Is anyone interested in a Palatine Migration project?

+36 votes
I think a project for the Palatines that helped settle New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania is long overdue. Do you have any Palatine German ancestors in your tree? Are you interested in helping me get this project off the ground?
WikiTree profile: Space:Palatine_Migration
in The Tree House by Dave Rutherford G2G6 Pilot (131k points)
edited by Dave Rutherford
Thanks Steve.

I'll add you to the list.
An appropriate and suitable (no copyright problems) image for the Palatine_Migration sub-project may be found here:

   However, I am sure many others exist, and I encourage all interested in the sub-project to submit images so we can make a template that is suitable and appropriate for our project.

     I am really encouraged by the hefty response so far to this project.  Let's make it the best!
Yes !! I count eight of us already badged up and ready to go. And several others who have expressed interest. A very good start.

We do need an image for the Template. I was wondering if the best might be an image of a sailing ship. That would be something that all immigrants, no matter where they landed, would have had in common.
I am interested in this group as I am fairly new to this and my ancestors came from this area in 1756. Thank You.
I am interested in joining the Palatine project. I have several ancestors from there.

Hi, Robin. We'd love for you to join the Palatine Migration project. Please take a look at the Palatine Migration Project page and other resources linked on that page.

You have the German_Roots badge, so to finish the process of joining us in the Palatine Migration project, you should please add palatine_migration to your list of Followed Tags and submit a Truested List request for the page

And a little bit of information from Palatine Migration 101: Our ancestors who were known as "Palatines" when they immigrated in the 1700s weren't necessarily from the Palatinate -- in fact, it's likely that most of them weren't from there. Apparently, pretty much all German speakers who arrived in places Pennsylvania and Nova Scotia during those years were called "Palatine," but they came from a number of areas. Most of the Palatine Migration profiles connected to you here on WikiTree appear to be for people who came from Alsace, which wasn't in the Palatinate at the time these people emigrated (although it might have been at one time).

Hi my ancestors left the Palatinate in 1809 to south Russia then on to America in 1900 it would be nice if you could include everyone to join !
The Palatine Migration project focuses on the.1700s, but there's a Volga Germans project (also a Rhineland-Pfalz subproject) in German that probably would be a fit for those ancestors.

To join a project in Wikitree, you need to be a member of WikiTree.
I do my Romingers and Spach relatives that are linked to the surname of Leonards came that way so I am. have ancestors that immigrated between 1709 and 1752 from Baden-Wuttemburg and the Alsace region also. Also I have the german_roots tag certainly would be interested. Can I also get a badge too.
Hi Linda,

Thanks for joining our project. We don't have a badge for Palatine Migration at the moment, just the German Roots badge.

If you send a trusted list request to we will add you to our Bulletin Board and to our Google Group.

24 Answers

+14 votes
Hi Dave,

        I have some in my background.  I will help.


Dan Sparkman-319
by Dan Sparkman G2G6 Mach 2 (26.1k points)
Thanks Dan,

I will keep you posted as things develop.
I hope you keep your correspondence public. All of us have things to learn.
Yes, G2G is our main forum for this discussion. Also check our free space page for updated information. Dan has added a great deal of information there recently.
+16 votes
Palatines also settled in Ontario and Nova Scotia, Canada. Please name or label your project so differentiation can happen.
by Judith Chidlow G2G6 Mach 5 (57.8k points)
Good point, Judith. My own Palatine ancestors came through Nova Scotia.

But isn't it better to split projects after they grow too large, rather than preemptively exclude members?
My ancestors also came to Ontario eventually, although they originally settled in New York and New Jersey. It is tempting to include everyone, but I think we may need to limit the project to the first generation immigrants (and possibly their children.)

There are also Palatines that were settled in Bahamas and Ireland.
Palatines also settled in other places, especially South Carolina.
Yes, perhaps the way to go is geographical.

War of 1812 project has pages for each country and then pages for each state/province. That way, I can work on adding to the Upper Canada militia rolls, while someone else might want to work on Privateers in the War or find and add to the US Army entries.

Couldn't we do something similar? We could have a page for each state, along with pages for the Bahamas etc. And then everyone on the project could concentrate on their own special areas of interest or expertise.
I don't really see the need for such differentiation.  The Palatines were a group whose differentiations geographically were the result of British actions upon the group after they got to Britain.

