Why is Svensson comming up when I add a Månsson?

+7 votes
Today when I added some sibblings with the last name Månsson and Månsdotter suggestion for Svensson and Svensdotter came up. I can't understand why. In Swedish Månsson and Magnusson and Magnisson are equal but Svensson has nothing to do with this. The same for females Månsdotter and Magnusdotter and Magnidotter are all three equal and Svensdotter has nothing to do with this.
Please help me understand why this occurs?
in WikiTree Tech by Kerstin Ståhlbrand G2G6 Mach 1 (13.8k points)

1 Answer

+11 votes
It is mentioned at the help page for searches that name variants are imported from WeRelate.org


Someone with very little familiarity with Swedish names must have entered Svensson and Månsson as equivalents once upon a time.

I think there are plans for making a change so that name variants will be kept and updated in a WikiTree database.

My unvoiced pet complaint is that Anna and Susanna are taken as variants.
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (583k points)
Tack Eva! ❤❤
Right, we are currently working on having the variants managed on WikiTree -- so once it's live make sure to let us know what variants need to be added/removed!
Hi Jamie! I am really looking forward to that.
I can imagine there are many aspects that need to be discussed by and by. I don't think there is ever a valid reason to equate Svensson and Månsson - but I should think that there will be quite a lot of valid name variants for -son names that sound strange to us Swedes but actually occur among emigrants. Well, it's common knowledge that Svensson often became Swanson - I don't count that as strange ;-)

I think the worst source of falsely matching surnames for -son names are with sons of Johan, Jan, Jon, Jonas and the like - looking internationally there are just TONS of valid variants. We'll have to live with that.

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