DNA Data Error 213

+2 votes

I looked through my suggested fixes and saw the Data Error 213 for the connections between me and this profile.  The matching person is not on wikitree, but their father is Crawford-15274.

Any suggestions on what else would be needed to appease the data-doctors?
WikiTree profile: Loren Crawford
in Genealogy Help by Eric McDaniel G2G6 Mach 4 (45.5k points)

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Hi Eric, 

That suggestion is based on the bots looking for 'paternal' and the confirmation statement. You have it really close! For each step of the way you put paternal or maternal match. On the MRCA you put paternal and maternal. Your statement should be: 

* Paternal relationship is confirmed by an AncestryDNA test match between [[[McDaniel-4979|Eric McDaniel]] and his third cousin, once removed, child of [[Crawford-15274|Loren Crawford]]. Their MRCAs are McDaniel's third great grandparents and the cousins second great grandparents, [[Nusbaum-192|Margaret Nusbaum]] and [[Roberts-27124|May Amos V Roberts]]. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd Cousins, based on sharing 48 centimorgans shared across 3 DNA segments; Confidence: Very High.

Then for Elaine - maternal relationship, for Mildred paternal relationship, for Emmer paternal and maternal. 

Congratulations on finding that dna match! Let me know if I can help further smiley

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Susan Laursen

Thanks for responding!

I went and tried to edit it thus far.  I added a bit using the profile's mother/father.. so would this work? Example for one of the connections-

Relationship is confirmed by an AncestryDNA test match between [[McDaniel-4979|Eric McDaniel]] and his third cousin, once removed, child of [[Crawford-15274|Loren Crawford]], through this profile's mother [[Nusbaum-192|Margaret Nusbaum]]. The tester's MRCA is, [[Nusbaum-192|Margaret Nusbaum]]. Results are based on sharing 48 centimorgans shared across 3 DNA segments; Confidence: Very High

I don't mind adding paternal/maternal in the front either.  I'll just add that as well.

I apologize Eric - I see that you both go back to a different husband of Margaret. So your statement would be correct except you need to put whether the relationship is paternal or maternal on each one. 

Paternal relationship is confirmed by an AncestryDNA test match between [[McDaniel-4979|Eric McDaniel]] and his third cousin, once removed, child of [[Crawford-15274|Loren Crawford]], through this profile's mother [[Nusbaum-192|Margaret Nusbaum]]. The tester's MRCA is, [[Nusbaum-192|Margaret Nusbaum]]. Results are based on sharing 48 centimorgans shared across 3 DNA segments; Confidence: Very High

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