      If you see the need for such a differentiation, it can be made within the sub-project, as has been done with German_Immigrants project.
I see a need to differentiate Palatine migrants from the descendants of the migrants. Dave mentions ancestors who went to Ontario; from examination of his family tree, it appears that those were descendants of Palatine migrants who were on average about three generations removed from the original migrants. At that distance, research can become complicated by challenging situations like the fact that the original immigrant may have a couple dozen male descendants with his same last name, and all of them have a son named George/Georg. Or maybe they've married descendants of other immigrant waves (such as New Netherlanders, Huguenots, Mennonites, or New Englanders). Descendants should not be labeled as Palatine Migrants.
So many of the comments make good sense. The geographical divisions ended up make a great deal of difference to the lives different groups led.
I have a question about Palatines: it seems as though some of the people filtering through the Palatinate were Huguenots; isn't that one of the areas where the Huguenots dispersed to before emigrating to America? It also seems as if a characteristic of the Huguenots is that they assimilated easily, and joined other groups (Mennonites, for one). Is this something to consider?
There is a Huguenot project at

But I would agree that there is a little spillover between the projects. Not always crystal clear which group that a particular family belongs in.
Most of the ones that settled there were loyalists, I know this because thats what my ancestors were:)
Yes, there were Palatines who immigrated to places that are now United States, and later (during or after the Revolutionary War) went to Canada as Loyalists. I believe the focus of the original comment was Palatines who immigrated to Canada in earlier years. There are lists for ships that arrived at Lunenburg, Nova Scotia; there likely were others I'm not aware of.
+18 votes
I joined German Roots primarily because of my interest in Palatine immigration to New York and Pennsylvania, but it's clear that research on Palatines is different from most research on German ancestry, so a new project (or possibly subproject of German Roots) makes sense.

From my experience with Puritan Great Migration and New Netherland Settlers, I've learned that it's most productive for a project to focus on a well-defined founder population. When there's a well-defined community of people with a limited membership, there's at least a theoretical possibility of tracking the individual group members, if only for one generation. We have an opportunity to do something like that with the Palatines who arrived in New York around 1709-10 (I don't remember the details at the moment), particularly if we get hold of the publications of Henry Z. Jones. The lists of immigrants who arrived in Philadelphia in the early 1700s also could be a good starting point for focused study.
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Hi Ellen,

Thanks for your contribution. You make a lot of good points. I did look at German Roots initially, but noted that their project has a little bit of a different focus. It seems mostly interested in tracking where in Germany that folks came from - very important but not the same. Still, Abby has suggested that we might look at this as a sub-project of the German Roots. That probably makes most sense.

I see where you're going with Hank Jones. PGM uses Anderson as a sort of 'bible' and it pretty much defines the scope of the project. I appreciate that we don't want to get overwhelmed by taking on too broad a project, but I think just focusing on the 1709-10 people in Kocherthal's or Simmendinger's lists might be too restrictive. I would want to look at all arrivals from 1709 til perhaps the Revolution? But limiting it to immigrants and their children might be a good idea. (Possibly we could add a category for "Descendants of Palatine Immigrants"?) Also, there were groups settled in Ireland and (I just discovered) the Bahamas. As these would be sub-groups of the others, perhaps the 1709-10 fleets could be sub-groups as well?

I have seen lots of references to his work, but unfortunately I don't have a copy of Jones' work. I think he has written more than one volume?

I also don't possess Henry Jones' publications, nor have I actually seen them, but I've seen excerpts on (documentation for some of my ancestors, for example in His work, together with lists like the ones you name, looks like an excellent resource for some of the New York Palatines.

The published lists of adult male arrivals in Philadelphia seem like a good starting point for some Pennsylvania Palatines.

Some of the Palatines I've researched married non-Palatines within a generation or two, but others appear to have remained in a fairly isolated community for several generations. That sort of thing could affect how the project chooses to treat them.

We can start a list of "Resources" on the free space profile. Do you have a link to the above mentioned list of Philadelphia arrivals?

