Which notable born in '24 are you most closely connected to?

+23 votes

This week we celebrate the new year by looking at our connections to some of the people who have been born in '24 (1924, 1824, 1724, etc.). We start with Golden Age of Hollywood actress, Eva Saint Hayden, born in 1924.

Here are a few other famous folk born in '24 across the centuries:

Which of these is closest to you on our single family tree? If you're one of the 31.6 million of us who are connected to each other on our big tree, you can check with the Connection Finder.

In addition to the above and our many Featured Connections, you can check your connections to any category on WikiTree, such as Centenarians, Scotland Royalty, and Famous Actors of the 20th Century. Click the green MyConnections button in the upper right hand corner of the category page.

Let us know how you're related below. If you want to share your connection on social media with cousins and friends, click the "get shareable image" below the results, e.g. Sandra Day O'Connor and Eva Marie Saint. Then just upload it along with the URL of your direct connection. (Please refrain from sharing your connection on the featured profiles themselves, though. It clutters conversations on research and collaboration. Thanks!)

Help us find and improve the profiles for next week's feature on Family Feuds.

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (752k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten

38 Answers

+13 votes
16 degrees from Eva Marie (Saint) Hayden. 16th cousin 2 times removed. MRCA Laurence (Cheyne) Cheney (abt 1396  - 1461).

16 degrees from Marie Romanov. 14th cousin 5 times removed. MRCA John (Plantagenet) of Gaunt (abt 1340 - 1399).

17 degrees from Colleen Dewhurst. 8th cousin of  husband, George Campbell Scott. MRCA Margaret Martha (Talbot) Phelps (1684 - 1747).

17 degrees from Nina Foch.

18 degrees from Maurice Jarre.

19 degrees from Alfred Selwyn. 10th cousin 3 times removed. MRCA John Golding (abt 1498 - 1547).

21 degrees from David II of Scotland. 21st great grand uncle.

21 degrees from Hercules Robinson.17th cousin 3 times removed. MRCA Katherine (Mortimer) de Beauchamp (abt 1314 - abt 1369).

25 degrees from Nene Clutha.

25 degrees from Sarah Vaughan.

30 degrees from Empress Meisho.

34 degrees from Alice Sjoblom.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (136k points)
edited by Frank Blankenship
+14 votes


- King David II of Scotland; 24th great-uncle

- Eva Saint Hayden; 9c3r

- Alfred Selwyn; 10c6r

- Empress Marie of Hesse; 10c6r 

-Hercules Robinson; 19c3r 


- Colleen Dewhurst; 21 degrees

- Nina Foch; 21 degrees

- Maurice Jarre; 23 degrees

- Janet Frame; 26 degrees 

- Empress Meishō of Japan; 29 degrees

- Sarah Vaughn; 29 degrees

- Alice Babs; 35 degrees

by Ada Bourgeois de Beaubassin G2G3 (3.1k points)
Hey Ada,  - just checked, and you are my 13th cousin, 1x removed!  Nice to meet you :)
+12 votes

David (Bruce) King of Scots (abt.1324-1371) David II = first cousins 20 times removed

Maximiliane Wilhelmine Auguste Sophie Marie Romanov (1824-1880) = 12th cousins 8 times removed

Alfred Richard Cecil Selwyn (1824-1902) = 10th cousins three times removed

Hercules George Robert Robinson GCMG (1824-1897) = 15th cousins three times removed

by Kathy Donaldson G2G6 Mach 1 (15.2k points)
+12 votes

I am related to five notables born in '24. It would be six if my mum was counted as a Notable on WikiTree. She was born in 24 and died in her 98th year (in January 2022). Here are my Notable '24 kin:

1) 18º Eva Hayden: 11th cousins/1xr MRCA Isabel (Wells) Tuttle

2) 20º Alfred Selwyn: 16th cousins/4xr MRCA Elizabeth (Bethonia) Weyland

3) 20º Marie Romanov: 17th cousins/4xr MRCA Robert (Holand) de Holland

4) 22º Hercules Robinson: 21st cousins/4xr MRCA Geoffry FitzPiers

5) 23º David II King of Scots: 4th cousins/21xr MRCA Aveline (Clare) de Mandeville

