Do you know Nancy Lee (Hill) Cousins?

+22 votes

Hi WikiTreers,

One of our leading members is in the hospital in critical condition.

Many of you know her: Nancy Lee Cousins.

She's been a member for almost four years and has made innumerable contributions to our community.

Eowyn writes, "She's been a very delightful WikiTreer, super great as a Greeter and a Mentor and Volunteer Coordinator. Not too long ago she had a really bad stroke, from which she recovered, but it was rough."

During this time she wrote to Julie: "You know, Julie, I am an old woman and shortly after I retired, I had a massive stroke. That really put the old brakes on someone who was so active in everything. I had to give up all my projects that I had looked forward to working on in my 'twilight years.' Then came Wikitree and saved my life.  It really gives me a reason to get up in the morning ...  I feel as if I know each of you and love you as friends."

She was greeting new members just a few weeks ago.

Her husband informed us that 12 days ago she was rushed to the hospital and put in a medically-induced coma. They told him yesterday that she may not make it.

Here on G2G she once wrote: "nowhere in all my research on different sites have I ever found so much help offered and so many friendly people."

Nancy has been one of those friendly people. One of those people who make our community special.

Do you know her? Please post if you have any memories or get-well wishes to share.


WikiTree profile: Nancy Lee Cousins
in The Tree House by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Lee, hope you can hear your WikiTree friends as they are all there with you in spirit and thoughts. As a greeter, Lee followed my session and we always said something to each other, whether it was about the weather, my trips interstate, my soccer/football team, or Tasmanian devils. I knew something was wrong as Lee is always right on time. All my best wishes to Lee and her family in these difficult times.

Your friend Ludwig
I just heard from Lee's husband, Paul, this morning. I'm very sorry to report that they will be turning off Lee's ventilator in just a few minutes.

He wanted me to pass on the following:

"I cannot tell you how much she enjoyed working for WikiTrees as the days she wasn't doing something she called duvet days. You all made a significant difference to her life after her stroke, and for that I cannot thank your organisation enough."
She will be sorely missed. Our prayers are with the family.
I remember when she got that I LOVE WIKITREE t-shirt )-:  Prayers for you, dear Nancy, and her family.
This is just so sad. Lee has been such a positive light in the greeters group! It's a real testament to her level of determination that she kept participating for so long, and most of us were completely unaware there was even a problem.

Thank you so much to Paul for letting Julie know, and thank you to Julie and Chris for passing along the message.
My prayers for her family and of course all her friends on WikiTree at this time of loss.  I'm so glad WikiTree was here for her when she was no longer able to do her other projects.
Nancy is my 10th cousin via the Whites and the Croshaws, ancient planters of colonial Virginia.  We had exchanged a few messages about this common heritage a while back and I sincerely enjoyed her "joie de vivre" and great interest in knowing how "where we come from" helps us understand "where we are going".  I truly believe cousin Nancy is now embarking on a wonderful new journey and so I wish her Godspeed and fantastic new adventures.  My condolences to her loving family who were never far from her thoughts and always in her prayers.  Thanks, Nancy, for sharing a small-part of your time here with all of us in the extended WikiTree family!

My deepest sympathy and condolences for her family and all of you who miss a dear friend and fellow member .. Thank you Nancy for being you, such a wonderful person ...

It has been such a privilege and joy to work with Nancy in the greeter's group. She's been responsible and upbeat, patiently helping new members learn and grow in our WikiTree world. I'm so glad she found us at a time when she needed what we had to offer and in return, what a blessing she has been to us.

10 Answers

+17 votes
I have completely enjoyed working with Lee as a greeter.  She has always had a kind word when passing the baton to me for my greeting shift.  

Best wishes to you and your family Lee during this difficult time.  I hope to see you back on the greeter board so I can get to know you better.

My prayers are with you.
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+17 votes
Lee has always been super helpful and friendly and a huge asset to the Greeters team and Wikitree as a whole. I am praying for her recovery and sending lots of love and prayers to her and her family.
by Laura Harlow G2G6 Mach 1 (11.1k points)
+19 votes
I worked along with Nancy almost daily on the Greeter, Mentor and Volunteer Coordinator projects. She always came across as an encourager, motivator, and didn't hesitate to answer questions from our members. She jumped right in if there was a need for a fill-in greeter.  

Recently she had taken the role of a Volunteer Coordinator, sending out helpful messages,checking on those newly Pre-1700 qualified members ensuring they got connected with a project that they expressed interested in. Check your profiles, you might find her name on the message section!!!

Nancy is already missed and we are sadden by the news. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and the family.
by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
+15 votes
Lee has been and I hope will continue to be such a caring and encouraging person. Although we live in the same country, I have never met Lee in real life, but working with her on the greeter project is always a pleasure and I class her as my friend.

Lee, I am praying for you and your family and also the medical team that cares for you. I hope they will be granted the knowledge and expertise to help you in your hour of need.
by Wendy Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
+14 votes
I just can't believe it, still.  She's such a sweet lady and I'm so glad to have worked with her as a volunteer coordinator.
by Summer Orman G2G6 Mach 9 (96.0k points)
+11 votes
Courteous, kind and always helpful Lee, you are a wonderful Greeter. We have sometimes chatted briefly while changing Greeting Shifts.

My prayers and thoughts are constantly with you Lee and with your family also.
by Living Wood G2G6 Mach 2 (22.5k points)
Doesn't seem possible, does it, Gilly ?
Just seeing her name in the Schedule brings tears to my eyes.
Me too Gilly
+11 votes
So sad to hear Lee is not going to be coming back to us. She was a wonderful person and I very much enjoyed working with her as a Greeter. My condolences to her family. She is a sad loss to the WikiTree Community.
by Shirley Dalton G2G6 Pilot (537k points)
+10 votes
Nancy is one of those people you can count on to always be cheerful and upbeat. Even with the challenges life gave her, she didn't let them get her down. She is an inspiration to me and I will truly miss her.
by Alison Andrus G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
+10 votes
My condolences also to the GREETERS PROJECT who enjoyed Nancy so much on the greeters' feed.
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Nancy Lee will definitely be missed, so sad, so unexpected.
+6 votes
Best wishes to you, Nancy. You are in all our thoughts.
by Bob Keniston G2G6 Pilot (268k points)

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