And I agree with your last point. This very much applied to the Palatines in the Mohawk valley prior to the Revolution. There were several generations who kept pretty much to themselves.

BTW - I just discovered a Palatine Ancestors category. (

It has 75 entries already. I've been here for four years and never saw this before. Finding categories at WikiTree can be a challenge!

I logged citations to the Philadelphia arrival lists on the free-space page I created for Sultzbach Family in Pennsylvania. Here's what I recorded there:

The second citation is, in general, a better source, but the first one is free.

I guess I should have told you about that Palatine Ancestors category. It has been here for a long time. Quite some time ago I tried to figure out who had created it so I could discuss it. Because of that, I have a bookmarked link to the category page history that I now refer to whenever I want to find the history of any WikiTree page. Here's the link:

It turns out that the user who created the category is no longer active at WikiTree, so I never had that conversation. I've long thought that the category was misnamed for its current scope; the name implies that it's for ancestors of Palatine immigrants (similar to Category: New Netherland Ancestors, which we use in the New Netherland Settlers project). I think a new category should be created for Palatine Migrants (after discussion of the appropriate scope and nomenclature), then the current category name could be repurposed for use with people who are successfully identified as ancestors of people who participated in a Palatine migration.

Sounds like a good plan.

And I have added your citations to the beginnings of a Resources list on the free space profile. If anyone has other resources, they can add them there.
There used to be a Palatine genealogy society. Might still exist. Very old school.

I have a German branch that came from the "Palatinate" but not until the mid 1800s so not part of your project. But I'm thrilled you're doing this. It's a fascinating little piece of American history.
Thanks Jillaine. I will always remember how much help you were, when I first started here!
had more time to look it up; here it is "Palatines of America"

It looks like they've expanded to include all Germans to America...
Actually looks like they've expanded to a study of all Germans everywhere. Kazakhstan? Namibia?

They do have a really good section for the early churches. And they are starting something called the "Kocherthal Circle" for descendants of Rev. Kocherthal's 1708-1711 immigrants.

Thanks Jillaine, I will add this link to our project.
Hi Ellen, why do we have to focus on the US for this? They emigrated to the UK first of all, that's the main point of immigration. Yes, a lot of them then moved on but if we just focus on New York then we will miss all those Palatines that stayed in the UK (especially those in Ireland which had some success integrating them).
Andreas, the current scope of the project definitely includes the UK and Ireland. Look at the project pages, including the categories, to see what's included (and what's not).
+11 votes

The Countryman and associated families were part of the first wave that came through England to New York.  Perhaps this project could focus on those families instead of those that went through Pennsylvania.
by Living Harris G2G6 Mach 2 (21.9k points)
I think we can do both. Even in the first 1709 wave, the families settled in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. I have already heard from someone who has folks in his tree that were part of a small Palatine migration to the Bahamas. And I have an ancestor who came from a Palatine village in Tipperary Ireland. So I don't think we can just do New York families.

I'm open to suggestions as to how to organize things though.
.    First, we need to get approval for this project from the wikileaks Project Approval folks.  It might be a sub-project (if there is such a thing) of German_Immigrants Project.

We could  put all the Palatine migrants' profile links on one page, and update this page regularly.  Make a Palatine Migrant template and start putting it on the appropriate profiles.

What a very good project would be would be to compile a list of Palatine genealogy sources, especially including links to online sources, and sticking it on the Palatine_Migration page for everyone to use.

Where is this page?

Can you send me a link. I just discovered a Palatine category today, but I have never found a project.
Well there is possibly some overlap with this project. I have seen discussions with some of the folks who came over as to whether they were Huguenots or Palatines. I think the difference is that the Huguenots were French, whereas the Palatines came primarily from Germany. Different languages. Different churches - although both Protestant.
My mistake, sorry, concerning the Huguenots confusion.  Nevertheless, we could start by compiling a list of Palatine immigrants (definition!?) and sources  AFTER we get the project off the ground.  The "Palatines" did NOT come from just Palatinate-Rheinland in Germany, or the Electorate Palatinate, as I think it was known as at the time.  They came from all over western and southern Germany.

