Would you be willing to be listed as a WikiTreer with knowledge of a certain country?

+28 votes
I started making a list for my own reference of WikiTreers from various countries, so I'd know who to ask when I have questions while creating categories, etc. Then I started thinking that maybe this would be useful to the community at large.

So, would you be willing to be listed on a page that lists WikiTreers living in or otherwise very familiar with certain countries? The idea would be that people could go to you with general questions about that country, and doing genealogy in that country.

I think any country outside of the US and Canada would be worth listing, since there are so many of us that you can't help but find us, and we're well-represented amongst the staff and Supervisors.

Comment/answer here if you're interested, and then perhaps I'll get a page started! :)
in Policy and Style by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (457k points)
edited by Liander Lavoie

Great idea, Lianne! I love it.

We should be sure to keep this connected to what Paul Bech started at http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Language_Resources

brillient, the language resource is so good to have but knowledgeable people based on place and addition I would welcome - I always note other Euro and antipodeian  people, but it would be very useful to have people who had 'volunteered'.

Using myself as an example  = I know there are a number of Brits active on WT,  I am a native Brit and live in England - UK which I know reasonably well with particular emphasis on South West (Dorset), South Midlands (Cotswolds) and East Midlands (Derbyshire). Whilst I cannot promise to answer any equiries rapidly, I do offer to help where I can. On a more esoteric level I have some knowledge (but not language) of Solomon Islands and West & Mid - Nigeria and the Livingstone area of Zambia.

Is that the sort of thing that might be useful? Or would being more specific knowledge be better?

That's exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for. Particularly your knowledge of England, since you live there.

My original thought was people who live in or have lived in each country. But then people started volunteering, and they're all people not from those countries, but with experience researching there. So now I'm wondering if there should be two lists. Because experience working with a country's records is definitely useful, but at the same time I still think there's something about actually living in the country that deserves its own list.

You can ad me to your list for The Netherlands(if you haven't allready done so smiley)
I'm also willng to be listed in any "official" list.

You could add me to the list for the Czech Republic. I have experience with researching the records on actipublica.eu
I totally would like to help and can tentatively throw my hat in for the Czech Republic suggest that Michelle Hartley ^ be more of a go to for it since I am not fluent in any of the languages of actapublica records but can still help find basic info. Also, I am beginning to understand the geographics of Bohemia.
Im not fluent but I have learned enough to read the records and can navigate actipublica pretty well. If I get really stuck on an image my cousins in PRague help out.
Great Idea!

I wouldn't exclude Canada and the US though but for each of them maybe list by province, territory or state?
I'm not at all opposed to such a listing; I just want to make sure that it doesn't overwhelm the rest of the list with its length.

I still haven't actually created a page for this list. I'll get started on that, and see how I can organise it to fit everyone in.
You can add me for Scotland and the UK
I'm happy to volunteer for Wales, UK.
I lived there from birth until March this year.

Thanks for volunteering! I've started moving this from the page I'd started for this purpose to the regional categories themselves. So, Lucy, you're now listed on Category:Wales, and Billy, you're on Category:Scotland. Right now it just says that you're from there; feel free to add more information about your expertise, or lookups you can do, or whatever.

Put me on the list with knowledge of the following provinces in Sweden; Halland,  Västergötland,  Östergötland,  Södermanland, and Gotland.
I agree with Eugene, I live in Texas and have been doing research within the state for a number of years. I could help here. I could help some outside of the state, but wouldn't be as effective.

13 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
OK, I finally actually created this page! It's here: http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/WikiTreers_with_regional_knowledge

I only added people who volunteered here, so far. I'm going to ask the rest of the people on my private list if they're ok with being listed there. Feel free to add yourself to the list, or edit what I've already written about you, which I based on what people said when they volunteered.