Other non-related Notables born in '24:

22º Colleen Dewhurst and Nene Clutha; 23º Nina Consuelo Maud Foch and Maurice Jarre; 29º Sarah Vaughn; 30º Empress Meisho of Japan; 36º Alice Sjoblom

My Sincere Best Wishes to fellow WikiTreers for a Happy & Healthy New Year!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
I am 19 degrees from your mum (1 branch) but no relation. My grandmother was also born in 1924 on Christmas Day. She died in April 2000.
Hi Shonda, we are related in spirit, and with relatives born in '24! No matter how long since a death, there is still that loss, especially during holidays. Sincere Best Wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year.
Yes, for sure. I am dealing with two deaths that are coming up this month. My husband's 7th death anniversary on January 5th and my mother's on January 13th. I hate this month. It's the worst time of the year for me to sleep and I didn't wake up today until 4:30pm. I've had sleep issues since my husband passed but it's always worse this time of year.
Dayton/Tuttle/Wells connection here too with Eva. She is my 11th cousin also.
+15 votes
by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (429k points)
Wow, Shonda - Just checking, and I'm sure I've brought up that your my 22nd cousin, 2x removed...but did you notice how many other relatives we have between us?  Quite a few!!  :)
That's awesome, Elizabeth!
+12 votes
15 degrees from Eva Saint Hayden (9th cousin, once removed) and 15 degrees from Colleen Dewhurst (no relation)

More cousins:

King David II of Scotland -- 1st cousin, 20 times removed (uncertain) or 4th cousin, 18 times removed

Alfred Selwyn -- 11th cousin, 4 times removed

Empress Marie of Hesse -- 14th cousin, 6 times removed

Sir Hercules Robinson -- 15th cousin, 3 times removed (uncertain) or 23rd cousins, twice removed
by Cheryl Cruise G2G6 Pilot (189k points)
+12 votes
17 degrees from Eva Hayden (7th cousin, 5x removed)
18 degrees from Alfred Selwyn (9th cousin, 5x removed)
18 degrees from Colleen Dewhurst
20 degrees from Marie Romanov (10th cousin, 7x removed)
20 degrees from Maurice Jarre
21 degrees from Nina Consuelo Maud Foch
21 degrees from Nene Clutha
22 degrees from Hercules Robinson (18th cousin, 3x removed)
22 degrees from David II King of Scots (19th gguncle)
27 degrees from Sarah Vaughan
30 degrees from 明正 天皇
33 degrees from Alice Sjöblom
by Mike Wells G2G6 Pilot (142k points)
edited by Mike Wells
+11 votes
Well this was slightly schocking, I mean I should be most closely related to the Swedish Alice Babs (turns out her CC7 is very sparse at 38 connections!), seeing as I am from Sweden. I even have ancestry from Kalmar where she was born. Instead I am 34 degrees from her, and I am closer at 28 degrees from Empress Marie of Hesse.
by John Bäckstrand G2G6 Mach 1 (12.4k points)
+11 votes

Ancestors and Cousins


by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (264k points)
+10 votes
I am most closely connected to Empress Marie of Hesse at 20 degrees.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (268k points)
+11 votes

Cousins (Other Connection)
David II King of Scots - 3C22R - (26 degrees)
Alfred Selwyn - 12C7R - (23 degrees)
Marie Romanov - 14C8R - (22 degrees)
Eva Hayden - 17C3R - (20 degrees)
Hercules Robinson - 17C4R - (24 degrees)

Colleen Dewhurst - 25 degrees
Nina Consuelo Maud Foch - 25 degrees
Maurice Jarre - 26 degrees
Nene Clutha - 28 degrees
明正 天皇 - 32 degrees
Sarah Vaughan - 32 degrees
Alice Sjöblom - 39 degrees

by Eric Vavra G2G6 Mach 3 (37.9k points)
+11 votes
* 10 deg  Sir Hercules Robinson  3C3R

