fires didn't go out over the winter, they just smouldered under the snow what little there was in many areas.

There's already discussion of water rationing in some places.
Wait a minutes, Jamie can travel to the future? I guess I will have to read the books.  Did you see the Hallmark tv series "A Long Way Home" another good one,
Chris, We won't know what or how anything happens for at least 18 months.
Are you  talking about the man that is standing at the center of town at the beginning of the Season 1 Episode 1. I always took him as a ghost.

I looked it up and see what you mean I just never connected the two, Peopl talk about it because of the hat, but he does not wear a hat in Episode 1. The other guys wore the hat though. Guess I need to read the books.
M, one of the thing I really dislike about reading an on-going series is the waiting... waiting... waiting for the next instalment to be published.
Chris I think you're right, the man in the the very first episode wearing a Tam is theoretically Jamie's spirit.

In book 1 Frank describes the 'ghost' as a big chap and a Scot in complete Highland rig-out complete to sporran and the most beautiful running stag brooch on his plaid.

Though someone said in reference to the ghost, it's not Jamie its Andy. which doesn't help at all, as the person who is Sam Heughan's body double is named Andy.

We will all just have to be very patient.
I think I may need to watch the series again. Who's Andy? lol
+26 votes
Hello from Interlaken, Berner Oberland.

Last monday the whole world was white. Snow in the 2nd half of April really is seldom overhere. Interlaken is in the valley and not on the mountain where normally the snow retreats in springtime. Now the sun shines and the temperture goes up day by day. As we married early April 1970 we had also snow, about 20 cm. The Dutch guests didn't have the right equipment for cardriving in the snow. It was quite an adventure.

This week I was working on my CC7 which came up to 6198 this moment.

Yesterday 25 April, remembering 50 years Carnation revolution in Portugal, and also the remembrance of Gallipoli- Anzac-day was also my birthday. We had a nice family dinner at home served by our daughter-in-law a real Thai-curry.

My niece, or more exactly the daughter of my niece (how should I call that?) had her birthday on the 24th. She is daughter of my schoolfriend from the Netherlands and my oldest niece, Both died already he in 2014 and she in 2005. They had quite hard times and their daughter also. We keep the contact with her although she lives in The Hague and we in Switzerland, for us Europeans far away (900km).

This weekend is just programm, so my genealogical activity will be on a very low level.

I wish an enjoyable weekend
by Klaas Jansen G2G6 Mach 5 (50.5k points)
Hi Klaas, belated Happy Birthday! The daughter of your niece would be, I think, your grand niece. I know the other WikiTree genealogists will correct me if I'm wrong. You have a wonderful week!
Thank you Carol: as my grand niece is over 1m 85cm I think grand niece fits well.
Happy belated birthday to you, Klaas!

Thank you Pip. Tomorrow we have our familydinner. As you stated to be a cousin of William the Silent last week, I found our closest common ancestor to be Edward I Longshanks. My direct line is not in WikiTree, I can't add the missing links because I am not pre 1500 qualified. But anyway we are cousins.

Grattis på Födelsedagen Klaas!  Gelukkige verjaardag!
Thank you Maria, now I even learned some Swedish!
gefeliciteerd meneer
@Richard: hartelijk dank.
To you and your grand-niece Happy Birthday.

We had dawn services all over Australia on the 25th too.
Thank you Amanda
+23 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7am and 57F (18.9C) with an expected high of 79F (33.3C) and sunny skies.

 The Best Buy Geek arrived last Friday morning about 10am and replaced the old Samsung with the new one. He set up the inexpensive XUMO cable offered by Xfinity and so far, lips are in sync and there have been no problems for the past week (knock on wood). I will be returning one of the XUMO cable boxes to Xfinity because I was told the first was free and the second was $5. I thought it was a single $5; however, it is $5 per month. That $60 would buy a lot of milk, so I will be returning the extra. Plus, I am rarely in that front room and usually only watch PBS. I ‘jerry-rigged’ an antenna and got PBS reception without a problem. Plus, Netflix and Prime are already available on that TV. I really do not need that extra XUMO box.

 I spent a great deal of Sunday, Monday and all-day Tuesday working on the book chapter from hell! This is the chapter we submitted last June and heard nothing until I sent the editors and email in February. We have until May 1 to submit the revised chapter. My colleague formatted it according to their guidelines, which would have been nice to receive BEFORE we even started on this project last year. She also did a bit (and I mean a bit) of editing. I really took a scalpel to the chapter, which was supposed to be a maximum of 10 pages and our chapter was 20 pages. I think I reduced it by around six pages. I sent it back to my colleague Tuesday night and suggested that she reduce all the information she had on ‘mast cell activation’ by around four pages. What she wrote is more than a research paper! I have a conference call with her this afternoon and plan on drafting an email to the editor while we are on the phone so this puppy can be resubmitted this weekend. At this point, I don’t give a rat’s butt if it is published.

