Love to Connect the Unconnected? Join the Connectors Project! [closed]

+34 votes

The Connectors Project focuses on connecting loose branches and twigs to our Global Family Tree


Many of us are able to connect to the trunk of the Global Family Tree right when we join, as we have cousins who are already here. Others, it takes some time and effort, and that's where Connectors come in. 

Connectors work on open unconnected families and profiles and research to source and connect them so we're all one tree, rather than many separate ones. 

With due to privacy, our project focus is primarily on profiles of non-living people. 

There are many ways to get involved with our project including:

  • The Connectors Challenge, a monthly race to see how many already existing unconnected profiles you can connect to the tree in 30 days. Winners get nifty badges and bragging rights. (You can participate in the challenge and not be a Connector, and vice versa.)
  • The Lost and Found Project, which works to reconstruct GEDCOMs that were broken apart upon upload. 
  • Working with Connecting Buddies who link Connectors together to best use their areas of expertise to make connections.

If you like making connections and helping others with their family research, the Connectors project is the place for you. Just answer this question below and we'll get you a badge and a welcome!

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (753k points)
closed by Chris Whitten
I would like to join because

i love being able to connect unconnected profiles.
Yes, I would like to join the Connectors Project.
I would like to join the connector team

Taylor Gilchrist
I would like to join the Connectors Project.  I have been working on connecting the Turman and Quesinberry family in South West VA.
Hi there.  I would be interested in being a connector!   Especially for the Surname Davis, Hillier and Hoddinott in Newfoundland, Canada and in England.

73 Answers

+18 votes
I'm a bit shy to be stepping up first in line here, but oh well...

I'm requesting the Connectors badge, because I do like connecting people, any that I work on, and I like the nice new icon, and I have a cluster of 3 unconnected people and another cluster of about 50 unconnected folks, that I need to figure out how they're connected.

But I have to be honest - I don't expect to be active in any connector events for quite awhile, because I think the responsible thing is to first finish your own work, and I'm *so* far behind on my own ancestry and profiles.  I'm a bit overwhelmed with how much I *haven't* done yet, looks like at least a couple of years to do them all right, fully sourced and cleaned up.
by Rob Jacobson G2G6 Pilot (139k points)
Events are completely optional, Rob. We're happy to have you!

Hi there.  I would be interested in being a connector!   Especially for the Surname Davis, Hillier and Hoddinott in Newfoundland, Canada and in England.

+15 votes

Count me in! I've been a sourcerer for quite some time, but I need another challenge when I'm not working on my own research.  smiley

by Living Massey G2G6 Mach 1 (16.9k points)
+14 votes
I'd like to join, please. I get a real sense of satisfaction when connecting people to the main tree.  Thanks.
by Joe Farler G2G6 Pilot (152k points)
+15 votes
I already spend all my Wiki Tree time working on the Unconnected so please sign me up.
by Kylie Fowler G2G6 Mach 3 (31.8k points)
+14 votes
Hello Abby, I would like to join! I would focus first on a couple of my unconnected orphans I had adopted, then any Texas and German migrant ones :)
by Elaine Martzen G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
+13 votes
I'm team captain for the Bama Bushwhackers in the Connect-A-Thon. I'd like to set a good example and lead my team to follow suit. I think this will be my favorite of the big 4!
by Topher Sims G2G6 Mach 1 (12.5k points)
+14 votes

I would be interested in joining this project smiley

by Anonymous Martin G2G6 Mach 2 (29.0k points)
+14 votes
I would like to join the Connectors. That is my primary goal in genealogy. To make connections !
by Living Ford G2G6 Mach 2 (29.9k points)
+14 votes
Somehow this project has eluded me, even though I've been contributing to it. :(

I will continue to do what I do, and connect those profiles.
by Olin Coles G2G6 Mach 2 (21.9k points)
+13 votes
I have been a connector for a long while but don't seem to have a badge.
by Gillian Causier G2G6 Pilot (297k points)
Gillian, I think your badge may be hidden? When I went to give you one, it said you already had it!
+13 votes
I figured that after connecting some random people, I might as well make it more official.
by Monique Duffhauss G2G6 Mach 2 (27.1k points)
+13 votes
I'd love to be a part of the Connectors Project! I love finding connections!
by Susan Hughes G2G6 Mach 4 (46.7k points)
Is there anything else I need to do, to join this project?
+12 votes
Finding connections to other limbs of the tree is my favorite aspect of WikiTree
by Victor Ranft G2G1 (1.6k points)
+12 votes
I'd like to help. This sounds like a great challenge. Looking forward to it!
by Cecily Hintzen G2G5 (5.8k points)
+12 votes
I would like to join the connectors project again.  I am not sure why I was removed but these things happen sometimes :)
by Living Botkin G2G6 Mach 4 (40.1k points)
+12 votes
I would like to do this . Sounds like fun.Please add me!
by Teresa Davis G2G6 Mach 6 (63.5k points)
+12 votes


I would love to support the Connectors Project. Much of my research currently focusses on connecting up large parts of the tree in Colonial New England, and also 19th century Ireland, as well as many notable historical figures from these regions and eras (e.g Sir William Ewart, 1st Baronet).

by P MaƂysz G2G3 (3.8k points)
+12 votes

I would love to help with the Connectors project...please sign me up laugh

by Ron Lamoreaux G2G6 Mach 2 (22.8k points)
+12 votes
I would love to join the connectors project as I love finding the missing pieces and connecting profiles to the global tree.
by Katrina Kiely G2G Crew (960 points)
+12 votes
I love this project! I'm passionate about connecting the global family tree! Please add me to the roster. :)
by Zachary Jon Smith G2G6 Mach 2 (25.2k points)

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