     Someone elsewhere wants an endtime definition of Palatines.  My suggestion would be 1) when they no longer spoke German at home, 2) when they no longer considered themselves to be "Palatines", or 3) when they moved out of their original "Palatine" communities and integrated into the broader society. I found that these were happening to my Palatine ancestors sometime around 1850.
Dan, correct me if I misunderstood, but it sounds like you are talking about the project only including what I would call the "1709'ers". My intention was for a broader interpretation of the Palatine migration, including those that came to Philly at a slightly later date.

If we are going to differentiate within the project, I think the first split should be between the migrants and their descendants. Perhaps the descendants would not specifically be part of the project, but we could have a Palatine Descendants category.

And within the migrants, we could differentiate between the Philadelphia arrivals and the 1709 crowd. As I suggested earlier, perhaps the cutoff for consideration in the project could be the Revolution.

I have people in my tree (and wife's tree) that appear all along the continuum from the 1709 list to Philly in 1733 to a man who arrived c.1750 from Germany with his family and immediately blended into the community in the Mohawk valley before giving his life at Oriskany. I think they all should qualify for the project in one way or another. I think this is what most people here have in mind.
No, Dave, I am sort of open as to the question of "Who is a Palatine_Immigrant?"  I believe Ellen Smith is the one who wishes a narrow definition limited to the "original" settlers, or as you put it "the 1709-ers" (which probably should be 1710-ers).

I personally don't think any of them carried Palatine_Immigrant Membership cards, but I wasn't there.  Your Irish-Palatines, who got bounced over here after a difficult time in Ireland are a case in point and argument for a broader definition.  But eventually a line will have to be drawn somewhere, either generational, or integrational (my idea) or some other line.

Your later arriving ancestor very much resembles someone I have been looking for in my tree: are you related to Geywitzes/Guiwitses?  I have hunted the original for a long time without success.

Anyway, Abby Glann or other wikitree poobahs will probably cast the deciding votes on what the delineation of the project will be.
This is good news then. We can quibble about details, but it looks like we are in broad agreement. Ellen has (above) entered sources for Philadelphia arrivals which I will add to our free space page tonight. So I don't think her vision is that narrow either.

The late arriving ancestor that I mentioned (still very much a work in progress) was Jacob Moyer (Myers, Meyer, Meier) ( who may have arrived as late as 1760 or so. I think I found his naturalization which was just before the outbreak of the Revolution and have it bookmarked somewhere. (So much to do!!) I have lots of Loyalist connections, but this was my first confirmed Patriot soldier.
I may have this ancestor, as well. Meyer-6923 is in my family tree. The Moyer/Meyer spellings have often been interchanged.

I am interested in a Palatinate ancestor project, as I appear to have many in my family.
Welcome Alexandra. Will keep you posted as this develops.

Meyer-6923 looks like a case of same name - different person. Your Meyer's were in Pennsylvania a generation before mine arrived in the Mohawk valley.
Hi David,

Can you tell me about the family that found palatine ancestry in the Bahamas? the surname found in the Bahamas? or get me in contact with that person please?
+12 votes
I have Palatine ancestors that settled very near Philadelphia and founded Lutheran churches in the area that were still preaching in German for 4-5 generations.  So count me in.
by Charles Bash G2G2 (2.3k points)
Added you to my list!
+10 votes
If we go forward with this project, it will be a sub-project of German Roots. So if you are interested and don't yet have the German Roots badge, contact Jacky at to get your badge.

In case anyone misses this, I will copy & paste this into a message to everyone who has expressed interest in the project on here. I will also cc to Abby in Projects and Jacky at German Roots. Going forward, I think G2G is an appropriate forum to hash things out, so make sure that you have Palatine_Migration in your G2G tags, so you don't miss anything.

Absolutely nothing set in stone here but...

I think to start the project, we shouldn't be too exclusive. I think a cutoff at the American Revolution makes sense. We will need a template. Don't know how to go about that. And some idea of how to organize categories.

I think that anyone who immigrated from Germany in this time period would qualify for the template. But their descendants should perhaps not have the template, but be placed in a Descendants category. Something similar to the different designations given to the men who fought for the King in the Revolution and their descendants who can all use the letters UE. Sort of the same as the difference between Revolutionary War veterans and the DAR and SAR members.