* 12 deg  Alfred Selwyn  11C1R

* 15 deg  Empress Marie of Hesse  14C4R

* 18 deg  Eva (Saint) Hayden

* 20 deg  King David II of Scotland  1C20R

* 20 deg  Colleen Dewhurst

* 20 deg  Janet Fame

* 21 deg  Maurice Jarre

* 22 deg  Nina Foch

* 28 deg  Sarah Vaughan

* 31 deg  Empress Meisho of Japan

* 35 deg  Alice "Babs"
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (363k points)
+11 votes
I am 18 degrees from Marie Romanov - Hessen und bei Rhein (16th cousins once removed)

20 degrees from Alfred Selwyn (20th cousins threetimes removed)

22 degrees from Hercules Robinson (25th cousins)

24 degrees from David ll King of Scots (8th cousins 17 times removed)

25 degrees from Eva Hayden (25th cousins twice removed)

26 degrees from Nina Consue lo Maud Foch

26 degrees from Nene Clutha

26 degrees from Collen Dewhurst

30 degrees from (Japanees?)

30 degrees from Maurice Jarre

34 degrees from Sarah Vaughan

35 degrees from Alice (Babs) Sjøblom
by Kari Undbekken G2G6 Mach 6 (65.1k points)
+9 votes
by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (191k points)
+11 votes

Ancestors & Cousins

  • Eva Saint Hayden - 9c3r, and 19 degrees
  • Empress Marie of Hesse - 13c5r, and 20 degrees
  • King David II of Scotland - 23rd great-grand uncle, and 22 degrees
  • Alfred Selwyn - 11c4r, and 20 degrees
  • Sir Hercules Robinson, governor of New Zealand - 17c3r, and 20 degrees
  • Maurice Jarre - 18 degrees
  • Colleen Dewhurst - 20 degrees
  • Nina Foch - 22 degrees
  • Janet Frame - 24 degrees
  • Empress Meishō of Japan - 25 degrees
  • Sarah Vaughn - 26 degrees
  • Alice Babs - 34 degrees
by Molly Reppen G2G6 Mach 1 (18.3k points)
+10 votes
  • Eva Hayden, 18º  (13c4r)
  • Alfred Selwyn, 19º  (6c7r)
  • Colleen Dewhurst, 18º  (but no relationship)
  • David, King of the Scots, 23º (20th great-granduncle)

I keep thinking there must be a hidden category that powers these. I have to do them one by one... when I click Special:Connections I get a random assortment of people from all kinda of featured events, not just the one ongoing.

by David Reynolds-Gier G2G6 (9.4k points)
+11 votes

My closest relation is King David II of Scotland, who is my 17th great granduncle. My closest connections are Alfred Selwyn and Colleen Dewhurst at 17 degrees.

Ancestors and Cousins


by Mack Morrison G2G6 Mach 8 (81.8k points)
+8 votes
Eve (Saint) Hayden is closest at 17 degrees.  She is also the closest cousin of 5, but not that close at 9th three times removed.

I was briefly excited to see Colleen Dewhurst, but the relatives I had in mind were Dewhirst in Ontario rather than Dewhurst in Quebec.
by Steve Ryan G2G6 Mach 8 (86.4k points)
+8 votes
My closest is Marie Romanov at 11 degrees (and a 6th cousin, 4 times removed).
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+7 votes

The closest connection to me, is Alfred Selwyn...

Eva Saint Hayden is my 16th cousin once removed, quite distant.

David ll (Bruce) King of Scots is my 19th Great Grand Uncle, again distant.

Empress Marie of Hesse is my 15th cousin 5 times removed...very distant.

Sir Hercules Robinson is my 16th cousin 4 times removed...very distant.

Alfred Selwyn is my 11th cousin 3 times removed...distant.

by Megan Woodward G2G6 Mach 4 (44.0k points)

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