I saw the pain specialist on Monday the 22nd for a follow up from the steroid injection to the right SI joint on April 9th. The injection has essentially worn off. The next plan is to do a bilateral injection in the lumbar 3-4 spine; however, the pain specialist contacted the neurologist to see about my being taken off Plavix (an anti-stroke drug). I think he is worried about hitting a vein with the needle and my bleeding out. Currently, it looks like I was in a boxing ring with Muhammed Ali and have very apparent bruises on my arms and hands. What cannot be seen is the bruising on my thighs and lower legs and even my feet. All I need to do is bump my foot and I have a bruise. I got pricked by a cactus needle the other day and bled like a stuck pig. Frankly, at this point given the severity of the pain and crap quality of life, I would not care if I bleed out.

My brother, whose birthday was April 20th (he is 3 years younger than I) had surgery on Wednesday. He had a pacemaker placed along with ablation. He has been getting about 3 hours of sleep at night because he wakes up with palpitations and difficulty breathing. I forgot to mention that he has atrial fibrillation. He came home yesterday, and we chatted for a while. He is doing well, and I encouraged him to walk as much as possible at a slowish pace because it takes six months to a year for the body to rid itself of the general anesthetic. Plus, walking will help him to lose weight, including the water weight. My brother and I are very close, like foxhole buddies. We managed to get through a very difficult childhood together with a lot of humor.

 I contacted the Director of the Guild for One Name Studies several weeks ago. Based on her feedback, I applied for “Baldwin” to become a formal study with the Guild on Wednesday. I used the WikiTree URL for the Baldwin ONS as an exemplar for the study given that I added the history of the Baldwin name, Baldwins who migrated from England during the Puritan Great Migration, and other information. I received word yesterday that the application is under review. I am hoping that it is approved and will add this information to the Baldwin ONS site. Other than that, I have been adding more information to the Grinnells of Maine and working trying to souce the 13th to 15th century Baldwins in Buckinghamshire. I do not know if I will ever finish some of these Baldwins. The worst are GEDCOM uploads with no information at all that I can use to try and find sources, or even one source. It is very frustrating; however, I will do what I can to continue to do the clean up on aisle Baldwin.

 Pip, as always, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. I miss you and hope to see you soon. I wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great LAST weekend of April 2024!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Carol Baldwin

Hi Cousin Carol! Pip fooled us both today! He was an hour early! I did not see that coming!surprise

Carol it sounds like you are to your neck in Tech woes again!

I think all the medical tests, scans etc that were ordered by my new doctor over the past 8 months are now complete and apparently other than marginally high blood pressure, I am good to go for a while.

I do need to get my second shingles shot sometime in May.
Hi M, your health status sounds really great! Good for you. My tech woes are copesthetic right now (knock on wood). I just wish I could find something to help with the back pain.
Hey Cousin Carol, Good to hear from you. Every time you talk about the Baldwins I think about the Baldwin sister's on the Waltons. Those ladies always crack me up when I see them on TV.

Sorry to hear about your brother's AFIB problem I have a good friend that suffers from the same problem. She is almost like a mother to me. I was at her house the other day when her AFIB was acting up and her chest was bothering her. We had to call EMS out to her house. .Luckily she is ok, but I worry about her,

Have a good weekend
Hi Cousin Chris Wine, I don't know about the Baldwin sisters because I have never watched the Waltons! I was never much of a telly watcher (except for Laugh In and the early years of SNL).

Yes, I am concerned for my brother. I will keep an eye on him via phone. I think he has some sort of 'virtual' hook up such that if something happens he is monitored. Amazing was technology can do that is good (just like there are times it can be used badly).
lol The Walton take place during the Depression and WW2. It is a good story line, but I do love those ladies. They are know for "Drink" they are funny older ladies that crack me up.

Where is your brother at now?
I too love the Waltons.  The ladies make their father's "recipe"
which is moonshine. They do not realize that.  The family is the star of the show and feature seven children growing up in
normal situations, not the ugly relationships presented in many of the current television shows.
That is right.  I could not remember what it was called. "The Recipe" :) Daddy and his Recipe. You are probably right they didn't know any better. The men sure loved visiting the ladies especially grandpa.
@Chris and Beulah...thanks for this info. I think my kid sister watched this show. The large family during the depression sounds familiar. It could also be that I am thinking of my grandparents. They came from large families during the depression. Moonshine...my grandmother never made moonshine, but she did make 'bathtub gin.'
"Bathtub gin" now that's a story I'd love to hear about lol

I liked the Waltons too
+22 votes
Howdy folks! Greetings from a stormy central Oklahoma!

The weather is typical springlike for us: chances of storms and insane pollen levels. There is a chance of severe weather through 4 am Sunday. Luckily, my race doesn't start until 0630. Springtime in Oklahoma....

My niece is an RN and is trying her hand at travel nursing. She got a contract for a hospital in OKC, so my sister accompanied her to help her get settled in. I wasn't expecting my sister at all, so it was a pleasant surprise! We had dinner at my eldest daughters house Wed evening, which means I got to play with the grandgirl all evening. That and hanging out with my sister was the perfect night!