The more I think about it, I don't think we need to subdivide the project as such. Like we do at the War of 1812 project, people can create space pages for particular areas of interest within the structure of the project. And we can subdivide all we want with categories.

As always, please jump in...
by Dave Rutherford G2G6 Pilot (131k points)
Hi, So I see lots of comments on here and I have not read all of them, so maybe I missed something.  Have you thought of instead of doing Palatine Immigrant's and having different geological locations, you just do Palatine Roots?  I mean wouldn't that focus on all Palatine Immigrants no matter where they landed?
Thanks for your input Paul.

I think the most important thing is to get everybody on the same page for the scope of the project.

If you are interested in joining, contact Jacky for a German Roots badge.
+9 votes

My Palatine ancestors from  Pflummern, Biberach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany  first settled in Herkimer County, New York 1752 = his wife and his brother .

The Dussler brothers came to an area of then Albany County, New York called the Palatine which encompassed land on both sides of the Mohawk. Jacob purchased 100 acres in the Tillaboro area just northwest of Ephratah in 1769. It was likely idled during part of the Revolutionary War because of exposure to Indian raids. By 1772 when Tryon County was created from Albany with five districts, Jacob was in Palatine north of the Mohawk and became a citizen on June 8, 1773. Jacob lived in a part of Palatine that became Ephratah Town in 1827. (Book of Names, MacWelthy).

Anglicized surname Duesler, Duessler, Dussler, Düsler, Dueßler...

I have found a recent problem with this lines sources (Any assistance, help, ideas or suggestions are welcome) , in that can not be reached any longer. I have attempted to contact others researching Duesler, Duessler, Dussler, Düsler, Dueßler surname.

WikiTree Free-space page for Duesler Duessler Dussler Dueßler = . 

Thank You, JPV IV :)

by Anonymous Vickery G2G6 Pilot (262k points)
Your ancestors should certainly be part of the Palatine Project. If you want to participate yourself, contact Jacky at the link above, for a German Roots badge.
Thanks John!
Your Welcome... that was just messing around. I have lots more & some old maps too. I really have not begun to search yet.

Some of the links I posted might seem unrelated, but they are. :)

I just entered a link to Knittle's "Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration".

We may eventually have to organize the resources with sub-headings.

No problem. I have enjoyed doing much work on Kittys Library Page:'s_Library :)

I have plenty of paternal ancestors from Baden (about 70% of them), and later Baden-Wurttemberg. [And I wonder why the umlauted vowels could not appear in the choices above this message, so useful as we write them!] I assume but do not know if these German roots are part of your new group. Please inform.

I also have some from Karlsruhe and surroundings, which I think I remember are in Hesse.
Hi Roberta,

Our Palatine project is concerned with migrants prior to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War in America. Not all of these immigrants came from the Palatine, but traditionally, in the Americas all these early German speaking immigrants were considered "Palatines".

If your family came later than the American Revolution, then it falls outside the scope of this project.
+10 votes
I have Palatine ancestors, though they landed in Philadelphia and continued to North Carolina. Is this project only focusing on NY?
Don't think anything is absolutely set yet, but the project will not deal exclusively with New york immigrants. Already heard from people who have Palatine ancestors in the Carolinas, as well as Bahamas and other places.

Let us know if you want to be added to the list for the project. Either leave word here, or send me a private message.
+11 votes
Hi folks,

Things are moving along. Mary has been working on setting up project pages. Check it out at:

Also, we will need to settle on an image for the project template. On the above link, there is a link to at least 28 "Palatine images". I personally think that an image of a ship would be appropriate, but it is up for discussion.
by Dave Rutherford G2G6 Pilot (131k points)
my name is dan federico. my hess connection is through my grandmother Reva Keeler Hess born 1896 and died 1992. the first of our family was johannes hess sr born 1692, arriving in NY 6-14-1710 the west camp where he married Anna Catherina Curring 8-29-1711 then to schoharie and then the mohawk valley where he received lot 29 of the bennettsfield patend and his father-in-law lot 31. johannes provided some of the land that the dutch reformed chruch was built and still stands today. my family left the mohawk group and went to delaware county where my grandmother was born. i have a collection of articles written by hubert hess in 1930.
+10 votes
Dave, I have more than 50 direct maternal line ancestors (Coons-29) among the 1710ers who arrived in the Hudson Valley with the Palatine movement. (Several of them were originally from Switzerland.) I founded a Palatine DNA Project at Family Tree DNA many years ago in hopes of contributing to a study like yours. I no longer manage that project, but it is still alive and well and should be used as a "repository", especially for Y-DNA testers. I'm happy to help if I can.

