Translation of professions, 17/18th century Württemberg

+8 votes

I am often stuck as to translations (and meaning) of old professions and trades in 17th/18th century Württemberg. Today I found a new one: "Amtsaufsichtsverwandter". I have seen "Gerichtsverwandter", which, as far as I know, is a member of the judicial court, although I am not sure whether prosecutor or judge or both, "Ratsverwandter", which I take to be a counsel for the community council, or perhaps a lawyer for the city. This "Amtsaufsichtsverwandter" seems to be working for Maulbronn county (Amt), so I am tentatively imagining something like a lawyer or auditor for the county. (How wide of the mark is this?)

Trying to add the picture...

Hans Knodel - partial - marked up

in Genealogy Help by Gus Gassmann G2G6 Mach 5 (50.2k points)
edited by Gus Gassmann

3 Answers

+5 votes
Thodes Genealogical dictionary has the following definitions:

Ratsverwandter is "member of the town council"

Gerichtsverwandter is "lay member of the court, juryman"

Unfortunately no Amtsaufsichtsverwandter.  However, it defines  "aufsicht" as custody, guardianship.  Not sure if that is related. The first thought I had was Bailiff, but I can't confirm that.
by Tina Kobus G2G6 Mach 2 (20.8k points)
edited by Tina Kobus
+3 votes
Is the reading "Amtsaufsichtsverwandter" secured? I've never seen that in Württemberg. What there is is the "Amtsverweser", that is the deputy of the "Amtmann" (bailiff) or the temporary representative when the office of the bailiff is vacant.
by Friedemann Kiedaisch G2G6 Mach 3 (35.2k points)
I am not very good at this sort of thing, but I tried to add a scan of the relevant parts of the record to my original question. My reading may, in fact, be wrong, I realize now. Any help would be appreciated.
I read "ambtUßschussVerwandter", which in modern spelling would mean "Amtsausschussverwandter".

But that still doesn't explain what his job was. As far as I know, there was no "Amtsausschuss" in Württemberg. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Maulbronn was not a normal "Amt" (district), but a monastery district. But again not a "normal" one, but a particularly large one.

According to the modern meaning of the word, Hans Knodel would have been a member of the executive committee of the district council.
+3 votes
"Amtsaufsichtsverwandter" ist ein Mann,

- der in der Aufsicht über Ämter von der herzoglichen Verwaltung eingesetzt (verwandt) wurde (höheres Amt), oder

- der in einem Amt als Aufsichtsbeamter verwendet wurde.

Wenn er für den Bezirk Maulbronn arbeitete, dann ist die 2. Beschreibung gemeint.
by Michael Ruoff G2G6 (7.0k points)

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