USBH 1880 Census Project--How are we doing? March 2024 Update

+29 votes

We are way ahead of schedule for completion of the USBH 1880 Census Project thanks to all of the amazing help from all of you. We expected to finish the year with at least one county completed for each state. We currently have at least one county in each state finished except Delaware, Louisiana, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and District of Columbia. Some of the states simply have massive sized counties!

Because of all the help creating profiles, at the pace we are going, we expect to reach our goal of 400,000 total profiles by September! 

As of March 30, 2024

  • States completed: 7 out of 47
  • Total Number of Counties to be completed: 2376
  • Total Number of Counties completed: 193
  • Percent of Counties completed: 8.12%
  • Total Population to be completed: 6,581,694
  • Total Population completed: 6,465
  • Percent of Population completed: 0.10%
  • Total number of USBH Profiles added so far in March through March 24 (not just 1880 census): 20,186   [I had to do my math several times because I could not believe it. Amazing!]
  • Total number of USBH profiles: 318,866

Many more counties have been finished, but are in the checking stage, so not yet marked complete. We will update our statistics page about once a week if we are able, but at least once a month. 

Here is our visual progress to date. States with slashes have full lists of people on the spreadsheets with all counties accounted for. 

If you are on WikiTree's Discord server, you can join us there on the 1880 Census channel to talk about the 1880 census work. 

A huge thank you to our many many generous spreadsheet creators. An extra gold star goes to Donna Baumann who has created so many we will never be able to count them up.

in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
This is my first time working on a project like this that is not related to my own ancestors.  I have done 120 profiles so far for my county out of 8,559, so I have quite a ways to go.  I just realized that each profile that I create puts me as the Profile Manager.  I'm not sure that I want to be Profile Manager for 8,559 people who are not related to me, but can't figure out how to undo that.  Can someone help?
Beth, you can go into Privacy of each profile and remove yourself as Manager. Sounds like you'd want to remove yourself from the Trusted List as well.
Thanks so much! I found that I could do in "in bulk" so I don't have to go to each one.

6 Answers

+13 votes
Best answer
I am working very slowly on Troup County, GA, with nearly 15,000 people of color. I'm employed as a historian with the Troup County Historical Society, so I'm able to use the resources I have at hand to produce these profiles. Still, it's a tedious process. I welcome any help anyone might be able to provide.
by Lewis Powell G2G4 (4.4k points)
selected by Valorie Zimmerman
It's wonderful that you have access to local records! Troup is a huge county, so it will definitely take some time to complete.
I'll do some work on Troup this month. I have ancestors from there.
+15 votes
We're close to finishing the smallest county in Rhode Island!
by Kate Schmidt G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
Woot woot!
+13 votes
I usually work on Alabama stuff.  Mainly Lee County and Chambers County.  Would it be possible to get a spreadsheet for those counties?

I will start work on Macon County, Alabama since it has a spreadsheet.


by Sheila Tidwell G2G6 Mach 6 (65.2k points)
I've added those two counties to our request list. They will take a little longer since they're so big. Someone will let you know when they're ready. Thanks!
Sounds Great!!!

The Lee County, Alabama spreadsheet is ready now.

Thanks you SO much, Christy.  I will get started on it!

The Chambers County spreadsheet is ready now too, Sheila.

Thanks, Christy.  I have just gotten out of the hospital and will start working on both spreadsheets soon.
+7 votes
Very sorry; I believe on a re-read that this is for your Black History project - and I did complete Arizona for that.  I am not too "good" at G2G so do you have any news on the 1890s Birth Place project/challenge ?

by Chet Snow G2G6 Mach 7 (76.6k points)
+10 votes
Started on February 26.  I've created 337 profiles in the Mississippi county I'm working on.  I've been pleased at the number of married women for whom I have found surnames-- typically in marriage records, occasionally in the death records (usually up north) of their children.  I have not done much going back before 1870.  I have found a few newspaper articles on Chronicling America which is fun.  At my current rate, I'll finish the county in 2 years.  This is such a massive project, I'm kind of curious when the projected completion date is, and also I kind of don't want to know.
by Amy Garber G2G6 Mach 1 (18.2k points)
Great work, Amy! We don't have a completion date slated at this time because it's so massive. We have already exceeded our goal for 2024 which was to complete a county in every state. As we get a little further along, we might start guessing at a completion date based on how much work has been completed.
+7 votes
I am about one third done with Monroe County, New York. Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Wyoming, Genesee and Orleans have been completed.

Spreadsheets for Erie and Livingston are set up if you want to create some profiles in Western New York!
by John Stewart G2G5 (5.3k points)
Woot woot! Great work, John!

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