New Member Q & A Zoom (February 2023)

+11 votes

Are you new/newish to WikiTree and finding that certain things keep tripping you up?  Bring your specific questions to our real time WikiTree gathering.  Betsy Ko will be hosting these sessions on Zoom.  This will allow us to screen share and speak directly as we work through things you have questions about.  

In February, we'll hold two sessions:

These sessions are all about what you need to build and connect your branches on WikiTree. Please bring your questions on any WikiTree topics.  Fruitful tangents are welcome and no question is too elementary!  If there's time left over, we'll talk about what you can do with the WikiTree Browser Extension.  These two sessions will be the same, so just attend the one most convenient for you.  They'll also be available on WikiTree's YouTube channel within a few days.

Hope to see you there and please spread the word to others who might be interested in attending.

in The Tree House by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (149k points)

3 Answers

+6 votes
I'm looking forward to the Zoom sessions. Is this the one hosted by Betsy Ko?
by Beth Schmillen G2G6 Mach 5 (52.2k points)
Hi Beth,

I'll be hosting both sessions.  My co-host varies from time to time.  Please feel free to send your questions in advance via this thread.

Hope to see you in a few days!

I created a duplicate twice now and then merged them back together. In the GedCompare an individual can have all the rejects and no match to be found yet one shows up after I add my ancestor

Did I do something wrong? or is there a last minute duplicate that emerges that wasn't on the gedcomepare?
Hi Beth--We talked about your question briefly on today's Zoom.  The video will be up on YouTube soon.  In short, no, you're not doing anything wrong.  Sometimes matches don't show up until the profile is created, regardless of whether this is through a GEDCOM import or just a manual creation.  No need to worry.  Just review the match and accept or reject it.  Thanks for your question and happy researching!


I'm glad you could use my question for Zoom and am looking forward to watching it on YouTube (The video will be up on YouTube soon.)



+4 votes
Gedcom imported junk is what’s the problem here !  I am in the process of matching hundreds of individuals or rejecting and I haven’t even started cleaning the bios yet. I need some help    I feel all the work I did before was set back when I imported to Ged Com  any tips to speed this process up?  I hope to be on zoom tomorrow to discuss

[[Spencer-24565 ]]  previously   [[Spencer-25392]]
by Dee Spencer-Carr G2G6 Mach 2 (23.8k points)

Hello Diane--Hilary Gadsby has personal experience with importing a GEDCOM, so we devoted the first part of today's Zoom session to talking about how to use the AGC (Automatic GEDCOM Cleanup) browser extension.  The video should be up on YouTube soon.  Here's the AGC free space page which should also be helpful to you.  Thanks for asking the question.  I know many people will be interested in the answer.

+2 votes
Dang I missed alot this weekend. when will the next one occur?
by Dee Spencer-Carr G2G6 Mach 2 (23.8k points)
Hi Diane--Last Sunday's Zoom will go up on YouTube soon.  If you're subscribed to the WikiTree channel with notifications turned on, you'll get an alert when it's there.

Our March Zooms will be on Sunday, March 5 at 11 am EST and Thursday, March 9 at 8 pm EST.  (The Thursday session is usually the first Thursday of the month but we're delaying it in March due to RootsTech.)

Hope to see you then!


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