Advice for categorization of Blankenship-2754?

+6 votes

I would like advice or may need help creating a new category for the profile of Frank Tyler Blankenship. The category might be named something like Y-DNA Haplogroup R-Y37962.

(Y-DNA Haplogroup R-Y37962 could be listed as a subcategory of Y-DNA Haplogroup R-L48. Y-DNA Haplogroup R-S18572, currently listed under Y-DNA Haplogroup R-L48 as a subcategory of that SNP, is actually a subcategory of --downstream from-- Y-DNA Haplogroup R-Y37962).

Could I get help creating the new category? Or is there an existing category to use? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Frank Blankenship
in Policy and Style by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (136k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

3 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Added my Person Profile to the R-L48 Category. I guess that's a start. It could use a lot of work, the Category, that is, especially in terms of other  Categories (or, in this case, SubCategories).

R-L48 has descendant lines, mainly R-Z9, R-L47, with the more minor lines being R-Y37962, R-CTS3104, R-A6703, R-S21809, R-A6704 and R-BY30290. Most could use their own Category page. Anyway, I feel I've done my part.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (136k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
+3 votes

If you click on the mitoYDNA ID T16065 on Frank Blankenship’s WikiTree profile page then you see his haplotype and haplogroup (at  If you then click on mitoYDNA’s Explorer button then you see which automatically provides FT48099’s ancestry (and descendant — FTC68350).

The hierarchy (categorization) already exists for the tens of thousands of the branches of the Y haplogroup tree.

by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (718k points)

The question is not where do I fit into the Y-DNA tree. I know that. The question is how do I set up a WikiTree category page for R-Y37962, a branch of R-L48. R-L48 has a category page. R-L48 has two major branches, R-Z9 and R-L47. R-Y37962 is # 3 in size, after those 2, usually listed among the more minor branches.

+1 vote
Hello, my family tree on here is listed as Meadows -4090, however, I have a more complete one on Frank, my maternal grandfather was a descendant of Heziakiah Blankenship and You are listed as my cousin. I've been searching for a long time for members of his family because he passed when I was 7 yrs old and he was a Paratrooper in WWII and Purple Heart Recipient. He was married to a Carolyn Fink in Clifton forge, VA on his first marriage which produced two sons, my half uncle's that I never got to meet. His second marriage was to Shelby Campbell and they had my mom, Christine June Blankenship. My grandpa was Benny Harvey Blankenship and he was born in Trout, WV but they also lived in KY and VA and Greenbrier County in WV as well. He had several siblings. His Haplock group is listed on my page under his name.
by Donna Jean Meadows G2G1 (1.6k points)

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