Very difficult to read Swedish household record

+5 votes
For anyone with access to Arkiv Digital, here in the right hand column is a note about my ancestor Ryttaren Munkberg. I can hardly read any of it, but I'm not sure anyone can? Svalöv (M) AI:2 (1778-1796) Bild 310 (AID: v112264a.b310, NAD: SE/LLA/13381)
WikiTree profile: Gunnar Munkberg
in Genealogy Help by Maria Lundholm G2G6 Pilot (232k points)
Maria.  You might get a different view from SVAR.

Svalövs kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/LLA/13381/A I/2 (1778-1796), bildid: C0069360_00042
Yes, thanks, I have seen that too. The difficult part in this case is the handwriting style.

2 Answers

+2 votes

Tough one. I can make out an officerare here and a socknen there, but figuring out more will take more time than I have this morning.

And I suppose you have lost track of them after that? When they have done something bad it tends to get repeated in the next book...

by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (583k points)

Same words that I could see :D . There are a couple of more places with notes, but it's the same person writing, which doesn't help. This one might just be on how good he is at reading the bible or so.

Note in household record of 1780.

Maybe try transcription help at Anbytarforum läshjälp Svalöv

Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely try that.

Anbytarforum is normally fast I feel they have gathered all 50 people "working" in the same guild as Eva ;-)

My guild is

I haven't added anything to Anbytarforum since I added a question there in January, that has almost 100 views now but not a single answer...
Thanks for the useful links to my forum post, Magnus.


I have also created 

Always interesting to listen to Släktband on Swedish radio "Släktband om Okända mödrar och spår av barnmorskor"

The poem they read

För att jag inte var som andra, 
för att mitt hem inte var här, 
kunde jag i min kvällsbön klandra 
den gud som haver barnen kär.

Jag visste vad min man inte visste 
Jag visste förrän jag blev stor: 
att jag om pappas säd gått miste 
och mamma aldrig varit mor.

Någonting drog mig ut i kvällen, 
lust efter vad och flykt från vad? 
Hemlängtan till förbjudna ställen, 
De andras fönster i en stad.

I gatljus utan rullgardiner 
såg jag hur de förströdde sig 
och greps av hat mot det som skiner 
och hat mot dem som födde mig.

Jag smög mig upp i deras trappa 
ett barnporträtt av husets värd. 
Så rusade jag hem till pappa 
Men teg om blodets tiggarfärd.

Än skyr jag hos mig anletsdragen, 
för att jag inte deras fått 
som gav mig från den första dagen 
en kärlek som är utan mått.


+2 votes

Can you see where it says
varit en gång stängd ifrån den h:(eliga) nattv(ard)
starting on line three if Rytt is line one?

Seems he was called to appear here and he was admonished by his officers there - but what was it all about??

by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (583k points)

It may all be about his insufficient interest for the Bible and the Cathechesis.

Yes. Could it be like this after that:

Blef frikänd/stämd(?) till sockenstämman


Yes, I'd say: Blef Stämd till Sockne-stämman
less certain:
den hvår
and then
o hörsammade.

Man satte sig då före

But what is next?

Actually something seems to have happened, because in 1780-1781 the children of Gunnar and Bengta are not in the household book. Then there is an 8 year gap in the books. In 1789-1792 I can't find any of the family. But in 1793-1796 the children are back, but no trace of the parents. See son Åke:

There is something about
tills han parerade

which could be about appearing in court (or wherever he was called to appear)

Well, the parents may have died? Is the gap in the death book as well?
No, there's no gap in the death book, and I can't find any of the parents in there.
The lines before the long note about Ryttaren say something about him being now a soldier in Landscrona. The may have moved?

Sorry, wrote Carlscrona first, but it's Landscrona
Cool, I missed that. I will look a bit in Landskrona. Thanks for your effort Eva!

It's very frustrating - just a long story about him being called to appear before the authorities and nothing about why (at least nothing I can figure out. I'll let it rest for now.

Hans officerare
can't make sense of the next bit
men då de
förmärkte det det ej
lät sig göra
fick han befallning at
infinna sig vid

not sure about where
dit han
blef kallad d 9 juli (1)780
fick där mottaga
förmaning och undergick …

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