Comments on GARDNER R-U106 DNA Project

+5 votes

On 30 Mar 2024 Robert Gardner wrote on GARDNER R-U106 DNA Project:

I was working on some unsourced Gardner profiles and was able to connect David Gardner to the larger tree of George Gardiner (Gardiner-38) of Narraganset, Rhode Island families, and since David took the FamilyTree Y-DNA test, he shows up as a match with Randall Gardner and Howard Reynolds. Randall and David tested at the basic 37-STR marker level but based on close matches with other testers on the FamilyTree Gardner Surname Project who took the "Big-Y" test, their terminal SNP (mutation) is BY88844. Their common ancestor is Benoni Gardiner, son of George. Howard took the 111 marker test but some of his relatives took the Big-Y so based on association, his terminal SNP in FTC16092 and his ancestor was Benoni's brother George, Jr. This helps confirm their relationships and is a good example how surnames can change in the same family. It helps validate what has been documented. I inserted the graphics into the text to help illustrate the relationships. Randall, David and Howard could contact their Y-DNA matches on FTDNA to add their trees to WikiTree. My question is where are the Y-DNA testers from the U.K. (or other parts of Europe) with the Gardner surname. George Gardiner's parents haven't been verified and DNA could help. To answer that question I'd be willing to offer a $119 reward to any male Gardner (or variation) born in Europe who's willing to take a Y-DNA test and join the Gardner Surname Project and WikiTree (conditions apply).

in The Tree House by Robert Gardner G2G Crew (990 points)
edited by Robert Gardner

In 10 days (25 Apr) we'll be celebrating National DNA Day. I somehow missed it for the past 10 years since 2003 when it was officially designated to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the structure of DNA by a couple of obscure (at the time) British scientists, Watson and Crick, in 1953. It's worth taking a look at that groundbreaking paper which begins humbly:

"We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.)."

The article includes the now-iconic illustration of the double-helix ladder structure with the caption: "purely diagrammatic."

After a few paragraphs of technical descriptions and postulates comes the prophetic phrase:

"It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material."

They were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962. Paper can be viewed here:  DNA Paper

Celebrations aside, FamilyTreeDNA uses the event to offer discounts on DNA tests.  If you work in genealogy but haven't tested for DNA you're spinning your wheels.  It's like having a family tree in a manila folder instead of WikiTree. But they work together, WikiTree and DNA testing--it's a powerful combination.

1 Answer

+5 votes

I was not able to find a Gardner Y-DNA test taker in WikiTree who was born in Europe.  Here are the WikiTree profiles of Gardners who have a Y-DNA tested and have "known" roots in Ireland or the U.K.

The following Gardners have "known" roots in Ireland or the U.K. and have a Y haplogroup from 23andMe and may be willing to take a Y-DNA test from Family Tree DNA

by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (718k points)
Thanks, Peter. I've made contacts with some of the Gardner WikiTreers who have tested such as Fr. Martin who I helped narrow his Y-DNA a little further. David, on the list, is Fr. Martin's brother so they would be an exact match.  I'll check the others and see what I have in my notes such as Mel who has made huge contributions and is descended from the Garner-Keane line so I could probably guess his Y-DNA branch.  I'd still like to see more interest from the "old" country.

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