If you are using WikiTree BEE to create US cemetery categories, please read

+22 votes
Hello friends,

If you use WikiTree BEE to create cemetery categories from Find A Grave, PLEASE be aware that you will need to check what you enter as the location parameter. Right now, BEE adds the county, not a city/town/village or township, even if it already exists as a category in WikiTree. If BEE creates a wrongly named category, you can use the edit name link and correct it before you proceed. If the location shows up in red, it does not exist in WikiTree as a category. My advice is to check the county category to see if it's there but spelled slightly differently than what Find a Grave presents. (They often have it WRONG!)

Also, you will need to pay attention to any township names. In most US States, the townships are named XX Township, XX County, State and NOT XX Township, State. There are exceptions, which are for New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and charter townships in Michigan. Those are named XX Township, State (because they ARE municipalities in those places.)
in The Tree House by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
edited by Natalie Trott
Default should be to use the town when it exists. Can you please share an example, so I can check?
It has not worked that way for me for a long time, and I know I'm not the only one this is happening to, as witnessed by entries by other WTers that I've had to edit.

Try this one.


The name should be different (either Antiock Cemetery, Clark County, Indiana or Antiock Cemetry, Bethlehem Township, Clark County, Indiana..... ask Steve Harris) and the location category of Bethlehem Township, Clark County, Indiana is existing in WT.  Location should be Bethlehem Township, Clark County, Indiana.

1 Answer

+7 votes

In fact BEE currently doesn't find existing parent categories if there is a county name squeezed-in between the location and the state, e.g.  Category: Bethlehem Township, Clark County, Indiana.

Since you also managed to provide an adequate specification for township handling, I implemented that one together with the fix for the problem above. BEE meanwhile even recognizes all 139 Michigan charter townships.

@Anyone: feel free to reach out to me for a preview-preview version, if you want to play with it, before it goes live

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
Thanks, Florian. That will help a great deal.

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