Sunday is the big day! I'm a bit nervous because 13.1 miles is the longest race I've taken part in, to this point. I'm ready physically and mentally, and I cannot wait to hit the course. This is also the largest event I've ever been a part of, by far. My bib number is 17409. Tomorrow I have to pick my race packet up, and maybe drive through the course, I'm really looking forward to the cheeseburger and 2 beers that we get at the end of the race! I know some people who have walked/run this half marathon before, and they say it's a blast. I'm so looking forward to it!!

Thanks Pip for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time.......

by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (224k points)

Gooooood morning Cousin John! (10th)heart That storm is getting ready to hit us later this morning! 13 miles is a breeze! it will pass by so quick, you will be done before you know it! And you WILL know it come Monday morning.surprise

Hey Cousin (10th) Best of luck in the race. Been meaning to ask you. Is you family related to the Vecsei-1? They are both from Hungary I see and I was just wondering.
Thanks cousin David!

I'm taking next week off to let my legs rest!
Thanks cousin Chris!

My family's Hungarian name is actually Viszokai, So at first glance, I'm not related to Vescsei.
Good luck with your race John, I'm sure you'll do well

If your bib number is 17409, how many are there in this race?
Hi Amanda!

There were about 7500 people in the half marathon.
+23 votes

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

Thanks for hosting, Pip! This week's blog is about my great-grandfather's reaction to going to Italy after the first world war. Check it out: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2024/04/52-ancestors-week-17-war.html

I looked it up and a total of 42 people from San Pietro died in the war. That's so sad. I imagine he saw a lot of changes in his town when he went back to San Pietro. =(

In other genealogy news, I found some new Cadran cousins and added them to the tree. One of them was a lady who was adopted. Her friend messaged me on Ancestry and asked for my help in making the connection. I helped her out and things went well from there. 

I added a few other DNA matches and found that I am nearing 200 matches in my tree for my dad and 200 for my mom. Not bad. Let's hope I can meet or beat those numbers soon.

I also spruced up my friend Anthony's tree here by adding stickers, notes and all that good stuff. Anthony has Italian, Dutch and German roots so far. He also has some southern US ones. Not bad. Just need to connect him more to the world tree. Thankfully, some profiles were already on this site. They were gedcoms and I flushed out the gedcom junk.

I also added the last cemetery to the Haverhill One Place study. This was the Whittier Cemetery. I found out one of the people buried there is in the PGM project and I added the Haverhill OPS tag. I need to see if I can tag as many Haverhill citizens as I can for the OPS. It's gonna take some time.

On the non genealogy front, I'm enjoying the nice warm weather. It's too nice a day to be inside. So get out there and enjoy the sun!!

Thanks for hosting, Pip! Have a great weekend!

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (785k points)
Ciao Cousin Chris. WOW! I can see your face in that photo of your ancestor in uniform! The grainy photo! Great blog. I enjoyed reading it very much. Looks like you have recovered from the Thon. Have a great week and enjoy that warm Massachusetts weather while you can.

Hey Cousin Chris!  Song: WAR!  What is it good for? Absolutely Nothing! ....I don't know if you remember that song! It was popular back when us old timers were all hippies! surprise

@ David: It's okay. I remember that song. Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan sang it the Rush Hour movies. It was also featured in Forrest Gump if I recall. So, yeah. I know the song. I'm not THAT young! It was also quoted by Quark in an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. "War. What is it good for? If you ask me absolutely nothing." Though, War being good for business is one of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.

You hippies also made some creepy cartoons in the 70s, btw. I'll never forget a few....mainly because they exist rent free in my head. Early Sesame street was used with all the drugs wasn't it?

@ Carol: Thanks, Carol! Definitely recovered! Nothing like a good long sleep to recharge, right? And yea I can see it too. I wonder if I can clean it up some. Would be cool.
@ Chris Bet you never heard it on an AM radio in a car with a metal dash, no airbags or seatbelts without shoulder straps. Almost forgot, no AC and hand crank roll up windows.
@Kay: Nah. I just heard it on the oldies station my dad would have on during trips in the 1980s. Good times. Man, those leather seats were sticky. Remember, I was born in the late 1970s. We didn’t have acs or airbags. And we had handcrank windows, too,
Those that were only 4 or 5 years older than me, that went to Vietnam, seemed really old when they returned home.

 Did you have to walk barefoot to school, both ways in the snow, even in the summer? I'm so old, I thought the kids at school were lying when they said the Wizard of Oz was in color after Dorothy went through the doorway. But then again, Oz is 20 years older than me, and I saw it 5 or six times before color TV's were a thing. I guess dad never saw the point of a color TV since the Honeymooners were shot all in black and white.
War does that to a person. It changes them forever.

I didn't so much have to walk barefoot both ways. But, we have had our share of blizzards here. I'm a half an hour north of Boston. I'm no stranger to wintry conditions. We once went a week without power and had over a foot of snow. Was not fun. But, it was winter in New England. What can ya do?

