Can I crowdsource some DNA help on a Williams/Wright problem?

+5 votes
I invite any descendants of Robert Williams (Williams-64235 ) and wife Elizabeth Wright (Wright-31525) to upload to GEDmatch and provide a GEDmatch number here at WikiTree.  

I am working a bit in the noise with (7-11cM) segments, but I am trying to identify which DNA triangulation groups (TGs) I have painted at DNAPainter  would trace to either of these ancestors.  

I have several possibilities, but am lacking tree information where I have segments, and segment information where I have Ancestry Thrulines matches.

My ultimate goal is to confirm one more linkage in my mtDNA line that runs through Elizabeth Wright and her daughter Mary Williams.  There is a disagreement of haplotypes for my maternal line.  I would like to prove/disprove one more link.

It’s a shot in the dark, but I may eventually squeeze out a confident or perhaps a confirmation for Elizabeth Wright to be a mother of Mary Williams. This would give her haplotype U5a1b1.

Of course, more mtDNA testing would be definitive if there is another mtDNA tester out there on this line.

Robert Williams through two wives had 20 children.  I’m thinking that there is a large enough pool of cousins out there

Can you help? Even if it is to connect up Robert and Elizabeth’s  descendants .


Ann Weiner
WikiTree profile: Elizabeth Williams
in Genealogy Help by Ann Weiner G2G4 (4.5k points)
edited by Ann Weiner
Sorry Ann, but Elizabeth is just a distant cousin (4th cousin 5X removed).  Otherwise I would be happy to help.
Thanks for looking Ken!
You could always try uploading your DNA kit to MyHeritage and checkout your DNA matches there.  They provide full chromosome browser and DNA match lists that can be helpful.

I am a big fan of finding Triangulation Groups of cousins and using DNA Painter.
Actually, Erik, you are sooo right….that’s what I’ve done and it’s been a huge help.  It’s good to get the word out. Thanks.

I have color tagged my my Ancestry matches according to 2nd great grandparent lines…8 warm colors for maternal matches and 8 cool colors for paternal matches. Multiple tags for siblings and 1st cousins, etc.

Then I uploaded my Ancestry matches to MyHeritage (yes..I’m paying for both for now).  Then I used a 1/2 sister and a couple of 1st cousins to phase my matches that I could into paternal and maternal sets (now Ancestry does this…and it’s mostly right for me).  

Then I transferred my MyHeritage matches to DNAPainter where I’ve sorted much of them into maternal and paternal triangulation groups.  MyHeritage indicates the triangulated regions for you. I’ve color coded the TGs I’ve identified with similar colors I used at Ancestry.

Finally I cross-reference matches between Ancestry, MyHeritage and GEDmatch so I had 2nd and 3rd cousin groups that I was sure of.  Then I’ve been working out from there.

I have 4 or so triangulation groups that are from the line of my 2nd great grandparent Wilson that might contain Wright, Wilson, or Williams DNA.  I’m trying to sort that out and need more definitive information.  It would be helpful in confirming Elizabeth Wright as a mother of Mary Williams.

But your method of using MyHeritage really got me going.  Good suggestion.

1 Answer

+2 votes
Hi. No relationship. Best of luck.

by Tom Wright G2G1 (1.4k points)
Thanks Tom!

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