Doris Muller-141
by Doris Wheeler G2G3 (3.7k points)
Good to hear from you Doris.

I see that you already have the German Roots badge, so please sign up as a participant on our project page:

I look forward to your contributions to our group.
+8 votes
I'd love to get involved!
by Living King G2G2 (2.5k points)
Hi Diana,

We would love to have you involved. Go to our project page's section on "How To Join" at

And follow the steps outlined there!

We also have a Bulletin Board :

I look forward to collaborating with you!
+8 votes

I've tried to lookup what Palatine actually means as it's unknown to me as a German. I checked Wikipedia but it's not under places.


I think what you're referring to is the federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz (in German) or Rhineland-Palatine (in English).

Can someone please state the precise definition? I do have ancestors whose siblings migrated from the area Wallhausen (near Bad Kreuznach) see and from Hirten see (I have over 150 descendants but no time so far to enter them, pdf can be send on request).

Both are in what is known as Rheinland-Pfalz.

by Andreas West G2G6 Mach 7 (76.6k points)
Hello Andreas,

For what Palatine means for the purposes of our project, see the Wikipedia entry titled "German Palatines" at:

There was discussion as to whether we should use the narrow interpretation, limited to the 1710 fleet sent from London, or use the broader definition described in the Wikipedia article under the heading: Legacy.

We decided to use the broader definition for our project, including all German immigrants prior to the American Revolution, although exceptions have been carved out for William Penn's very early arrivals and some other special groups such as the Germanna colonists, which have their own projects.

Thanks Dave. Does that mean we're only looking at a specific time period for those migrations or not? If so, could you please state which time period?

BTW, I've found two excellent online source for immigrations from the Trier area and from the city of Koblenz

Both offer a lot of names that could be used as an excellent starting point to allow those in the US to connect back to their ancestors origin in Germany (which is in many cases unknown or vague like "Prussia", "Palatine", "Germany").

Hope this helps

Hi Andreas,

Yes, we are looking at a very specific time period from 1709 until 1776 and the outbreak of the American Revolution. Earlier arrivals came primarily at the behest of William Penn and are covered by the William Penn Project. And later arrivals from Germany were no longer considered Palatines.

Those are both wonderful resources that you listed, although most of the entries appear to fall outside of the time frame for our Palatine project.

But they should be brought to the attention of the folks at the German Roots project. I will pass them along to Jacky.

Thanks for the links,

Andreas, this was an early wave of Germans to colonial America and very distinct from the far more common and larger waves of German emigration to the US in the mid- to late 1800s.

Name:Joh. Georg Eisenmann



Family Members:

Wife Eisenmann, Anna Elisabetha Finck;

Child Eisenmann, Anna Catharina;

Child Eisenmann, Maria Catharina;

Child Eisenmann, Joh. Conrad;

Child Eisenmann, Joh. Peter;

Child Eisenmann, Anna Elisabeth;

Child Eisenmann, Joh. Nickel

Primary Immigrant:Eisenmann, Joh Georg

  Eighteenth Century Emigrants from the Northern Alsace to America. 

these are my ancestors  who arrived in 1749 and settled in Pennsylvania ,they were Lutherans , the surname got changed over the years , my 2nd great grandfather ended up changing his to Iceman, then my great grandfather changed it to Isleman  anyways i would like to participate  


Hi Jillaine Smith,

I hope this mail reaches you.

All I wish adding to your comment on the far more common and larger waves of German emigration to the US in the mid- to late 1800s is what I guess to happen to the some 12 brothers of my great-grandfather, Anton Jacob Leisen. Anton left Treis-Karden to the east around 1850 while the rest of the family left probably to the west. Actually I can not trace family members there, that is why I am very interested in the project.