I first saw Wizard of Oz when it came on tv some Sunday evening in the 1980s. It was one of those movie night deals they had on ABC. I can't really remember what the first movie I saw in theaters was. Probably either Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home or the first Back to the Future movie.
The first movie I saw in a theatre was "Half A Sixpence". We had to travel to Melbourne to see it, I was probably 7 or 8 at the time. Like you Chris, the first time I saw Wizard of Oz would have been on TV too.

How did we start talking about movies lol
The first movie I saw was 'in Search of the Castaways' with Haley Mills, in 1962.

Then Thunderball the James Bond movie in 1964, my dad took us the 3 oldest kids to see it, we would have been 8, 10 and 11, my mother was shocked, but there was also 3 younger kids, who would have been 5, 2 and a newborn.

My dad had volunteered to take the 3 older kids out for an afternoon, and I think she was so thrilled to have some of us out of the house, that she never asked what the plan was.

Then Mary Poppins with the family, and a Hard Day's Night ( I went with friends to see that one) both also 1964 I think, The Sound of Music in 1965.

They were all in colour except a Hard Day's Night.
K, I didn't have to walk to school at all, but at age 8 I did have to take my 2 younger sisters on 2 different city buses about 6 miles to school.
@ Chris My first movie was probably Snow White, Age 5. It was a birthday party for one of my friends that I remain friends with to this day. I'm sure we spent time in the Church nursery before that.

@ M I remember walking to school about 1 1/2 miles by age 7, by myself. It's a different world.
+22 votes

Checking in from Bloomington, Illinois, USA 55F (12.7777778C) 

Discord Front:  My skills are getting better on the WikiTree Discord Newt Channel! I learned how to post pictures and links, turn on notifications! Now, I just wish I had someone to talk to!surprise

Home Front: 2 Great part time jobs...2 months no work! Arghhhhh! I'm getting nervous!

Book Front: I have not written a word for over a month until this week! Now I am approaching the halfway mark. Total word goal is 75,000.  Currently I have written 33,000.

What floored me: I was told I needed to line up 30 publishers, because most would turn me down,,,maybe all of them would turn me down!surprise Anyway, I had reached out to a publisher last January to obtain their online writer's help guide, (tips and tricks and what to expect) which they emailed the link.

Last Wednesday, an account associate from that publishing company sent an email to see if I was still actively writing a manuscript.  If I was, they wanted to know what I was writing about.  I emailed her back with a 1 paragraph "book report" and another paragraph to explain who my target audience was, and a little about me, and a link to my WikiTree profile. I told her I should have the manuscript finished by July.

 I figured that was going to be the last of that, and I would never hear from them again! WRONG! She emailed right back!

Her was her reply: 

Good to hear from you, Dave. Your manuscript has an absolutely intriguing storyline. We will be happy to help you with the next steps when you are ready. The writer's guide has helpful tips to aid in your process. I will check and see how it is going in July! Reach out if you have any questions in the meantime.

That is all the encouragement I needed to get back to researching and writing! wink  It is still a long shot!  But I now have more hope than I ever did!

Thanks Cousin Pip for hosting the Weekend Chat! Have a great weekend Wikipeeps!laugh

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Hoi david

Is it not posible to publish the book yourself? You can promote it on every social media.

Greetings Richard
Hi Richard! Yes, I can self-publish. It would be last on my lists of options.
Good to hear from you Cousin Dave. You will have to keep us posted about what you decide to do with your book.
David, I remember you were writing your relative in as acting
in partnership time with Remington although it was part of the "historical" freedom you were using in the novel.  Just thought you might like to know his future.  He opened a factory in Ilion, New York.  The company just shut down 300 jobs and are moving to Georgia, a "More gun friendly state".  Activity by some, as well as other states, are encouraging laws to penalize the manufacturers of those AR type rifles used in mass murder sites.  I don't agree with that position that the company is responsible with what the owners do with their their guns, but I wish the general public was not allowed to buy them so easily.  No deer that
someone is going to use to feed their family needs that gun size used on it.  Most of the murderers seem to be city oriented people in my opinion.

@Beulah:  In the book, my 2nd great grandmother, orphaned at age 9, is bound out to her eldest sister, Elizabeth, living near Madison, North Carolina. (logical assumption) When I did research and found that Remmington lived there before moving to New York, I couldn't resist adding that bit of history in the book.  Truth is that Elizabeth (Means) Smith was born and died in Rockingham County, NC, but her husband Edwin Smith from Stokes County, NC moved around, and had Scales family members near Madison. The hero of my book has an encounter with Remmington while in the care of Edwin and Elizabeth, which is fictional, but extremely funny and entertaining to read.wink (The story needed some comic relief after the very true heart-wrenching tragedies that preceded.)

I remembered you telling about her, in your book with your historical novel permission, having her show Remington her shooting skills.  They really never crossed paths because of real time lives.
Sounds like you have a great incentive to keep going David

@Beulah: Quote: "They really never crossed paths because of real time lives."  Actually, they could have crossed paths.

