Meet our Members: Kaitlyn Emmett

+28 votes

Hi everyone!

Meet_our_Members_Photos-182.jpgIt's time to get to know another one of our wonderful WikiTreers. This week's member is Kaitlyn Emmett.

Kaitlyn became a Wiki Genealogist in July 2018. She is one of our generous Adoption Angels and is also active in our England and Australia projects.

When did you get interested in family history?

I was very lucky to have several distant cousins on a couple of different sides of the family who had written family history books, and done research they’d shared with the wider family. When I was nine I went on a road trip with my mum and grandma to the launch of one of these books and got to visit my great-great-grandparent’s property. It started an obsession with genealogy that’s still going strong today! My mum is very interested in history as well, and we would go through the old family photos together. I had a good foundation here, and it got me excited and curious to set off on my own research on all the other parts of the family. When I was about 12 my Dad bought me a genealogy desktop software program and I was all set.

What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?

I love anything related to history, I’m writing a novel, I do a lot of sewing, and needlework, and I love cooking. There are never enough hours in the day to fit in all the hobbies and interests!

What is your genealogical research focus?

When I started researching, I predominantly focused on direct ancestors and extended cousins. A few years ago I got DNA tested and discovered a real love for genetic genealogy. That’s become a much stronger focus over the years. I’ve also developed an interest in extended family networks, and I find WikiTree great for that sort of research, as well as researching families completely unconnected to my own.

Are you interested in certain surnames or locations?

My family background is English, Scottish and Irish, with almost all my ancestors arriving in Australia prior to 1860. I’m very interested in colonial Australia – New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania mostly. Back in England – between my family and my husband’s family we have ancestors from almost every English county, so it’s a very wide geographical spread for research purposes. I have a special interest in Gloucestershire and Dorset though.

As far as surnames go: Emmett (Thorpe, Surrey), Babington (Lincolnshire and Australia), Henman (Lidlington, Bedfordshire), Anderson (Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire) and Tompson (colonial New South Wales), Pollard and Paine (Dorset), Hart and Luton (Gloucestershire)

Do you have a favorite ancestor?

My favourite ancestor is my third grandfather Richard Henry Esmond. When I first started researching he was simply a name with no origin. He turned out to have an unusual and fascinating backstory. He was the son of a British army corporal and at a young age was apprenticed through the Royal Military Asylum apprenticeship program to Rev. Dr. George Robert Gleig, military chaplain and author. Through Gleig’s recommendation he got a job as a clerk at the post office, but stole mail, and was convicted. Since it was the end of the convict transportation era, he did not come to Australia as a convict, but was rather pardoned and exiled to the colonies. He settled in Victoria, had a large family, and died relatively young. One daughter was given Gleig as a middle name, which was the key evidence to link all the parts of his life together. On his second marriage certificate he gives false names for his parents, and claims his father was a clergyman. I often wonder what stories he told his family in Australia about his life in England, I assume like many convicts would have there was a level of self- fashioning going on here.

(interview continues in comments)

WikiTree profile: Kaitlyn Emmett
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)

What is your toughest brick wall currently?

My longest running, and toughest brick wall is my fourth great grandfather, Daniel Emmett. Daniel appears in Thorpe Surrey, c. 1806 where he enters what is almost certainly a common law marriage with a lady who already has two illegitimate sons. They have a large family, separate some time before the 1841 census, and then Daniel dies in 1849 after being kicked in the head by a horse. Because he did not survive until 1851 he did not have to give his place of birth to the census taker. He remains an enigma almost two decades after I confidently thought how hard can it be to track down a man with such a distinct name. The Emmett families geographically near Surrey have no Daniel, whilst Emmett families from Hampshire, Devon and Yorkshire all have Daniel as a family name. DNA hasn’t provided a break through here either.

How long have you been on WikiTree?

I signed up for WikiTree in 2018, but didn’t get properly involved for a few years. At first I was sporadically entering profiles with little to nothing in the way of sourcing. In 2020 I was encouraged to join the England Project and undertake their orphan trail, which was a wonderful apprenticeship in the ins and outs of WikiTree. I completed the orphan trail, and the Profile Improvement Project, and found myself hooked.

