Meet our Members: Caroline Verworn

+35 votes

Hi everyone!

It's time to get to know another one of our wonderful WikiTreers. This week's member is Caroline Verworn

Caroline became a Wiki Genealogist in April 2019. She coordinates two One-Name Studies and a few One-Place Studies (links below) and is very active in our Italy Project.

When and how did you get interested in family history?

I have always been interested in my family tree.  But more in the sense that I thought it would be cool to have a large, super fancy, print out of my tree.  I did not really get into doing actual researching and building until 2019.  During my Poppi’s (grandfather) 90th birthday celebration, I was talking to another family member and they had been building on the Lupini family tree.  We discussed what he had done so far and I asked if he would be willing to share his work with me so I could build upon that.  Since then, when time has allowed, I have been building out all my branches and my husband's.  

What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?

I am a full time Senior Geospatial Analyst and even more importantly, a mom.  Not much else I have time for in this current season of life.  But, when I do manage to schedule a little “me time” AND I am not sitting here at the computer doing “thons” or other genealogy things, I like to play Pokemon Go. 

What is your genealogical research focus?

When I first started, I wanted to just get a tree built out. Besides the Lupini tree I had to work with, not much had been done for any other branches (at least, no one in my family had sat down and worked it). After getting a simple tree started, I focused on my maternal side the most.  It seemed like there was more out there for my paternal side, but not much for maternal, so that is where I tried to poke around mostly.  I was also busy trying to build out my husband’s tree. Really, I am all over the place. I find that I like to dig around and pull in EVERYTHING, and then try to dig myself out of the mess I made. Haha!  I also worry that folks will be gone before I get to them, so I have been busy trying to gather anything I can.

Are you are interested in certain surnames or locations?

To be honest, I am interested in all my branches.  My paternal lines start at Vernon and Shelor and my maternal lines start at Lupini and Kurdyla.  But I want to do each branch behind those justice too.  So many leaves, so little time! Currently, I am more focused on a few branches, mostly having to do with my maternal side.  

I am currently a member of the VERNON ONS, and the coordinator of the LUPINI and KURDYLA ONS.  I am also the coordinator of a handful of OPS related to my maternal grandfather’s home, PASCELUPO

What is your toughest brick wall currently?

My toughest brick wall is my Polish branch. Polish or Eastern European research is tough and I do not really know what I am doing to be honest.  I have tried to come at this from all the angles I am capable of at my current level.  I have even gone down DNA rabbit holes.  Everyone I reach out to; it is almost the same story… “my grandparents did not really talk about things before.”  So, I’ve been building small temporary trees, in hopes to find connections between their Kurdyla relatives and mine. I’m sure there are other walls to encounter, but this one is keeping me from a HUGE portion of my tree. 

(interview continues in comments)

WikiTree profile: Caroline Verworn
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)

How long have you been on WikiTree?

I stumbled into WikiTree back in 2019, and I am so thankful I did!  I did not join right away, it felt intimidating, and I had only just began doing tree things.  But I think after a month, I officially joined. After rooting around in tree things for a bit, I scratched what I had, and started a tree that I wanted to be “one tree.”  I thought it was such a cool idea to see how everyone was connected.  At some point, WikiTree popped up in some search results, and as soon as I read that “one tree” mission, I knew I had found something special. 

I love that WikiTree strives to have “one tree” and only one profile per person. I love that they want you to back up your information with sources.  I really really love that biography aspect of WikiTree. When I first started, I really wanted my tree to be more than dates and names. If I could, I wanted the story behind the person.  Profile biographies in WikiTree allow that. I also think WikiTree has a fantastic community.  Folks are getting together, working together, helping each other, and so on. You do not really find that type or level of community on other sites.  It is just built different, and I think it is fantastic.

What do you spend the most time doing on WikiTree?

I dabble in a lot of things. Haha. I just cannot help myself.  I think my biggest personal projects on WikiTree have been all related to my Italian roots.  I was gifted some copies of the church census records for my grandfather’s home town, and I have been slowly trying to figure out how those families are all connected and get them onto WikiTree.  Related to that, I have also started a one place study for that hometown and its sister towns, as well as a one name study for my grandfather’s surname (see a previous answer for links).

