Notable Abolitionists

+13 votes

Hi Wikitreers,

I happened to stumble across this Abolitionist Notable while researching his son John Hanson Thompson (1842 - 1863) who served in the 106th New York Vols.

See Wikipedia 

“Rev. Joseph Parrish Thompson (1819 - 1879) was a New England Connecticut Congregational Minister and Abolitionist. A graduate of Yale University (Class of 1838) a member of Skull and Bones. He was pastor of the Chapel street church in New Haven from 1840 to 1845. He was called to the pastoral charge of the Broadway Tabernacle church, He served there as pastor from 15 April of that year until 1871. Dr. Thompson preached the church's anti-slavery beliefs, supporting women's suffrage (voting) and promoting the abolition of alcoholic drinks. He frequently preached to a congregation of 2,500 parishioners. Black pastors were invited as guest preachers. William Lloyd GarrisonFrederick Douglass, and Sojourner Truth spoke at the church. Rioters tried to burn the church and Dr. Thompson's home in 1863, but they were stopped by members of the congregation.”

Need collaboration in connecting and categorizing this 19th Century Notable 

Thank you 

Note: I’m surprised a movie hasn’t been made about his life absolutely fascinating!

WikiTree profile: Joseph Thompson
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (704k points)
retagged by Andrew Simpier

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
The Skull and Bones society is quite interesting in itself. They were the power elite.
by Norman Jones G2G6 Pilot (118k points)
selected by Andrew Simpier
I would be curious his role in this secret society. He even was apparently close to President Lincoln and his wife…

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