I need Rosthern added to Saskatchewan, Canada

+5 votes
I have quite a few maternal ancestors who lived in and/or were born in Rosthern, Saskatchewan, Canada but it's not on the list, and I don't want to mess things up trying to add it. Could someone help me add it please? (I looked for a leader but couldn't find one).

Thank you in Advance


p.s. the WikiTree ID is my grandmother, who was born in Rosthern. (I have temporarily set her to public in case it's needed to add the category. Note: she's dead but children are still living)
WikiTree profile: Mary Andres
in WikiTree Help by T Counce G2G6 Mach 7 (74.3k points)

1 Answer

+9 votes
Best answer

Not a problem.  Go ahead and add [[Category:Rosthern, Saskatchewan]] to a profile.  Look again at the Private View, and you’ll see your Category is red.  Don’t panic.  Click on the red profile, go to the big Edit Box and put [[Category: Saskatchewan]].  Save that down at the bottom.

When you look at the profile again, it will be green, and you can use it wherever you need it.

There’s a nice Wikipedia article about  Rosthern at :https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosthern

You can add any information you like in that Edit box on your new Category about the place.

by Robert Hvitfeldt G2G6 Pilot (261k points)
selected by Steven Tibbetts
Just make sure you double check the spelling so we don't have to change it later. ;) Having Rosthorn by mistake could get messy later.
Thank you, and I will make sure that my spelling is up to it's usual 100% accurate standards :) (It's my dsylexia we have to worry about when I type Connecticut lol)

Yay! yes It worked! I'll get the hang of this eventually.

Added note: before we can save it we now get a red banner warning to tell us to use the drop down box, etc. I clicked on save anyway so I could follow the rest of the directions you gave.

Sorry, in my excitement, I forgot to say Thank You heart

You’re  welcome.  And now you know..it ain’t rocket surgery!  We’re all here to help.
Well said, Robert!

I know it's not rocket science, closer to Pre-Calculus cheeky 

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