Which project are you most involved in?

I am most heavily involved with the Italy Project.  I support the Italy Team during challenges and thons, and just help Italy grow purely by working so much on my Lupini et al lines. I would not dare say I am an expert at all things Italian, especially when it comes to record research, but I am slowly trying to learn from those before me.  I have 'sat' with a leader to learn how to read records, and I just do my best to help when and where needed.

What is your favorite feature or function on WikiTree?

The WikiTree Browser Extension and its many many abilities is so amazing! I love the citation tool so much.  One of my least favorite things about writing was creating those bibliographies. There is still so much to discover and learn, so I cannot do this answer justice.  But if you have not tried it out yet, please do!

Do you have any tips for someone who wants to get more involved in our community?

Just find a project you are passionate about and join. Start with one. Get familiar with their mission and standards and see where you fit best.

What feature or function would you most like to see added or improved?

I would love to see some sort of app that does something similar to a 'word cloud.'  This is hard to describe, but basically, I would love to have an app where I could see a 'word cloud' of all the surnames and even first names, of my tree. So, if I put in my WikiTree-ID, it would spit out that 'cloud' of names that are connected to me. The bigger the name, the more times that name appears.  

12 Answers

+14 votes

     Enjoyed the interview.  I don't know what a Senior Geospatial Analyst is, but I am in awe of it.

by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+15 votes
Very nice introduction Caroline on WikiTree.  Thank you for contributing.  We are 10th cousins through the Borden line.
by James Stratman G2G6 Pilot (104k points)
edited by James Stratman
+13 votes
Thank you for the work you do here in WT, nice answers!
by Rick Morley G2G6 Pilot (174k points)
+13 votes
Hi Caroline

On ours connection, it says very distant cousins, and distant, yes! I found Gertrud von Sachsen (Billung-51) as your 31th grandmother and as my 24th grandmother.

Regards from Norway
by Kari Undbekken G2G6 Mach 6 (65.1k points)
+13 votes
Hi Cousin Caroline! (18th Cousin, 3XR)

The "One Tree" really is the thing!
by Bartley McRorie G2G6 Pilot (168k points)
+12 votes
WOW!  Very impressed by your job title.  I admit, I had to look it up and the degrees that are required.  Sounds like an interesting job.

I appreciate that you have such an interest in researching your families home countries and towns.  Even so much that you started a OPS.

I see that we are 8th cousins, once removed.  Nice to meet you cousin!
by Tammie Cochran G2G6 Pilot (410k points)
+10 votes

heartCongratulations Cousin Caroline on being selected out of well over a million to be a M.O.T.W.heart 22nd cousin five times removed   I enjoyed your article very much!wink

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
+8 votes
Great interview, Caroline!! It's great having you on the project and on teams during the challenges. You are awesome! Keep rocking!

Pokemon Go, huh? Hmmmm......
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (784k points)
+7 votes
Hello Caroline, I enjoyed your interview very much. So much great detail in very brief paragraphs. I am a member of the Italy project (Ciao Cousin Chris) as a maternal surname is Giorgio (Turin Piemonte region), but Anglicized to George. My focus, though, has been with the England Team as my dad's side has a great deal of GB ancestry.

We and 25th cousins/3xr MRCA Aveline (Clare) de Mandeville. Thank you, cousin, for all of your contributions to WikiTree.
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+8 votes

I find that I like to dig around and pull in EVERYTHING, and then try to dig myself out of the mess I made. Haha! 

I love this quote, which I'm sure resonates with many Wikitree contributors.

by Michael Schell G2G6 Mach 5 (50.7k points)
+5 votes
Hi Caroline, great interview!

I agree 100% with you on the draw to WT being the One Tree concept and that all profiles should tell their story.

You certainly have your hands full with the diversity of your family line.  Mine is predominately UK with a bit of European thrown in.

Best of luck with your research and a big thanks to you for all of your involvements.
by Brad Cunningham G2G6 Pilot (193k points)
+5 votes
Really interesting 22nd cousin 6 times removed! I resonate fully with you in that every person profiled deserves a biography, a story of their life that does justice to them. Keep up the great work - with your offspring, work and Wikitree.
by Clare Pierson G2G6 Mach 2 (26.1k points)

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