Template request: changes to Native Americans sticker and project box [closed]

+10 votes

I need someone on the Template project to make a change to both the project box and the sticker template for the Native Americans Project.

Besides standard project arguments (needs=), the box and sticker currently take only two "arguments":

-- tribe=

-- relation=

I need it to do two other things:

1. I need it to accept nation= (and/or Nation= ?) and use the word nation instead of tribe in the descriptor; i.e., Doublehead was a member of the Cherokee Nation. Rationale: we have both Tribes and Nations. Currently, Cherokee is listed as a tribe, but it's not, it's a nation. We need to be able to accurately represent those entities that prefer to be known as Nations, not tribes.

2. If no argument is included -- neither tribe= or nation=  -- we need the box or the sticker to apply the category: Unknown Tribe or Nation.  

And the template page needs to be edited to include how these arguments work.

I also see that the template page does not explain how categories are associated with a profile via the template. That needs to be added.

I would like both upper case and lower case to be recognized/accepted (tribe or Tribe)

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.

-- Jillaine, co-leader, NA project

closed with the note: Going to step away and rethink the template entirely
in WikiTree Help by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (923k points)
closed by Jillaine Smith
I have an additional question / request

Is it possible to also add a clan= argument that would come after the tribe/nation name? So it would read:

Native American Sticker | nation=Cherokee | clan=Deer

And that would translate into

Charlotte (Mayes) Ballard was a Native American and member of the Deer Clan of the Cherokee Nation

AND it would apply the appropriate category, e.g.,


[may rename these lower level categories.]
And Aleš tells me the NA category is currently not top Level. Technically it's not-- there is one above it at least.  But I want the NA category to be whatever it needs to be in order to not allow individual profiles categorized to it.
Top level doesn't mean there is no category above it. It means, that profiles shouldn't be placed into that category but in a subcategory. It can be changed, after we correct the templates.
Natalie has fixed this for me.  Native Americans is now high level

2 Answers

+6 votes
I'm just starting on the Template Project and will make sure the team sees this request.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
+7 votes

1.) How many nations are there? From the usage of both templates Nation applies only to Cherokee and Choctaw



If that is correct, It can be coded into template to write "nation" for those two. If there are more, can you provide the list. That way people don't need to bother which parameter to use.

2.) Sticker  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Template:Native_American_Sticker assignes https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Native_Americans for unspecified tribe. I can change it to whatever, but first you must create that category.

About the case, ALL parameter names in templates are in lowercase, so you can always assume it must be in lowercase.

On sticker with new Documentation template, examples of category assignment are displayed in the table. For project box it needs to be done.

3.) Clan parameter can be added. Is that parameter needed only for Nations or also for Tribes?

by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (818k points)
This exchange is making me want to pause and rethink the NA template/sticker entirely.  I'm going to close this thread, do some thinking with my project volunteers, and come back with a fresh request.

Thanks everyone.
Seems like a good idea, Jillaine.

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