Does anyone actually know of any. "the seventh son of a seventh son" on Wikitree

+10 votes

To qualify as "the seventh son of a seventh son" one must be the seventh male child born in an unbroken line with no female siblings born between, and to a father who himself is the seventh male child born in an unbroken line with no female siblings born between.

it would be just as interesting if anyone knows of a  "seventh daughter of a seventh daughter"

WikiTree profile: Donnie Blackstone
in Genealogy Help by Donnie Blackstone G2G6 Pilot (283k points)
edited by Donnie Blackstone
That's a very restrictive definition. I'm sure that traditionally it was just the seventh son of a seventh son regardless of any female siblings.

I'd always heard it as 7th child of a 7th child, but then I was always Scottish influenced because in Scotland, the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter was said to have the gift of "The Sight" (prophetic vision). 
Don't forget, too, the supposed mystic properties tied to those born with a caul.  Add that to the 7th of a 7th thing, and it would be interesting to see how much of it might run in some family lines.

My research I’m interested in is a 7th son of a 7th son no females in between or a 7th daughter of a 7th daughter no males in between, I’m sure they would be a lot of 7th child of a 7th child, yes on caul that probably would be in medical records. Not sure till I find my 7th of a 7th daughter or son I could find that medical record.

3 Answers

+6 votes
That would turn into quite the extensive TREE !
by Marty Franke G2G6 Pilot (798k points)
Yes I would like to work on this line.
+3 votes
Watch for men called 'Septimus'.  Not always a seventh son, but can be.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Ok Great I see 1152 Matches for Septimus on Wikitree. Thanks
+4 votes

It gives several alleged historical examples.

Of the ones that really seem to meet the criteria, James Murrell does not seem to have a WikiTree profile, but does have a Wikipedia entry:

Abram George does not seem to have either.

Archillie Noe Baillargeon has a WikiTree profile:

by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Thank you for sharing this information

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