Saturday Sourcing Sprint! (15 June 2019)

+9 votes

Hi WikiTreers! 

imageJoin in on this week's 24-hour Saturday Sourcing Sprint!

It's basically a casual mini Source-a-Thon.

When it's Saturday where you are, get sourcing! 
(And quit when it's Sundaysmiley)

Anytime you want to compete for the Weekly Winners badge, click answer at the bottom of this post, We use the Challenge Tracker to record the profiles we sources. 

Tell us about your successes, discrepancies, stories that tug at your heart strings, and new amazing sources. We have a Google Hangout if you'd like to join us. It will be as busy or quiet as we make it.

  • All profiles improved must come from the Unsourced categories or be already present on WikiTree and only have links to other profiles, links to search results from another genealogy website, or the words "Ancestry tree," "," "Pedigree Resource Files" from FamilySearch, and the like. Do not delete these items as they can provide clues for other researchers.
  • If you cannot find any sources, create a Research Notes section, list where you tried to find records, and add four tildes to the end of your note as a date stamp (you won't see it until you save). Do not remove the Unsourced Template and do not use the tracker or count in your tally. Example:
    • "Looked for John in the US Census records for 1900-1940 and couldn't find him on FamilySearch or Ancestry"
  • Sources citations need to provide a way for anyone to find the source. We strive for the Evidence Explained format to tell where, what, who, and when, as well as where the was source was found. Do not delete existing items in the Sources area as they can provide clues for other researchers. 
  • If you add a source which names other family members, check to see if their profiles exist. 
    • If not, add  [[Category:Needs Profiles Created]] to the first line of the edit box
    • If so and there are no sources, add the source. Use the tracker to count that profile too

See the Sprint Help Page for full details. 

When you save the profile, a green bar for the Challenge Tracker will appear at the top. Due to the security changes for the implementation of GDPR regulations, unlisted profiles are not eligible for challenge tracking. 

For all others, click the Challenge Tracker button, add or verify your WikiTreeID, select a pre-defined comment or add your own to indicate which type(s) of source(s) you added, put a check mark in the "Saturday Sourcing Sprint" box, and click "Add Action." If you participate in the Monthly Sourcerers' Challenge you can click both boxes. For visual learners, this YouTube video starting at about the 4.30 minute mark will explain how to use the tracker (earlier parts of the video explain how to find sources and add the citations to profiles).

You can track your progress on the Challenge Tracker report.

Don't forget to remove the Unsourced template if you are able to add a source!

in The Tree House by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (408k points)
edited by Debi Hoag

11 Answers

+9 votes
I'm not competing but just added sources for 2 unsourced profiles!
by Rhonda Zimmerman G2G6 Pilot (230k points)
Thanks, Rhonda!

I don't compete either. Instead, I use the sourcing challenges as a way to challenge myself to add at least a few sources every day and to learn about sources that I wouldn't usually access.
Added sources for 2 more!
+8 votes

I'll try this again...and hope I get it right this time! :D (I watched the video and see what I did wrong last time. I guess reading the instructions is useful in most cases. cheeky)

by W Counsil G2G6 Mach 2 (25.8k points)
Thanks, W! If you have any questions, let me know. I'll be happy to help troubleshoot.
I'm having no luck getting any page to load. Not this, which loaded fine yesterday:

Same thing with

It starts to load, and then it hangs up. If you scroll up or down, lines start to disappear until after two or three minutes, they all disappear.
The Tracker is on a different that runs really large jobs that occasionally slow it down. I just checked (6:30am EDT) and it's working OK for me. Please give it another try when you get a minute and let me know if it is better. Thanks
Thanks. I did get it to work finally! Sourcering away...
+8 votes
Ill get a couple done although I’m on an airplane most of the time.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (476k points)
Thanks, Gurney! Have a safe journey.
+9 votes
I'll join in the fun tomorrow!
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (729k points)
Great, Star, thanks! I hope you are able to stay out of rabbit holes.
+7 votes
I am in for tomorrow
by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (507k points)
Thanks, Linda.  Have fun!
+8 votes
Did you mean 15 April 2019, or 15 Jun 2019?

Either way, I’m In!
by Alex Stronach G2G6 Pilot (372k points)
Good catch, Alex; I'm apparently stuck in a time warp lol. Fixed. Thanks and good luck!
+7 votes
I did a few today. I actually thought it was Friday for some reason.
by Raven Manners G2G6 Mach 2 (28.0k points)
Thanks, Jessica. I hope you had fun
+7 votes
I'm in again.  I'm going to try to find Missouri pre-1910 deaths with the suggestions given to me on the G2G.  I might have to switch back to 20th Century Missouri for today.
by Beverly Ahrens G2G6 Mach 8 (88.9k points)
Thanks, Beverly. Good luck with Missouri. Those early death records can be tough to find.
+6 votes
It seems like more people than normal are participating in this week's Saturday Sourcing Spring
by David Hughey G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Looks that way, David. I have a theory but not way to confirm. My guess is that people are putting sources which include many people without profiles (e.g. censuses) on unsourced profiles in preparation for the Connect-a-Thon in a couple of weeks.
+6 votes
I'm in again with Scottish profiles :-)
by Sheena Tait G2G6 Pilot (123k points)
Thanks, Sheena. Good luck in Scotland!
+4 votes
I'm in again
by Dean Anderson G2G6 Pilot (796k points)

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