Trick or treat? Halloween at the England Project!

+24 votes

It's Halloween and the perfect time of year to be a little morbid!

In the England Project, we have wound the clock back 165 years to October 31st, 1858, when a tragedy unfolded in Bradford, Yorkshire, in northern England.

It was a Saturday evening and a local market stall was busy selling sweets. The peppermint humbugs, in particular, were popular with kids and their families, at a price of 1½ pence for 2 ounces.

Unbeknown to everyone, the sweets contained more than sugar and peppermint flavouring. Arsenic had accidentally been substituted for one of the ingredients -- and each sweet contained enough of the poison to kill two people.

The full extent of the tragedy unfolded the next morning, when reports spread that two boys, aged 9 and 14, had died suddenly after eating the sweets. Throughout the day, more reports flooded into the Bradford police office and, within days, 21 local residents had died and more than 200 others had fallen ill after eating the deadly sweets. The public outcry became a catalyst for tougher laws on the sale of poisons and food safety in the United Kingdom.

The Bradford Sweets Poisoning is the theme of this year's England Project Halloween Challenge. We have been creating, improving and connecting WikiTree profiles to remember victims and others involved in the tragedy.

You can read more about the England Project's Halloween Challenge here.

Happy Halloween!

Ian, England Project

in The Tree House by I. Speed G2G6 Mach 7 (78.4k points)

4 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

broken heartHeartiest Halloween Greetings and great idea for the England Project Halloween Challenge. I will be thinking of all of you as I will be celebrating Day of the Dead in Mexico. I have to teach for their diabetes educator program, otherwise I would be helping with the victims' profiles!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Hi Susan, thank you for your kindness with Best Answer. I do believe there are others more deserving, though. Hugs!
+15 votes
This has been a great challenge with the person who sold the powder dying only months after he married and his unborn child dying aged 1 a tragedy for those involved.
by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (322k points)
+12 votes

The BBC is also running with this Halloween story

The Halloween peppermints that poisoned Bradford

by Andrew Millard G2G6 Pilot (132k points)

Lol, at the BBC! What copy cats wink 

+5 votes
Thanks Ian and Maddie and the rest of the team for putting together this event. We've added some super profiles to our one family tree and have learnt a little social history at the same time as having a bit of macabre fun. I say sweeties for everyone - mwa ha ha ha ha!
by Elizabeth Viney G2G6 Mach 6 (67.2k points)

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