After reading through the many good answers and comments here I think there is a good half a dozen of sub projects that should be under German Roots in general and then the Palatine as a main stream:

1) Initial immigration to the UK

2) Further immigration of initial group to the US

3) Further immigration of initial group to places outside the US

4) Later waves of Palatine immigrants to the US (see my two documents I've posted above)

5) Later waves of Palatine immigrants to South America (I have another list of people compiled by someone in Brazil)

6) Later waves of Palatine immigrants to other parts of the world (not US or South America)

So the general project hierarchy should be IMO:

- German Roots

-- Emigration Palatine

--- Initial wave to UK (start of 17xx)

---- Further immigration of original UK group to US

---- Further immigration of original UK group to other places in the world

--- Later immigration waves from Palatine (more 18xx)

---- to the US

---- to South America

---- to the rest of the world

-- Emigration from other parts of Germany


Any feedback on the project structure? I know you guys want to focus mainly on the initial wave to US but we should at least set up the project structure with these sub projects to not lose potential interested people that feel their individual ancestors aren't be considered in this project.

There probably should be other areas of German apart from Palatine that should be considered for immigration. Also other time periods, like in the before, during and after WWI and the Big Depression period as well as in the period before, during and after WWII.
I think much of this is beyond the scope of our project, but should be discussed with the folks co-ordinating the German roots project.
+8 votes
I would be interested in helping, I have family that are part of that group.

Hi, Melanie. You were not logged in to WikiTree when you posted your message. If you are a member, see the project-joining advice on the Palatine Migration project page. If you aren't yet a WikiTree member, your first step is to join WikiTree.

+7 votes
I am interested. I am currently on Early Pa Family and the Palatine DNA Projects on FTDNA. My problem is I dont know the Ancestor, my Proven Swisher/Switzer/Schweitzer Line ends at 1800 with my GGG Grandfather Michael, yDNA gets me back to 1767. To Joseph Switzer b 1767 in Pa or Va.

I do manage three other Kits on FTDNA, all Paternal Swisher, I have not been able to crack that Wall yet.
by Joseph Swisher G2G Crew (590 points)
Hi Joseph,

If you are interested in joining our project, check out the project page at  for instructions on how to join.
+7 votes
I don't remember seeing this query before, but yes, I am definitely interested! I believe my Moomaw/Mumma ancestors were from the area?

by Living Prickett G2G6 Mach 9 (97.7k points)

Hi Pat,

If you are interested in joining our project, check out the project page at  for instructions on how to join.

+6 votes
I do my Romingers and Spach relatives that are linked to the surname of Leonards came that way so I am.
by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (507k points)
+7 votes
I believe there is already a Palatine Migration Project here.
by Daniel Bly G2G6 Mach 8 (87.6k points)
Yes, we are a subproject of the German Roots project.

Your ancestor Philipp (Bley) Bly would have been considered a Palatine at the time. Would you be interested in joining us? Our project page has instructions on how to join.

You can find us here:
+6 votes
I am interested in this group! I have a number of lines who came in the early 1700s thorough Phila. primarily and ended up in Bucks, Berks, Northampton, Lehigh counties and eventually Northumberland Co. Would love more appreciation of the "exodus." My names include Gruver, Yoh, Hauer, Lahr, Metzger, Hoester, Mensch.
by Amy Golder-Cooper G2G6 Mach 2 (20.6k points)
Hi Amy,

We would love to have you join us.

Here is the link to our project page:

There is a link on that page where you can contact Jacky Clark for a German Roots badge. And you can add your name to our list of participants on the project page.

And if you drop me a line using private message, then I can add you to our bulletin board and our Google group.

Welcome to our project!

+6 votes
I'm interested, but I don't have very much information on my family in this category.
by J Briller G2G6 Mach 1 (12.4k points)

Hi J

Everyone is welcome to join our group.

Here is the link to our project page:

There is a link on that page where you can contact Jacky Clark for a German Roots badge. And you can add your name to our list of participants on the project page.

And if you drop me a line using private message, then I can add you to our bulletin board and our Google group.

Welcome to our project!


+6 votes

I do my Romingers and Spach relatives that are linked to the surname of Leonards came that way so I am. Michael Rominger immigrated to Philadelphia in 1733 on board of the ship called Charming Betty. He came from Baden-Württemberg, Germany. 

by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (507k points)

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