RN ratings, HM Coastguards and Greenwich Hospital Pensioner profiles.

+3 votes
I have been working on the profiles of those who served in the Royal Navy and HM Coastguard, and who were admitted to the Royal Hospital Greenwich as Navy Pensioners.

I have made notes of what  I have learned doing this research and added them to the category pages.  There is usefull info in each of:




It occurs to me that Profile Managers may not open these pages, and so miss out on research advice.  Can we think about creating a page where this info can be gathered together, and a way to permanently publicise its existance?
in Policy and Style by Nick Miller G2G6 Mach 3 (30.9k points)

1 Answer

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You're likely correct when you say profile managers won't open the category pages.
Another consideration is that the general category guidance is that there should only be limited text on the category pages. The preferred approach is to create a Free Space Page (FSP) and add a reference to it on the category pages.
Finally, the FSP could be made available under a general England resources category, such as England, Research Resources, exactly which category being dependent on the FSP content.

by Roy Walmsley G2G6 Mach 3 (38.0k points)
selected by Natalie Trott
Yes, this is the way to go. Category pages should really only tell you what's grouped in the category.

Thank you both, I'll give this a try and then clear out the category pages.

How do we make people aware of the  England, Research Resources category page.  We could just be moving a failure from one place to annother.  I for one was not aware that such a page existed..

I have added links to the category pages, and stripped out the superfluous data./

However there is still the problem that many Managers will create the profile, and only open the category page (or not) when they have finished.  So is there any way to rais the profile of this info?
In terms or raising the profile I'm afraid nothing springs readily to mind, other than what I have already said.

The existence of the England, Research Resources category is there to group resource pages. When WikiTreers join the England Project, and complete the Orphan Trail, then training will include reference to this page, as well as detailed explanation of England sources, both free, and behind paywalls.
Other WikiTreers who work in England, but don't join the project are indeed unlikely to find the resources pages, and therefore see your FSPs, irrespective of where they are highlighted.
When I joined as a new mermber I was greeted, as ar all new members, bu I do not recall being told about thise resource.  I nay have missed it, but it would be good if the greeters do mention such resources.

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