How would I add a resource for New Netherland Settlers Decendants lookups?

+7 votes

I am looking and once you branch off into the descendants there is just the list of the profiles in this category - now I just went through a whole adventure trying to get one of my 4th great grandfathers honored for his service in the Revolutionary War, and thought I could help out others with the same task by providing a link to where they can find out about the Militia that existed in New Jersey

Official register of the officers and men of New Jersey in the revolutionary war

by New Jersey. Adjutant-General's Office; Stryker, William Scudder, 1838-1900

is the source and I just hope to make others paths easier in this way - can we start a list of resources for those in the descendant group?

WikiTree profile: Johannes Kortright
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Navarro Mariott G2G6 Pilot (170k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

3 Answers

+7 votes
Probably just posting it here is a big help.  You could also create a freespace for the source.  This is a link to one I did that you could use as a guide.

This is the category for more examples:
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
+6 votes
Although some descendants of New Netherland settlers were members of New Jersey militia during the Revolution, the topic of the New Jersey Militia in the Revolutionary War is not in the purview of the New Netherland Settlers project. The 1776 project would be the more logical place for this type of resource.

(For clarification, the New Netherland project covers descendants born as late as 1776 because the challenges with New Netherland names and name variants are still pervasive for people born well into the 18th century. The project's role for these people is related to sources, dealing with confusion and duplicates, and trying to reconcile names and family relationships. The New Netherland project does not claim expertise on topics like Revolutionary War participation, migration to Kentucky, or other aspects of these people's lives that aren't directly related to their families' origins in New Netherland.)

Regardless of which project is the best one to help maintain a resource list, the advice that Lucy gives regarding creation of a Source page for that book is good advice to follow.
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

Ellen is right a source page is great..   There is a separate page attached to the 1776 project for sources pertaining to the American Revolution..   Thus I posted the  Official register of the officers and men of New Jersey in the revolutionary war  Source on that page.  It is located here [ 1776 Resource Page]

Thank You Navarro.

If you browse around a little they tell you how the Militia was set up and it makes it more clear how it was kind of a rotating schedule - sort of a precursor to the Army reserve type thing - we think of the big moments in the revolution but there were more mundane day to day things in between those high points of course
+4 votes

Thank you for wanting to share a good source, Navarro.  I am continually updating Sources - New Jersey.  If you have sources specific to NJ genealogy, please leave me a comment on the page and I will be happy for the help.

You will see the last section links to Sources for New Jersey Residents in Military Conflicts.  

I need to contact the 1776 project and see how they are handling source pages, as I would like to work within their structure.  In the meantime, I have a temporary list of resources on the New Jersey, American Revolution category page.

by H Husted G2G6 Mach 8 (83.8k points)
If we all pass along these things to each other we can get this tree grown right it seems to me - happy to help Heather - will give you my best NJ stuff as I see it  - which I do a lot as that one branch were there quite early - so although I have never visited I feel it is part of my family soul - good luck with your categorization

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