WT Browser Extension erratic behaviour [closed]

+4 votes
Overnight, Google updated Chrome to Version 121.0.6167.85 (Official Build) (x86_64) for MacOS.

Issue in Wikitree Edit mode: Erratic scrolling to bottom of page when highlighting anything.

Turned off the Style section of the WT extension, for now, to correct the issue.
closed with the note: Resolved
in WikiTree Tech by Jay Klock G2G5 (5.1k points)
closed by Jay Klock

1 Answer

+5 votes
Best answer
I haven't seen this problem, but I heard that a Chrome update fixed it(?!?!)
by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
selected by Florian Straub

Thanks, Ian. You are correct, it seems to have been resolved by an additional Chrome update.

Took me a couple of hours this morning to isolate which extension and then the browser extension attributes that contributed to the issue.

Great. That makes mine the best/only answer. smiley

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