Wikipedia: Madison is a town located in Rockingham County, North Carolina. At the 2020 census, the town had a total population of 2,132.[4] Madison is part of the Greensboro-High Point Metropolitan Statistical Area of the Piedmont Triad metro region. It was home to the corporate headquarters of Remington Arms until 2020, when the company was made defunct by bankruptcy proceedings. It is still home to Marlin Firearms, which was an asset of Remington now owned by Sturm, Ruger & Co. 

Remmington moved operations to NY in 1828. My Time in the story is 1826. Evidently the corporate offices remained in Madison.   I rechecked all my time lines just to make sure.

+22 votes
Dear Pip and all, we had a wonderful time in Oregon, and returned Wednesday evening. Four people in close quarters for three days made for frazzled nerves at times, and yet we pulled for each other through some low moments so we could hit the high ones.

Highlights: visiting the dunes on the coast between Reedsport and Florence. The sand is so fine and slippery. Kids and I decided not to hike the 3/4 mile down the steep slope to the shore. I could not have made it down and back. We stood at the top of the rise looking at the surf come in. Daughter photographed her Paul Atrades figure made by Funkopop on the dunes. She posted the photo online. That is what she came for.

We had a beautiful drive along the banks of the Umpqua River. The weather was warm and sunny. We came back to the Eugene/Springfield area Tuesday afternoon.

Another highlight was visiting Brownsville, Oregon, for which I am OPS coordinator. We paid our respects at the Pioneer Cemetery. In the Kirk plot, I saw that one of the grave markers was obscured by mud. Wiping at it, I discovered it was my great-aunt Effie. Oh no! Effie was THE source for the genealogy of my paternal grandmother's ancestors. With the help of the kids, and water from daughter's drinking bottle, we washed most of the mud away so that daughter could take a photo of the marker.

Photos were taken in Brownsville to enhance the OPS and the profiles that link to it. We visited the church my ggf founded and photographed the engraved window bearing his name. We used the facilities downstairs in the church and greeted the nice ladies who were doing day care. We had lunch in the saloon on main street. The food in town was excellent.

Traveling with the dog was not as difficult as I feared. It is like traveling with a baby. I packed everything essential. The motels that we stayed at were dog-friendly and so were the people.

Returning home, the rain found us on the way. Here in Everett, it's been cloudy and lightly raining since we returned.

Last night I surprised the Historical Society board by showing up at the Zoom meeting. I took the minutes and posted them. We are planning to publish a book of collected essays on Mukilteo history, including some by myself. The minutes included a lot of $ figures and statistics about how we want to publish. Self-publishing seems the most cost-effective.

I tried contributing to Wikitree on my laptop while we were in the motels. The keyboard was just too cramped and I gave up after about a couple of hours.

Since returning, I have been working on the Brownsville OPS and have much to add.

You all have good weeks for this end of April. Pip, God bless you for helping that family.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
Hi Margaret guess you ae my 18th cousin twice removed. Sounds like you had a great time in Oregon. I would love to take my dog when I go places just not enough places that allow dogs. Besides he does like his day care where he gets to play with his furry friends all day.
Wow Margaret your trip sounds amazing. I'm glad you enjoyed it and your daughter got her picture. I keep thinking about starting a OPS for my home town but I have too many commitments already - but it's always in the back of my mind.
+23 votes

Happy weekend everybody, I hope if you're in the top half of the globe that the weather's starting to get warmer, and if you're in the bottom half that it's not too cold just yet!  I'm in the UK where the weather's more or less always the same, a bit nippy out.

I have finished indexing every British and American episode of This Is Your Life.  Hopefully everyone on the UK version who has a profile is linked now, but I've probably missed a few.  I plan to start looking for low-hanging fruit to connect up now at the British end.  The American guests are all indexed but for now I'm not really inclined to go searching for them all, but anyone's free to jump in.  It's going to be a nice challenge trying to track down the non-celebrity guests from the early shows!

Now my main focus is on the UK Number 1 Singles index, I'm almost at my target year of 1980 for performers but I've been pushing hard on the writers this week, and we're up to 1962.  I've also started putting Youtube links to each record so you can listen to any of them (and see a picture of the record) with one click.  Those links might break down from time to time in the future, but easy enough for whoever finds a break to edit.

I've learned some interesting facts.  The lyric we all know for Blue Moon (written by Lorenz Hart, tune by Richard Rodgers) were the 4th attempt, 2 previous attempts were recorded for, but then cut from released motion pictures, while the 3rd attempt actually featured in ''Manhattan Melodrama'' (sung by Shirley Ross).  MGM's Jack Robbins thought the tune was suitable for release but needed punchier lyrics.  So Hart wrote a fourth lyric (the one we know), and the song was released in 1934 initially by Ted Fio Rito with Muzzy Marcelino on vocals, but was quickly re-recorded by other artists.

A 1958 number 1, It's All In The Game sung by Tommy Edwards has a writing credit to a US Vice President, no less (I'll let you look up which!).  The story of the writing credits of The Teenagers' Why Do Fools Fall In Love is very sad, but well documented.  

