How do I access Old Apostolic Church documents on familysearch?

+10 votes
When I see the depth of research going on around here,I feel totally out of my depth. That said,even the smallest contribution is still that,a contribution. I have been stuck on a particular point for a while now. I am looking for Old Apostolic Church records on familysearch. I do not know where to ask my question on their site,so I thought I'd come here. I see tjat some.members in South Africa have cited that church's records in here but I only seem to find our traditional sister churches' records. By that Iean Dutch reformed, Netherdutch reformed and Reformed church, and of course Methodist and so on. My mother in law's family mostly got married and baptised in the Old Apostolic Church. I cannot access.those records anywhere. Please help if anyone has any suggestions.
in Genealogy Help by Nadia Stols G2G3 (3.4k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer
To find records for a specific location on FamilySearch, hover the mouse over "Search" at the top of the page and then choose "Records" from the drop-down menu. This will bring up a new page that includes a world map on the right-hand side. On the map, click on the continent where you want to search and then choose the country from the drop-down menu that appears. This will take you to the available records for that country, Scroll down and expand and then you can choose the database that you want and search only within those records.

Hope that helps. :)
by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Living Guthrie
Thank you. ;)
You are very welcome. :)

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