What do you spend the most time doing on WikiTree?

I do a bit of everything! I like how there are a variety of activities to do on WikiTree which all help the health of the overall tree. I love adding profiles, and connecting, and work a lot on transferring my research over and building out connections. I set myself a personal challenge of building my CC7 to 10,000 which I achieved a few months back. I also do a lot of work building out and adding to existing profiles. I’ve been quite involved in challenges – both the monthly challenges with the England Project, and was involved in a few of the WikiTree Challenge Weeks last year. I also love the thon weekends. 

Which projects are you most involved in?

I’m predominantly involved with the England Project, and work mostly with the Gloucestershire and Dorset teams.

I am also involved with the Australia Project, as well as the Adoption Angels.

What inspires you to contribute so much of yourself to WikiTree's mission?

I contribute a lot mostly because it’s fun! It’s also a great way to build out profiles for ancestors using source material and written biography. I often share WikiTree profiles with my mum and other relatives to showcase my research and make it easily accessible and understandable. I’m slowly building out fully fleshed out profiles for all direct ancestors back to my sixth great grandparents, and hope that can be a legacy that future generations can refer to.

What is your favourite feature or function on WikiTree?

I love the connection finder. It’s always fun seeing what paths connect various profiles, and very satisfying seeing connection work I’ve done reflected in the connection paths.

Do you have a story about how someone was helped through your participation on WikiTree?

Through my work with the Adoption Angels I’ve been able to assist some WikiTree members with their DNA results, which has been really personally satisfying.

Do you have a story about how you were helped through the work of others on WikiTree?

I have had a number of cousins make contact with me due to my WikiTree profiles. One time I received a collection of family photos from a distant relative who was downsizing, and I was able to collaborate with another WikiTree member on researching Richard Henry Esmond.

Do you have any tips for someone who wants to get more involved in our community?

Jump in, get involved in a project. Work out sourcing early on. WikiTree is quite different from other genealogy platforms, and has a steep learning curve, but it’s a very rewarding genealogical experience.

Well done Kaitlyn.  Its good to have you in the England Project.

6 Answers

+14 votes

Congratulations Kaitlyn on being Member of the Week and thank you Eowyn for her interview!smiley

by Gary Nevius G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Thanks Gary!
+13 votes

Kaitlyn Emmett !!! Super WikiTreer !! C'est Bon Magnifique ! 

10,150 Connections ! I'm hoping for a "cousin!" 

by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Thanks Stanley!
+14 votes

Congratulations on Member of the Week! 

I can't imagine how satisfying it is to be able to help others via Adoption Angels.

What kind of novel are you working on? Yes, I'm curious.surprise

Indeed, thank you Eowyn for the wonderful interview!heart

by J Head G2G6 Mach 2 (23.9k points)
Thanks Jenn! I'm writing historical fiction - a family saga set in sixteenth century England

Ohhh I'm excited!!

Please let all of us know when it's published and hits the shelves!! yes

+13 votes

Congrats on your Member of the Week nomination! I was interested to read of your ancestry and your original interest into Wikitree! Thank you for your work with Australian profiles (I have come across quite a couple in quite a short time smiley).

by Anonymous Wimble G2G6 Mach 3 (30.2k points)
Thank you!
+9 votes
Congratulations. nice to hear your back story
by Patrick Holland G2G6 Mach 6 (60.7k points)
Thanks Patrick!
+7 votes
What an interesting interview to read, Kaitlyn! I believe that you were so fortunate as a child to have a mother who triggered your interest in genealogy. It was like pulling hen's teeth to get anything about ancestors from my mother and my father's were protestants so that with the Catholic-Protestant bigotry of the times I met few of my close paternal relatives. I have been making up for that in the past twenty years. Sadly many are, of course, deceased. Like you, I have a great grandfather who spun tall stories about his origins in Macclesfield, England. Thanks!
by Clare Pierson G2G6 Mach 2 (26.1k points)
Thanks Clare! Isn't it always fascinating finding out the reality behind the stories?!
It is indeed! My mother did not think so, though!

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