I found a connection for (not yet built the intermediates) Boudleaux Bryant who wrote more than one number 1.  I built a profile for Eddie Cochrane's brother Bob, who co-wrote Three Steps To Heaven.  The co-writer of Cliff Richards' hit Please Don't Tease is the (living) son of British comedian Charlie Chester, who didn't have a profile but does now (and was on This Is Your Life in 1961!).

The last surviving original member of UK band The Moody Blues, Mike Pinder died this week.  I haven't made him a profile but three of the other members with profiles are now connected to the "band" space (a section of my Music Groups and Bands page) so you can jump from member to member with ease.  I'm hoping to do this with many more bands and expand it out beyond just those who had number 1s in the UK.  Ideally other people will join in!

I made a couple of UK politician pages, one because she was on This Is Your Life and one because he died this week.  I also found a connection for the film director Michael Powell (of Powell & Pressburger fame).

Maybe my most intriguing find of the week has nothing to do with number 1s or This Is Your Life, I can't even remember how I got on that track, I think because the Youtube algorithm has been throwing "old music" at me.  There is a song called The Teddy Bear's Picnic which everyone in the UK knows, I'm not sure whether it has penetrated the American national psyche.  Whenever I see it it's credited to Henry Hall and his Orchestra (which were at the time the BBC Dance Orchestra, the time being 1932 (the tune was written in 1907 but the lyrics only appeared in 1932).  But Henry Hall wasn't the singer.  That honour goes to Val Rosing.

Now this is where it gets confusing.  Val, the singer, was Valerian Rosing, but he was the son of Vladimir Rosing, who was also known as Val.  He (the father) was also a singer, a Russian-born tenor with a fascinating story dancing (or singing, I guess) on the edges of history, but you can read that on his profile (now).

Val (the son) after he recorded Teddy Bears, went off to the USA to try and become the new Bing Crosby and was persuaded by Louis B Mayer to change his name to Gilbert Russell, which he did - maybe because his father was already America's famous Val Rosing.  He never found stardom but did become a vocal coach to the stars.  The Teddy Bears Picnic guy was Natalie Wood's vocal coach.  As the song (almost) goes:

When you go down in the family trees, you're sure of a big surprise...

(edited - 1 typo and linking in a profile I just created for Shirley Ross.  Her grandfather already had a profile, thankfully!)

by Stephen Corkey G2G6 Mach 3 (32.2k points)
edited by Stephen Corkey
Hey Stephen.

I remember the song "Teddy Bear Picnic" cute song. But then when it comes to music I like different song, when I dj for an online station I always opened up with the "Muppet Show" because you were going to get some funny music during that show. I also liked Jimmy Dickens v" May the Bird of Paradice Fly up Your Nose,"

We are definitely going to have to do something about this football situation, I never know if people are taking about American football or soccer.
I love what you're doing with the "This Is You Life" theme. We had the show on and off over the years in Australia too.

I remember the "Teddy Bear Picnic" for all the wrong reasons. I was about 7 in dance class and it was to be one of the songs for my class and for some reason I was not going to have a bar of it. I wanted no part in being a teddy bear - I have no idea why. Thankfully they did it without me - I hated that dance class. The teacher was obsessed with students doing the splits ugh
+23 votes
Rain and showers for the next week, subject to change, as I've learned to add.......and, flip flopping twice a day, sun or rain forecasted for the following week......take your pick.   My right eye clouded over (not a weather forecast) in February and yesterday I had a cataract diagnosed, 2 more appointments scheduled in May.   Kathy had successful cataract surgery in both eyes about 15 years ago......my turn now.
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (363k points)
It seems to always be something with the weather; hot or cold, rain or shine. It even gets dark here for several hours a day it seems.  don't know what to think about it, i can't seem to figure it out.

My ophthalmologist said cataract surgery was simple enough, instead i get a shot of vitamins in my eye every couple month to maintain what vison i have left after WMD. Life is a temporary situation, i try not to take it too seriously.
Yeh, sometimes in the past I just said we're having weather and my regular optometrist said I had healthy eyes, someday I would get cataracts......someday it is.
HiJohn (13th Cousin Twice Removed)

Your weather sounds like my weather you dont know what to expected. Today was to be cloudy but it was sunny all day till about 5:00 Go figure lol. Enjoyed the sun though go outside and weeded. All kinds i fun.
Hi Cousin Chris, now somebody has put the forecast in the blender......mixed sun and showers.
+24 votes

Hello here s Richard still from the st Hildegardis Monostary sad.

It s not easy to get away here. Some folks of healthcare and the police have been at my door. I did nothing wrong, but they know I don t have mediciation for 2 years now and no psychological care. I built a soundproof wall so I didn t hear them. It works pretty well laugh. I know the police officer. She visited me some times before the covid lockdown. Almost my whole life there were people who took care of me. They had forgotten me, and many others.

