Is there a way to add more than 3 tags to a free space page?

+13 votes
Hi folks,

I've just created a free space page and ideally would like to add 4 or 5 tag, but can only find space for 3.

I created the page as my partner travelled to Canada as a child an can remeber the ship being delayed becasue there was a sinking in the harbour. With the aid of the internet, I've found the boat that sank, the newpapers even refer to the ship my partner and his family were on.

4 people lost thier lives in the event and I would like to tag all 4 surnames (which i've done here)
in Policy and Style by Alison Wilkins G2G6 Mach 3 (32.3k points)
retagged by Alison Wilkins

Hello, Alison!

I had planned to ask that same question, but never got around to doing so.

I agree that we could use at least 5 tags for free-spaces.

Add tags for improvements, free-space_profiles, and tech to your question to get more attention from the programmers!!

Hi Lindy, thanks for the tip!
You didn't add the tech tag though you added the other two, but nearly four years on no answer is forthcoming,

I have the same problem.  Without a solution to this it looks like we need a work around,

What I thought would work is to make a free space page for each surname and link them all with an overall free space page describing the incident.  The summary page need have no surname tags, just links to the sub pages for each family.  The sub pages would have have the appropriate family tag link.  This solution is more work for us, uses more server space, but would get round the restriction.

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