There are new New Zealand Maintenance Categories

+18 votes

Just letting you know that the New Zealand Project has created three new maintenance sub-categories so that the quality and accuracy of New Zealand profiles can keep improving. They are:

  • New Zealand, Needs Research From Paid Online Sources - use when all free sources have failed
  • New Zealand, Needs Research From Offline Sources - use when all available internet sources have failed (this is a bit of a "dead end" category)
  • New Zealand, Needs More Records, Records Not Yet Released - use when vital records are not yet available because events are recent and private

New Zealand Project members continually work through the maintenance categories and will attempt to find sources where possible. Please use the New Zealand, Needs Research category from the category picker as a first choice if you need specific research undertaken. If it is not a vital record, it is helpful if you state what research you would like.

in The Tree House by Fiona McMichael G2G6 Pilot (212k points)
edited by Fiona McMichael

If that is the exact category names, they'll need to be changed to upper case for first letter of each word, except words like "a", "and", "or". Title Case Capitalisation

Fixed. Thanks, Margaret.

yes Thanks Fiona! 

3 Answers

+10 votes

Hi Fiona - thanks for this advice.

I particularly like the new 'New Zealand, Needs More Records, Records Not Yet Released' category, as it will be a good one to come back to at the start of each new year, say knocking over additions of birth records for the births that are now more than 100 years ago, etc. Great idea!

by Clare Spring G2G6 Mach 7 (78.0k points)
It was actually an idea from an Australian….just takes the Kiwis to run with it!
+5 votes
Thanks Fiona for the announcement

I like the way different projects are tackling similar problems in different ways.
by Steve Thomas G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
The one thing we didn’t want to do was remove categories without doing the research and finding what sources we could.
+3 votes
They look very useful categories,  especially the last one which will save me from remembering to check my list of dates. Once I complete my current offline project and am back to doing more on WikiTree, I can help with the first category as I pay for several sites.
by Margaret Allison G2G6 Mach 4 (42.6k points)
Thanks, Margaret. It’d be great to have a person with access to paid sites working in the maintenance categories. With time, I’ve managed to do a lot of research in unpaid sites, but access to the electoral rolls and place indications for vital records would be useful for really common names.

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