My dog Hector is 13 years old now. For the first time I had to go to a veterinary surgeon. I got saving money but I couldn t get it. But the healthcare worker said that they must give it for the dog, it s my saving money. They pulled out some teeth, and shaved his ears. I got to give him some painkiller for 5 days. They say he s pretty old, but he s like a pup and can walk for hours. They forgot to train him to help me because I am autistic, but he still helps me a lot. He s very happy now, but a little sleepy because of the drugs. 500px-Ameling-140-18.jpg

Tomorrow is the birthday of my cousin Willem Alexander: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Van_Oranje-Nassau-2. They say it s a party for every one. I know it isn t. They don t give me my saving money I worked for my whole life. I live in poverty, but it s not so bad as many folks here in Rotterdam. My dog got food every day. Also the King his ancestors (my cousins) demolished some castles of my great grandfathers. So Im a little mad at him. I think Im going to flee to an other country.

Just for some weeks I know that Im descended from so many kings and knights. I do like the brave knights. My family told me almost nothing. And it s getting weirder every week. The Grail Knight Parcival is my great grandfather. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gracilius-2. I saw him on television. Also Gundahar is my great grandfather, he is also from a legend: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Burgunden-19. It s cool that we can connect to people from sagas, mythology and legends. My history teacher told me that history sometimes starts with legends.

Lately Im making the profiles of my closer family nice, and sometimes I find sources I didn t find when I created these profiles. Im also working on some freespaces. I think it will take a few months to get it done. I think some wikitreers are very happy now that I don t bother them for some time in the ancient profiles till about the year 1200. I also need to work on some difficult profiles. This one is the best profile I created so far. I like to work on this profile because its very interesting history and I didn t learn at school about this man: Louis de la Kethulle. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/De_la_Kethulle-8. Only my translation in English is very simple. My English is not so good yet. My cousin Hans created the profiles of the rest of Louis s family. See how they have dressed the poor daugther of Louis for the painting laugh

I almost forgot the song from youtube.

Here it is: Bringin' home the rain!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzDqCcTeSmY&pp=ygUUYnJpbmdpbmcgb24gdGhlIHJhaW4%3D

God bless you

by Richard Ameling G2G6 Mach 2 (27.4k points)
edited by Richard Ameling
Richard if you open/edit your post you can copy paste the photo you want to add directly to your post and then save changes.

I answered your question in Wiki Tree help.
Thank you

Greetings Richard
Hey Richard,

Your English looks good to me. I am sorry to hear about your dog. It is hard on us when dogs get old. My dog is starting to show signs of Diabetes. So I am working on cutting back the sweets in his life. I don't know what he is going to do without Cotton Candy this year.
Thank you Chris

I am so sorry about your dog. I just read your bio and I am sure that your dog gets a lot of love from you.

I hope so that you and your dog will be fine.

God bless Chris and her dog.
+22 votes

Virtual Vacation!

Today we will have an adventure! 

When we visited Tucson in February, we booked a sky night at the Mount Lemmon Sky Centre. The Sky Centre is east of Tucson but not far at least in ground level distance. It is at an altitude of 9,170ft so most of the time required to get there, is driving up the 26-mile Sky Island Scenic Byway a 2 lane road, with tight switchbacks most of which has no guard rails. 

It’s a five-hour public program and starts two hours before sunset, the instructions include bring a big coat, scarf, gloves, a hat, and all warm clothing. It includes an astronomy lecture, a light dinner, sunset, and guided navigation of the night sky.  It starts with using binoculars and ends with views through one of 2 telescopes at the summit.

Other instructions include be sure you start with a full tank of gas! There are no filling stations on the mountain. 

And I would add there are no lights so driving on the way down the mountain in the dark, at about 9.30 pm on the 2 lane road, most of which has no guard rails was quite the experience, often we could only tell which way the road went by the taillights of the cars in front of us. And I did wonder if some of those cars would end up going over the edge, people were over driving their headlights. 

From the bottom to the top there is a 30- to 40 F degree temperature drop, which means that the vegetation change from the bottom to the top is significant, at the bottom you are surrounded by saguaros, chollas, and many other typical Sonoran Desert plants.


Here the vegetation has changed a lot from that at the bottom.


As you go higher there is an area where the plants seem to have mostly disappeared and have been replaced by odd rock outcroppings locally known as hoodoos. Though they are quite different than the rock formations known as hoodoos inn western Canada and other parts of the US. 

Part way up you can see sections of the road above where you are driving, in this picture at the bottom is the road we were driving on, at the top of the picture is the road we would drive along next. The hoodoos are at the top of this picture.


After you get through all switchbacks the strange rocks and many fabulous views, you start to enter forest areas of cottonwoods, oaks and aspens. When you get to 6,000-7,000 feet, you are in another vegetation zone with ponderosa pines and oaks which continues for the rest of the drive up to the peak where you can ski. 

This view is at about 6000 feet.


Snow at the top


Everyone is bundled up, the temperature in the observatory got colder and colder as the evening went on. 


