Shared Photo: Irving Fiske and Barbara Hall Fiske Calhoun

+11 votes

This is a picture of my father, Irving Fiske, and my mother Isabelle Daniel Hall Fiske Calhoun, also known as Barbara.One lady in each generation of my mother’s maternal family was named Isabelle or Isabella.

. I broke the chain and named my daughter Joya Allegra, but my brother named his daughter Eva Isabel. (She is on wiki tree as Eva Isabel Us.) I wanted to share this family photo of Irving Fiske with the community. Location: Rochester Vermont.. Date: .
Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (1297 x 1012).

WikiTree profile: Irving Fiske
in Photos by Isabella Fiske G2G6 Mach 1 (11.1k points)
edited by Isabella Fiske
They look so happy together.
They do, don’t they? Well, they were  extremely compatible intellectually,And they were married for 30 years, happily, until things broke down. So I am glad that they were able to become friends again in latter years! Thank you very much.
I think they are smiling for each other and not the camera, They look wonderful together. I am so glad that they became friends again in. Kind of brings a tear to my eye.
I am glad too. Thanks so much! My mother married again, to Donald Wallace Calhoun, Ph.D, a teacher in sociology at the University of MIami, in 1989.  After this, my mother and father and Don all became very good friends and would sit watching the young people go by in the summers at Quarry Hill, the place my parents created, in Vermont.
Joy and woe are woven fine/ a clothing for the Soul Divine./ Under every grief and pine/runs a Joy with silken twine. -- William Blake, my parents' favorite poet.

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
Isabella, I love this picture of your mother. I am so glad that you shared it with us. At last I see the artist and the author together. Your mother was beautiful when she was younger and she aged very gracefully.

You had remarkable, talented parents, and although you say that they were divorced at the time this picture was taken, it sure doesn't look like it.

They look like a couple very much in love, and the way your father is looking in your mother's direction, he seems to love her deeply.

If I remember correctly, your mother and father were going to be the parents of "a new race".

It certainly sounds like they were. You broke out of tradition and named your daughter Joya. So your parent's friend was correct.  You are a new race.

Congratulations, thanks for sharing this wonderful picture of your parents, and have a blessed evening.
by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
selected by Jerry Dolman
Thank you, my friend, for selecting my answer!

God BLess
Thanks so much! I appreciate it immensely. Isabella
It's lovely. Yes, I'm sure they stayed in a kind of love all their lives. Certainly an intellectual one, and my father often told the story of how Barbara was "more beautiful than any motion-picture actress in Hollywood," and they "saw the light of pure intelligence in one another's eyes... and they fell in love."  I am so glad you see it!

They did, in a sense, become the mother and father of a new race.  There were many young artists and others who came to Quarry Hill in the 1960s-1980s, and they built houses and had children. We had our own school which has been lauded in a Vermont history book as having been the model for other independent schools in Vermont.  Now these children are married and having children-- around 10 in the last 21/2 years... and they are all so beautiful and happy! To my great joy, my son, Andrew, and his wife, Alice, are having a baby girl in June. I can't wait!
+9 votes
What a gorgeous photo of your parents, thank You for sharing
by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
That’s extremely kind of you. I don’t know if it would be of interest to anyone who is not related but I thought it was a nice picture and decided to post it. Many many thanks
Hi Isabella we are many that love photos on wikitree very much I certainly do
Thank you very much, Susan. I probably will post more photos and I’m glad people enjoyed this one!
Looking forward to se more photo
Thank you. I should have a bunch of other family photos around it I’ll see what I can do. I appreciate the interest of anyone who would like to see them.
Me too!
+4 votes
Beautiful Souls .. Wonderful Treasure .. thank you Isabella Fiske for your share ..
by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Thanks Gerald! Very kind.

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