I took Eugene's advice and added Canada and the United States, which will be split up by province/state. So feel free to add a subsection for your province or state of expertise and add yourself there as well!
by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (457k points)
selected by Keith Baker
I would love to be added to this page as  New Zealand helper. I can help find birth, death , marriage records, and would love to help people out with their research :)
Fantastic resource!  You can add me for New South Wales and Queensland, Australia
+11 votes

You can list me as having experience with research in Hungary & Slovakia, Lianne. Also years of experience with Catholic records in the Territory of Belfort in France (~Histoire et Généalogie du Territoire de Belfort ,France).

by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+6 votes
Hey!  This is a great idea.  I know in my case that I could help people search the Croatian Catholic Church records that are available on Familysearch.  I'm not fluent in Croatian, but I do know the structure of the various records.
by Ray Jones G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
+6 votes
Great idea! You're more than welcome to list me for Germany, Prussia and Norway.
by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
+7 votes
Hi great idea, U can list me for Denmark, Slesvig/Holstein Germany
by Lars Vad G2G Crew (440 points)
+6 votes

I have been a Wikitree user since inception and an American. I have researched my genealogy in Poland through a firm found at http://www.discovering-roots.pl/. Kasia Gyrcza was both friendly, knowledgeable, and multi-lingual. Speaking English she was the most personable and dedicated person I have ever met, leaving no lead unfollowed. As you can tell I highly recommend Ms. Grycza for all your Polish Genealogy needs.

by John Rudiak G2G Crew (730 points)
+7 votes
Please add me for Scotland.  I've lived there, know the lanquage (brogue) and attended school there.
by Living Hammond G2G6 Mach 8 (86.5k points)
+7 votes
I would be all for it... I've spent ten years researching stuff in germany (Not Physically) but their processes for acessing records is draining and for someone starting out I can understand fustrations but with my knowledge of the process I think it would help ease the headache. :) So you I think its a great Idea, cause then I can scope around looking for someone who deals with poland lol
by Marianna Campbell G2G3 (3.5k points)
+8 votes
I am born and raised in Scotland and have a fairly decent knowledge of Scotland's history, if you want to add me. Any enquiries are welcome.
by Billy Wallace G2G6 Pilot (234k points)
+6 votes
Hello Liane , you can add me for Australia. I currently live in NSW but have also lived in SA and the NT. Most of my Australian research has been focussed on NSW and SA but I do have a good geographical knowledge of Australia and a reasonable working knowledge of records across the country.
by Veronica Williams G2G6 Pilot (217k points)
I put myself down for Vic, WA and Tas Veronica. I'm really pleased you have SA and NT; I'm not familiar with either. Also England in general with emphasis on Norfolk.
+4 votes
You can add me for Australia, mostly Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania. I livein the US now but all my family is still back in Oz.

Also add me for England generally with familiarity in Norfolk and parts of London, Yorkshire West Riding ...
by Rosemary Jones G2G6 Pilot (265k points)
+4 votes
You may add me for South Africa.... Irene de Villiers.

I lived there from 1948 to 1969, and 1984 to 1998, and my own genealogy research is there,as my family goes back to early settlers there, esp 1820 settlers and descendants.  I know the geography well,and have a book written by my great great grandfather on how things were, there, in the 19th century. (I also speak Afrikaans,though it is getting rusty as I am currently living in USA.)
by I D G2G2 (2.5k points)

Thanks Irene! Since this discussion thread started, we've switched from listing people on a page, to having people listed right on the regional category pages. So could you list yourself under Helpful WikiTreers on Category:South Africa? To see an example of what that looks like, take a look at Category:Winnipeg, Manitoba, where I'm listed as a helpful WikiTreer.

Thanks I added myself at the link you provided.

But I have no clue how to get there without a link, so how would a new wiki person ever find a category like that?

add the category to your profile page and follow the link.  Your name should be on the list.
Thanks Mary. Seems I do not know how to do many things here yet.

How do I add a category to my profile please, and what link do I follow?


once that is done...

does a new Wiki  member have to know I exist and find my profile and follow some link from there   to get to the South Africa helpers list?

Am I missing something?


I left a comment on your profile page, Irene.
+4 votes

I am available for North America and all the states exclusing Alaska and Hawaii.  If members request research in these states not locally (as in where I am living), I would have to charge regular rates as in mileage and time for doing research.


by Living Hammond G2G6 Mach 8 (84.9k points)

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