In the observatory, it was 0C when it was dark enough to see planets and stars, as the participants are mostly just sitting, and it is common for people to get really cold so there is a warm room where people can go to to warm up the room is about 25 C.


A view of Jupiter taken through the telescope, this pic was taken by one of the astronomers with our smart phone.


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (760k points)
Thank you for the beautiful pictures.

Greetings Richard
This brings back memories for me, I visited Tucson in 1998 and went to an observatory - I believe it was Kitt's Peak rather than this one, but it was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

I seem to recall it was pointed at the sun although in fairness, I did go during the daytime.
Hi M, these photos are several great reasons why I love Tucson and am one happy Tucsonan. Thank you for the reminders of the travel to and from Mt Lemmon. I prefer hot summer days, though, in order to cool down. I forgot to mention that my neighbor Mr. Graham  helped to install the Mount Lemmon Observatory. His stories were always a joy to hear. He died about 3 years ago. I still miss him.

Thank you for the memories.
That looks beautiful. I would love that see that one day. I think Cleveland has a planetarium I will have to look into it.
This brings back memories from my hometown! Thank you for sharing your pictures.
Hi M it sounds fabulous but very cold and with a very scary end. Not sure I'd enjoy the trip off the mountain even in the daylight. Love your pictures
+22 votes
Howdy, from a cool and cloudy Kentucky.  Yesterday, was beautiful and we were able to get some work done outside.  Planted our tomato plant, clean the railings on the front porch--birds pooping all over it, watch the squirrel in the backyard run around.  I spend a couple hours a day working on my Judy Do list that mom has. Then I get to do what I love---genealogy!!
by Judith Fry G2G6 Mach 8 (86.9k points)
Hey Cousin, You are about two weeks ahead of me. Can't wait to plant my stuff. Last year was a bad year for me. This year is going to be a much better year. :)
Hey Judith we're coming into colder weather in Australia. You have inspired me to look at putting in some broccoli. I haven't done that in years and there is nothing like it fresh from the garden
Sounds yummy!  I love broccoli
I agree Chris.  Last year we only got 2 tomatoes on one plant and 1 on the other.  We actually got too much rain.
+22 votes

On this day:

121: The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius is born

1940: The German Nobel Laureate Carl Bosch dies

1964: Tanganyika and Zanzibar unify to Tanzania

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Happy 1903rd birthday, Marcus!  

(He doesn't look a day over 1900)
Hi Jelena, today I will go with Carl Bosch! Anti 3rd Reich and feeding roughly 1/3 of the world's population in addition to the Nobel Prize. Terrific!
+23 votes

Yesterday, I was able to help the Massachusetts State House reference librarian by finding the first Quaker voted into the Massachusetts legislature. It took me only a minute, based on an educated guess that Nantucket was probably the only area that would have enough of a concentration of Quakers to elect a Quaker. The leading families among them were Coffin and Starbuck, so I searched the internet for Coffin elected to Massachusetts legislature. Micajah Coffin came right up as having served from 1791-1812. Micajah's Wikitree profile is Coffin-1397; he is not yet labeled as a legislator or notable. He is profiled in Wikipedia. Once in a while, someone asks a question like that which shows me how much of my home state's history that I've absorbed over the years.

Micajah's mother was a Hussey- that is, her birth name was Jedidah Hussey, which is a curious name for a dignified woman. I'm working on profiles of two of her relatives, Thankful (Purington-185) Hussey, who was sort of a circuit riding preacher, and her daughter, Thankful (Hussey-3195) Southwick. Both were early and active Abolitionists and feminists. They were inlaws of my 1st cousin 6 x  removed.  https://www.masshist.org/beehiveblog/2021/11/being-thankful/

by Anonymous Reed G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
edited by Anonymous Reed
Anon, you certainly must have an encyclopedic memory.

I always wondered about a name origin for the last name Hussey. My ex,ex mother in law was a Hussey.
Sounds wonderful Anon. Do you have a photographic memory? I work on so many different names in a week I don't remember them all
+23 votes
Greetings from the front range of Colorado ... that's on the plains just East of the mountains.

Speaking of weather ... we're in for an exciting weekend.  Down here, we're supposed to be getting 1-2 inches of rain.  Ah, but the mountains to the west ... they're looking at 1 to 2 feet of snow ... Yikes, it's April.  And, for the mid-west folks, it's coming your way.

Geneology-wise I've been going back over profiles I did a few years back ... okay, 10-12 years back.  Lots more sources have shown up on FamilySearch and other places.  Oh, and I did make a few rookie blunders back then.  Some of those blunders just make me smile.

It's Spring ... starting to do a few more things outside ... lawn and trees and such ... plants need to wait a few more weeks.  I'm sure there will be a freeze coming before 15 May ... that's my plant starting date.
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
I edit and improve profiles I created several years ago, by the year and month of creation. I'm currently working on profiles I created in April 2021, there's 10 left to update and only 3 days to do it.
I'm going thru my old 2018 profiles, my written sourcing has improved quite a bit since then lol and I knew very little about categories then too

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